chapter 2: begin

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"Pardon me can I help you?"
Taehyung turned back to see who the other was,and he froze immediately.he didn't know if he was hypnotised by the paints why he couldn't get his eyes off of this man.this handsome young man,with his unique features. Taehyung lost control and started to observe this scenery,very careful from the shapes of his hair,to his unreadable eyes down to his shoes.everything about this unknown man was beyond ethereal. Taehyung hoped,he was one of the employees here so if he could get the job he could spend some time with this god like human being.

"Sir do you need something,do you have a problem?"The man said and Taehyung realised he was staring at him for a really long time.

"Oh...I....I...I want to see the owner,please" Taehyung didn't know why he was stuttering like a two years old child.

"The owner is me" The man said.

Taehyung froze for the second time in a short while.this young man was owner of such a shop in this young age, maybe he was the painter too.
"You are the painter of all these?" Taehyung asked curiously with a bit excitement.

"Yes I am the painter too" The man answered a bit bored.

Taehyung was beyond happy,if he could get the job not only he will work for a talented painter,he will work in the same place with this handsome man.
he got a deep breath,he didn't want to stutter again.

"I'm for assistance declaration "he was mad and embarrassed because of his stuttering.

He saw the man's expression changed, maybe lit up a bit.
"Follow me " was the only thing man said and walked toward a hidden part of "The Truth Untold " somewhere behind the wall. Taehyung was hesitating to follow him or not but at the end he gathered he's courage and followed the man.
This hidden place was an had a huge library and in front of that a work desk with two chairs in front of that.and a sofa in another side of the the corner there was some canvas,paints and a small table full of colours.
the man signed him to sit.he sat on one of those chairs and the man sat behind the desk.

"I'm Kim I told you I'm the owner and painter of this shop,my brother used to help me but he got a job after graduating so now he is busy to help alone here,there's not so much to do,you've to host every customer and be available whenever I need you,in the other times you're free...uh...but the way what is Your name?"

"I'm... I'm Kim Taehyung" Taehyung cursed himself for stuttering again and again.

"So Taehyung.give me some information " Seokjin said.

" I'm 22 and studying art"

"I see.give me your class schedule and I'll arrange the time,by the way we're open at weekends it okay for you?will it be hard in your final or midterm exams?"

"No sir,its okay for me. I accepted?" Taehyung asked so innocently that made Seokjin smile lightly.

"Yes you're.actually this desk was for my brother so you can put your things can start your job from tomorrow "

Taehyung was shocked a little because it's strange to be accepted to work somewhere this much faster and easily,but he was too happy to care about it.

"Thank you sir" Taehyung answered with his deepest signature boxy smile.
He was so happy that finally after all those hesitations and stutterings he got the job.
After a while talking about Taehyung's schedule,they arranged everything and it was time to go. Taehyung bowed and stepped out of "The Truth Untold " with an euphoric joy.
Outside in front of "The Truth Untold" he took a deep breath again,but this time it was a breath of relief.
He walked toward his apartment with deep thoughts.he was sure lots of things will change after this.maybe there will be so much pressure for handling his collage and his job.but he didn't care.
He only cared about the fact that he will enter "The Truth Untold " everyday. He will observe all those paints again and again until late someone buys it.even he will observe new paints that Seokjin will paint.he will be able to see and even talk to that handsome boss.
With all these thoughts,he was excited to begin his job.excited to begin a new chapter in his life.

Hello lovely readers, I just published the second chapter.
I'll be updating every Tuesday since now 😉😉

Thanks you for sparing your time for this ff 💜💜💜
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