chapter 19 : I love you

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They were sitting in the car when snow started. They were calm. Taehyung was enjoying . He was relaxing. He was warm. Seokjin was holding his hand. Fingers intertwined. Sometimes caressing, sometimes squeezing. Sometimes when Taehyung could find courage he would do the same. Then older would turn his stare and dart him a shining smile before turning back to road.

"Hyung.... what sunflower means?" Taehyung asked when they stopped for the red light.

"Yah... I told you it's your assignment" Seokjin answered playfully. He pulled Taehyung's hand closer to his face before planting a light kiss on it. Taehyung never felt this much love going through his veins. Every heartbeat calling Seokjin's name. Taehyung was craving for more. He had to control himself to stay sane next to Seokjin. Now he was more certain. He couldn't live without presence of the older. His voice, his touches, his behaviour, all was addicting for Taehyung. Car stopped, they were in front of Taehyung's apartment. Still Taehyung didn't want to leave. Seokjin placed his hand back of Taehyung's seat.

"Did you enjoyed tonight?" Seokjin asked softly.

"Yes... yes hyung. I enjoyed so much. I learned lots of things and saw lots of professional paints beside yours " Taehyung said excitedly. Seokjin smiled at him which made Taehyung's heart flutter. Seokjin, over his hand from Taehyung's seat to Taehyung's cheek. Caressed it softly. He was looking deep into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung got shy.  It was like Seokjin could see his unspoken thoughts, secrets. Seokjin leaned closer and closer. Taehyung was frozen. Their nose were touching slightly. Taehyung never been this close to anyone in his life.

"I enjoy every second I have with you" Seokjin whispered before placing his lips softly on Taehyung's. Taehyung never thought this could happen never in thousand years. Seokjin was untouchable in his mind. He was priceless. Now he was melting under this fire on his lips. He was feeling like an ice-cream under a summer sun. Like a chocolate on heat. He put one of his hands on Seokjin's wide shoulder. The other hand placed on Seokjin's forearm.  These actions gave Seokjin courage. He pulled Taehyung closer by his waist. He started to move his lips on Taehyung's passionately and slow. Taehyung responded every move on his lips with pleasure. Taehyung was feeling an overwhelming joy, a sweet healing in his soul. Their lips were dancing in a lovely rhythm. Their body in sync. Both eyes closed. Taehyung was afraid if he opened his eyes he would wake up from dream. They kissed each other so long, Taehyung was becoming out of breath still he didn't want to stop the magical kiss they were sharing. Seokjin sensed it. He parted their lips. Connected their foreheads. Still eyes closed. Both lips swollen and red. Taehyung's lower lip was trembling slightly. The rush of joy was so much for his body, for his heart. Both breathed deeply. Panting a bit. Taehyung couldn't tolerate anymore. He wanted to scream what he was feeling even if he was shy. Even if he was afraid of consequences.

"I love you"

"I love you"

They both flinched. Parted each other fastly. Attached their backs to car door. Both surprised. Both emotional. Both happy. How in a million years you would confess the three lovely words at the same time, so telepathically. When they consumed what just happened they both let out a joyous laugh. It was best night ever for Taehyung. Seokjin pulled Taehyung closer when he got his senses back. He kissed Taehyung's the tip of Taehyung's nose, exactly on his mole.

" I love you so much Taehyungie.... so so much" Seokjin said. Darted Taehyung his deepest, shiniest smile which Taehyung Haseley never seen. Seokjin's cheek was pinky red, his ears were redder. Taehyung never saw more amazing scenery than this.

"I love you too Seokjinnie hyung" Taehyung whispered while leaning into Seokjin's touch on his cheek.his eyes were closed when Seokjin captured his lips once again. Moving his lips a bit rougher. Taehyung welcomed the kiss wholeheartedly. They parted breathless, Taehyung wanted more. He could sense Seokjin's rising desire too.

"I think you must go before I lose myself " Seokjin whispered desperately. Taehyung nodded. One part of him wanted to stay and let go. One parted of him knows it's too early to make things intense. He opened the door after kissing Seokjin's cheek. He was about to get off.

"Taehyungie" Seokjin called his name. Taehyung turned back to Seokjin  only to be kissed by plump lips.

" You forgot your sunflower " Seokjin said when they parted. Taehyung held the flower and thanked Seokjin shyly.

"Call me when you get home safely, okay hyungie?" Taehyung said before closing the car door. He rushed to his apartment and unlocked the door. Turned back to Seokjin and waved at him before entering the building. He ran to his door with joy. He entered home revealing all of his feelings with a loud scream. He knew he was being weird still he couldn't help. He never thought his feelings were reciprocated. He never thought they would kiss. He never thought the  the older would confess. He turned his back to door only to see two scared, flushed, half naked boys.

"What the hell Tae!!!!" Jimin whined.

"We.... we.... we kissed" Taehyung let out shyly. Still hard to consume what just happened.  The two were surprised. Eyes wide open, mouth on an 'O' shape. They responded with a louder scream than Taehyung's. They surrounded Taehyung asking every detail of the night. Taehyung told them every single bit. He wasn't still over of what just happened, they were cheering when Taehyung phone rang. Taehyung smiled when he saw its Seokjin. He went to his room to answer.

"Hyungie..." Taehyung answered with a shy, stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Um... I'm home Tae"

"I'm glad you reached safely"

"There's is a problem in my heart Taehyungah"

"What?????" Taehyung yelled worriedly. What that meant? Did he had an illness? Taehyung got pale and chewed his lips.

"Everytime I talk with you it beats crazily " Seokjin chuckled.  Taehyung breathed out of relief.

"Hyung I panicked " Taehyung whined.

"Sorry, love. I just love you so so much" Seokjin whispered. Taehyung was smiling against phone. " it feels really good to express feelings loudly. I feel more relieved tonight " Seokjin continued.

"I love you too. You can't even imagine how much"  Taehyung whispered  shakily after few seconds. Still overwhelmed by tonight's sweetness. There was a huge silence.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, rest well" Seokjin whispered after some time.

"I'll Lloyd come soon... goodnight hyungie"

Taehyung stared at his phone happily.  So so happily. He put his hand on his left chest just on his heart. His heart was on fire. It was pounding fastly. He went out to see the two cuddling.

"Come TaeTae, we want to talk to you" Jimin stated nervously. He sat on the couch as well as the two.

"We took a week off hyung" Jungkook said.

"Why?" Taehyung asked confused not aware of the reason behind.

"We will head to Busan. I'm visiting my parents and Jungkook is visiting his old nanny" Jimin said.

" Oh I hope you'll enjoy it guys. Both worked hard for a while you need a rest " Taehyung answered and hugged both. They talked for a while until all were feeling sleepy.  Taehyung was worried a bit he has never been alone in home. He was with his  grandmother all the time until collage and after that he was with Jimin always. They never did an unexpected visit for their families. So it never happened before. He was about to lay on his bed. He saw the sunflower. The older said it was his assignment. He had to find the meaning it holds. It was easiest assignment of the world. He just searched the Google.

"Sunflowers follow the lights of the sun. It is said that they represent warmth, adoration and dedicated love"

Taehyung smiled widely. Seokjin knew what he meant for Seokjin and he planed tonight.

So here comes new chapter... it's finally their confession and kissing. I hope you liked and enjoyed the chapter.
Tell me your thoughts... about this chapter. They finally opened up and now officially together even if they didn't settled things. Why Jimin and Jungkook are  going to Busan so suddenly? Tell me how is couple taejin in this ff?

Share your thoughts and opinions, which are always welcomed.
Luv you all💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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