chapter 4: Hoseok

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Taehyung opened his eyes with smile.  It was a while now he was working in "The Truth Untold ". Since his first day, he sleeps with smile and wake up with smile. Smiling was something he was doing alot these days. Sure "The Truth Untold "gives him good vibes. Everything was in order,he enjoyed every seconds of his days. He attended to his classes. Went to "The Truth Untold " . Talked with customers and visitors about paint and art, maybe sell some of those fascinating paints. Make tea and here comes his favorite part of day : watching Seokjin while he is  painting. They close the shop, Taehyung would spend his night with his two beloved friends. His life was ordinary. But he loved this ordinary, casual life.
Actually in his view not everything was ordinary. His heartbeat wasn't normal. He still didn't know why that calm heart would beat fast and hard whenever his surreal boss looks at him with those Galaxy like eyes. The only thing he know was, he wasn't nervous or embarrassed around his oldest hyung. His heartbeat was fast and hard, still it was calming and exciting.
Today he had three classes to attend. But when he checked his phone in the morning he got notification that his last class was cancelled. He felt excited. He could go earlier to the shop, and he could spend more time with Seokjin.  He took a quick shower. Got dressed and greeted a lazy Jimin curling on the couch. Jimin and Jungkook had practice all last night in the dance academy they attend. So now he was all tire and sore to even move a bit. Taehyung got some toast and Nutella with two cup of tea, it was all he could do for breakfast.  They ate on the couch together. Jimin went back to sleep on the couch, cancelled his classes. When Taehyung left to his classes .
Soon his classes were finished. On his way to "The Truth Untold " he bought some apple pies ,he knew the older would like and enjoy it. He reached the shop. Opened the door. Heard a ringing sound above his head and a classic music playing in the background. What caught Taehyung's attention was an extra voice.
Voice of two man laughing hard. Taehyung was shocked. It was new for him. He had got used to that ringing sound and classical music,  not for his hyung's and a stranger's   laughter. Specially that stranger calling his hyung with a firm tone.
Not that he thought his hyung with that handsome face and manly features was single. He didn't know why his heart was hurting like this.
He went toward office only to see the stranger lying on the couch and his hyung tickling him. Taehyung felt really bothered of this scene. He reminded himself this stranger could be his hyung's brother or friend . still seeing someone this close to Seokjin when he was only his assistant made him sad. He felt so sad, in the time he was working here he barely saw the older smile truly now he was laughing like there's no tomorrow.
He wished he was in the stranger's place. He wished he could have this cute moment with his perfect hyung. He loved Seokjin's laughter, that windshield laugh was so cute that could make others laugh. It was so adorable in Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung was happy to see his professionally serious boss laughing this hard but sad for not being the reason of it.

"Oh... Taehyung you came early today" Seokjin said with red cheeks by laughing so much.

"Uh... may class was cancelled.... am I disturbing you two?" Taehyung said while looking at Seokjin and the attractive man behind.

"No... no. I'm Hoseok.  Seokjin's friend" The man named Hoseok said.

"Actually one of my best friends " Seokjin said with smile while putting his hand on Hoseok's shoulder. Taehyung followed the painter's hand instinctly.

"I'm Taehyung , nice to meet you.... I bought some apple pies. I'll go and make tea " Taehyung said feeling awkward.

"You'll better go back to your painting Jin hyung. I'll help this new friend of mine" Hoseok said with a shining smile before going to kitchen with Taehyung.

"Jin hyung is single" Hoseok said with a teasing smile after a while of silence.

"Uh...." Taehyung was embarrassed.  His actions were too obvious.

"It's okay. I met him in high school. Those times he was extremely popular and I'm hundred percent sure, ninety nine percent of school had crush on him" Hoseok laughed for his last sentence which made Taehyung laugh too.

"But I don't have crush on..." Taehyung was about to complete when Hoseok interrupted.

"Keep it for yourself. I'm not close enough to know your feelings. Besides time shows everything " Hoseok said with a kind smile. While ruffling Taehyung's hair. Taehyung loved Hoseok's understanding.

"It's been a while I'm working here and I never met you before " Taehyung said after  while.

"I have a dance academy and I have really busy schedule to visit here. Today was my lucky day. My student were tired from yesterday's practice so they cancelled their class"

Taehyung remembered Jimin and smiled. They talked a bit and even exchanged numbers while waiting for tea to get ready. They got along well in the short time.
When the tea got ready. They took tea cups and apple pies to office. The three enjoyed their time together.  They talked about almost every subject. Soon some customers came. Hoseok helped Taehyung while Seokjin was painting in the office.
Soon the day ended. Day went so fast with a funny person like Hoseok's companion. Taehyung had so much fun that day. He was glad he found a new friend. A mutual friend with his boss. Hoseok was a ball of energy for "The Truth Untold " . Hoseok almost made his hyung cry by laughter. It was a different day for Taehyung beside he laughed alot, he learnt some new information about his sculpture like boss.
Now, thanks to Hoseok he knew that his boss was funny. He is very good in making his  friends laugh. Seokjin was popular and outgoing and very social during high school. According to Hoseok, he changed since the first year of collage. He became calm. He wasn't comfortable to socialise. Still he was the same cute caring hyung for his friends. He doesn't have any connection with his parents since his first year.  He had a small circle of friends. But for the ones he had, he was too selfless and kind. Hoseok was enough talkative to give all these information in one day while waiting for water to boil.
Taehyung was curious about Seokjin.  He could sense that something nhad happened to him. He wanted to know the reason behind his change. Behind his mysterious personality. Behind his calmness.
Taehyung was so happy he made a friend who knew Seokjin for so long. He could learn more about the painter. He wished he could befriend with all people around his boss.
Hoseok was an understanding and funny friend. Taehyung always loved making new friends but he was too shy to make a move.
Jimin and Jungkook were his only friends he had in his entire life. Taehyung met them in the first day of university. The three had lacking skill in making friends, so they got stuck together and became each other's best friends.
So, when he got a new friend beside the two he was so happy. Sure Hoseok will make his life more happier combined with loud laughter.

So yeah!... a double update to introduce our lovely sunshine to a jealous Taehyung.

Let me know your thoughts?!😁

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