chapter 9: face yourself

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"You can deny that you don't like Jin hyung, your eyes are screaming you are in love with him"

This sentence was flying in Taehyung's mind for a while. He was thinking hard only to get a conclusion. He only felt love once. Toward his grandmother. Not that he never had a relationship. He had some relationships before in high school. But being in a relationship is very very different than falling in love. So, he never felt a romance love. Never ever. He always wanted to fall in love. Then, start a relationship with love, bond and fondness. After Namjoon whispering that small yet strong statement. Taehyung was dazed off. He was very confused. He didn't know how it really feels to be in love. He thought about all those love stories he had read or about all those romantic movies he had watched. In the end of all of his thoughts he ended up dreaming about one particular person.
The painter was nice, handsome, caring and very adorable. He had a personality which would make everyone to fall in love with him. But for Taehyung, he didn't know the feeling he has toward the older is pure admire or a love. Taehyung liked the older so much, but was it love?
Taehyung couldn't deny how much he he enjoyed every second they were together. The older's smile, windshield laugh, crinkles in his eyes while laughing, the way he talks toward Taehyung, and his touch. He loved so much when Seokjin touched him, even a small skinship was enough to make Taehyung warm and loved.
Now, Taehyung was messed up. His eyes were red by  sleepless night spending to figure out his heart. He was tired, exhausted and very very confused. He didn't know the burning sensation in his body was love or not. It was indeed really messed up. He had some classes today. He knew he won't be listening to teacher, besides he wasn't in a mood of going to collage. He for the first time in his lifetime skipped his classes. He got ready and left home, he wanted to have some fresh air. He thought maybe a wind would refresh his brain. He walked in streets without any destination.  So nonsensely.  Not caring about the cold weather making his bones freeze as hell. Not caring about destination at all. He was going  where his thoughts were taking him. Not caring about being wet either. He walked around the city with his full brain. His brain was full of an attractive man, wide shoulders, plush lips, with a bright smile. Taehyung woke up from his thoughts, when he saw a particular sign. "The Truth Untold ".  Seriously his legs took him to this mysterious shop with more mysterious owner. An owner which had put him in this mess. He wasn't in the mood to work. He didn't know enter or pass the shop. He just did it without thinking, his heart was leading. He opened the door. When the warm weather hit him, he recognised he was freezing. He saw Seokjin. Seokjin was surprised.  Taehyung must be in collage right now,  and indeed he shouldn't have this zombie face.

"Tae...." Seokjin could sense Taehyung wasn't the same boxy smiling boy today.
Taehyung on the other hand was freezing. A cold freeze which made his knees wobbly and shakey like jelly. His hands were cold, his nose and cheeks were red. Taehyung knew what surley can warm him. He knew what can bring his temperature back to normal. He knew what can take him out of the mess. He knew what can answer his questions.
Seokjin! Seokjin could absolutely warm him the way he did since the very first day. Seokjin could make him warm until Taehyung would burn. Seokjin was like a warning fire in a winter camp. Wasn't this love? Taehyung knew only Seokjin's bright smile was enough to turn this mess into heaven.
Taehyung ran toward Seokjin.  He was searching for answers. He approached the older. Pulled him closer by the waist. Hugged him really tightly while Nuzzling in Seokjin's neck. Breathing his sweet vanilla scent. He was clinging like, someone was taking his hyung away. Taehyung wanted to be closer. Zero distance. Taehyung wanted to mingle with Seokjin. He rested his head on Seokjin's chest. Seokjin was hugging him back with one hand, while his other hand was moving calmingly in Taehyung's  messy hair. Taehyung couldn't hear the older's heartbeat. Why Seokjin's heartbeat was this much calm when Taehyung's was bursting out of his chest
. Taehyung was starting to feel warm again, alive again. The killing coldness faded away. He felt like he never ever experienced how coldness feels. He didn't know he was in love or not. The only thing he was sure was, this hug can keep him warm even in Alaska.
Seokjin behaved like Taehyung is a fragile miniature. Those delicate touches on his hair. Those delicate caresses on his forearm, shoulder, actually anywhere Seokjin's hand could roam. Taehyung was in heaven. No, no he was in home.
Seokjin made a little distance. Still holding Taehyung while caressing his cheeks. Seokjin was looking directly into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung felt like Seokjin could see even his deep thoughts through his eyes. Taehyung could see the fire in Seokjin's eyes. They were close, foreheads touching each other. Seokjin's hot breath fanning on Taehyung's face.

"What happened?" Seokjin whispered. Taehyung closed his eyes, not knowing what to answer.

"Don't ask hyung, please..." Taehyung whispered back, still eyes tightly close. Seokjin let go of Taehyung. Taehyung squeezed his eyes. Did the older got Mad?  He was feeling cold over again, a coldness more freezing than December weather. He heard steps getting away from him. He could cry in any moment. He heard a ringing sound. Did Seokjin left him alone?  Is he alone with this freezing,  killing coldness? He always wanted to be warm. He didn't want Seokjin let him go, never.
A tear slipped down his face. He wanted to feel Seokjin's warmth again. He opened his eyes when he felt warm so suddenly. Seokjin whipped away Taehyung's tear drop. Taehyung opened his eyes, saw a concerned Seokjin. He turned his head towards door, only to see Seokjin had closed the shop. Taehyung turned his head to Seokjin.  Seokjin pulled Taehyung toward office, made him sit there on the couch and left him again.
Taehyung was lost in his thoughts when he smelled Japchae. Japchae was his favorite food. He smiled, the older remembered it. He couldn't fight and went to kitchen. He saw his hyung busy with checking the food. Taehyung couldn't fight and Back hugged the lovely human. Rested his head on Seokjin's left blade. His hands clenching older's shirt. He closed his eyes, took a horticultural nap while standing in the tiny kitchen. He opened his eyes only when the older turned around. They were face to face now. He Ruffled Taehyung's heard, making the younger to look at him.

"Food is ready. Let's eat hmm?" Seokjin said softly. They ate, they talked. No actually Seokjin talked and Taehyung listened to that honey sweet voice. He told Taehyung some funny moments of his childhood.  Some memories he had with Yoongi and Hoseok. He talked about anything he can only to cheer younger up. It was almost night whenever they were sitting in Seokjin's car. Taehyung was smiling, while looking out through window. He stared at Seokjin only when the car stopped in front of his apartment.  He saw Seokjin's assuring smile. Taehyung leaned in and utility his lips on Seokjin's cheek softly. Thanked the older for today through a kiss.

"Love was when I loved you hyungie" Taehyung said after he got off the car.

Yes! He was truly, madly, deeply in love with Kim Seokjin.

Hello dear readers. This chapter finally Taehyung admitted his feelings for himself. The hardest part of an emotion to feel is truly the part which you try to admit it for yourself. Facing your emotions and inner thoughts is hard and complicated. It's same for all of us even Taehyung!
By the way ,The last sentence Taehyung said was a part of " my heart still goes on" by Celine dion. A song which I adore a lot.

I would really like to know your thoughts about this chapter. Cause this chapter is one of my favourites in this fanfiction.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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