Chapter 5

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~Connor's POV~:
In math class Bethany was so distracted. I tried talking to her but she just didn't hear me and when the teacher called on her she was totally zoned out. When the bell rang she stood up and nearly took off but I stopped her; "Woah Beth what's the rush?" "Connor I need to go. Please." "Not till you tell me why you're leaving so fast." She tried getting around me but it didn't work well for her. "Connor I'm meeting Derek at Starbucks, he wants to have a little AP French study session. I really need to go." "Have fun but if he ever hurts you tell me, I'll make sure he pays for it." "Thanks Connor, but I have a feeling that he's different, maybe he won't ever hurt me. But I really appreciate you being there for me." "I always will be, that's what...friends...are for." I moved to the side and she left but I waited a little.

I felt Mrs. Arc's eyes on me; "You know you could just tell her you like her Connor." Was Mrs. Arc just giving me girl advice? "What?" I have to try and act confused. "Connor you made it really obvious that you like her. Just ask, maybe she'll feel the same way." "No she's dating Derek Hough, or as I call him, Mr. Perfect." I rolled my eyes at his name. "Connor some people loose sight of those they really love and I have a feeling Beth loves you but she doesn't know it, and besides Derek's a jerk. It won't last long." Now I'm interested, "How's he a jerk." "Connor I shouldn't even be saying those things. Take my word for it. You better head home now, homework is waiting but Connor never give up on Beth, she's a great girl." I smiled, "Thanks Mrs. Arc that was really encouraging." "You're welcome Connor. See you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." I walked out of the room, down the now empty halls, then out to my car. I took the long way home because why not? I have a lot on my mind and driving definitely helps me with it all.

Later that night I heard a faint buzzing, probably just Beth. I searched for my phone and I was right, it was Bethany. I just ignored it. I'm done hearing about her endless love life. But what if she's calling because Derek hurt her? No she can just tell me tomorrow or text me, I'm not dealing with the other possibilities.

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