Chapter 7

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~Connor's POV~:
Well that's it. She doesn't love me, if she did she would agree that she misses our conversations before Derek. Ugh I hate this! Maybe I should just give up. My phone started to ring. An unknown number appeared on the screen, should I answer it? No, what if it's a killer on the other end. After a few minutes it said there was a voicemail. Might as well listen to that, right? "Hey's Alyssa from science. I know this is random but I like you. I can't believe I'm saying this...Connor do you want to go out sometime? I'm sorry this is weird. Okay bye." Wow. Okay that's new information. I don't like Alyssa like that. We are lab partners but I like Beth...but she doesn't like me back...maybe I should go out with Alyssa. She's nice and it might get me to forget about Bethany. I saved Alyssa's number. Wait how'd she get my number? Did she ask someone?

The next day at school I saw Alyssa in the halls, should I ask now or in science class? I just walked past her, maybe later. Bethany was standing at my locker, why isn't she with Derek? "Hey Beth...where's your boyfriend?" "He's with his friends, why?" "Just wondering why you aren't with him like you usually are." "Well I wanted to talk to you." "What about?" "Connor, who was the last person you had a crush on?" I tensed up, did she really just ask that? I can't tell her the truth because that person is her. "Why?" "Well you never ask anyone out, you've never had a girlfriend." "I have asked people out, it's just been a while." "I think you should ask someone out, maybe Alyssa?" So she is trying to set us up. She gave Alyssa my number. "I don't know, maybe." I grabbed my books and headed to my next class, science, my second class of the day.

I walked in and Alyssa was already sitting at our lab desk. "Hello Alyssa." "Hey Connor." She looked nervous and embarrassed. "So Alyssa, I heard your voicemail." She blushed, "I'm sorry. If you don't like me I get it..." I fake smiled, I have to be convincing. "No Alyssa I'd love to go out sometime." Her eyes widened, "Really?" "Yeah. You're really nice." "Thanks." She continued to blush. "So how about a movie? What movie would you want to see?" "A movie sounds great...maybe If I Stay?" "Sure." She smiled. "Okay I'll pick you up Friday at 7." "Okay. Wait here's my address." She wrote nicely onto a scrap piece of paper and handed it to me. "Thanks." She was really happy the rest of the class and all I felt was betrayal. I still really like Beth and I feel like I'm betraying her. Just forget it Connor, she doesn't like you...just forget about her. She will never like me.

Heartbreak Girl~Cethany {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now