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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

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Aaron celebrated his 26th birthday with his family. And since we're best friends, who were invited to the dinner? ME. Miles, Blake, and I went for the birthday dinner. Lucan had his boyfriend, King comes too. He's always with that guy. I expected him to invite his best friend, Loa like he did the previous year. It was the boyfriend now. It was great seeing how well his boyfriend fits into their family. I could tell Lucan's mother accepted him dating their son. Aaron likes him too. At first, we thought there is no way in hell he would let Lucan date him. Starting with the fact that he's a bit older than Lucan. But King showed Aaron without really trying that he does care and wants to be with Lucan.

I had never seen my little volleyball so happy before. And I'm so happy for him. One thing that concerns me though, it's the fact that he thinks the Morris brothers are good people. I mean yes, he didn't experience the slight craze parts as we did since high school from them. Nor does he know the whole crazy story. But people just look at them and run scared, feeling the bad aroma they give out, their names rolling off your tongue like poison. But Lucan sees the good in people. It's a major issue that he lied about seeing them. And yes it was for the little girl with leukemia, but it's the fact he lied and it involves the Morris brothers. I was dumbfounded when he beat Samuel and Quinn with Miles's old baseball bat. Only because one punched Zean and the other laughed.

"Lucan, you have visitors," His mother said in the room.

"Oh, yay!" Lucan ran out of the room.

We trailed behind to see these so-called visitors. It was Xander and Hunter. Lucan invited them too? I stared at my handsome boyfriend, Xander. He's so dreamy. We've been dating for eight months now, and I found myself being more than happy. Dare I say, I came to love the guy.

"Hunter! Xander! Thanks for coming," Aaron hugged them, "When Lucan said the Harrisons were coming I was so confused until he did this car and crash sound." He laughed.

"We were invited for dinner but Josie was cooking with Mom and she wanted us to stay and try her cheesy potatoes she did all by herself. They were good, I had two servings,"

"She was a bit upset because Dad said it was too much cheese, but Mom said to her it's because Dad gets a tummy ache with a lot of cheese," Hunter added.

"Yeah, we think he's like lactose intolerant but he refuses to let our uncle check him or any other doctor because he loves eating late-night cereal with milk, milk in his coffee, cheesecake, and ice cream. He can't give it up," Xander laughed, "These are for you, Aaron,"

"Aw thank you! You didn't need to get me anything, I'm 26," He laughed grabbing the bags.

"Aren't you going to say hi to your boyfriend?" Blake nudged me.

"After the greetings from the birthday boy," I muttered.

"The door was open I came in,"

"Zean? What are you doing here?" Aaron asked shocked.

"Happy birthday!" A little girl exclaimed and blew bubbles at Aaron.

"Aw, Skye, thank you," Aaron bent down and hugged her.

"Zean!" Lucan embraced him a bit too hard.

"Hey, Luca," Zean chuckled, "We're just dropping off Aaron's gift since you said dinner was done," He smiled over at Aaron.

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