Chapter 4

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Billie POV

I wake up with a grunt rubbing my eyes. I look around until I realize someone's arm is around me. I look at the tattooed arm, looking up to meet the face of Delaney. What happened yesterday? Delaney's eyes flutter open slowly and she locks eyes with me. To say that my heart didn't skip a beat would be lying. She was beautiful.

"What happened?" I ask. "Well I came back to see you and Acelynn asleep." She says in a raspy voice that I find hot. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have fell asleep, it's my bad." I start to ramble. She laughs a bit "You're fine Billie. You were fine, thank you." She says getting up.

I examine her body and the few tattoos she has on her stomach and leg besides her arm and her toned abs. "I'm gonna go take a shower and I'll be back." She says. "Uh y-yeah." I say. I get out of the bed and I grab my phone looking to see a series of texts from my parents and Finn along with Dani and the twins.

Mom                                                              Billie Honey, where are you?

Finneas                                                        Bil?
Are you over at Que's house again?
I thought you were over him

Dani                                                                Where are you hoe? 

Eli                                                                    Are you dead

Isaac                                                                Bitch, is you dead

Are you ignoring us? Your mother is worried sick.

I totally forgot about them. I wait for Delaney to walk out of the bathroom. She's fully dressed in some sweatshirt and sweatpants. "Hey D, my family doesn't know I stayed the night, so I should go." I sigh, she nods and "Alright, I'll text you later." She says. I walk out of the apartment and I hear "Wait." I turn around to see Delaney with her arms crossed leaning on the door.

"Yeah?" I ask. "You should call me D more often." She says. I nod smiling a bit before walking away. When I hear the door close, I feel a blush on my cheeks from, damn I'm catching feelings.


Delaney POV

I sit down on the couch popping the skittle into my mouth. Acelynn hasn't woken up yet and dance class doesn't start until a few hours. I turn the TV on switching to the news sipping my water. 

I spit out my water when I see a picture of me on the news with the headlines: 

【Delaney Glazer Makes History】

Why the fuck am I on the news? My apartment slams open with Princess running in and jumping on the couch. I got to learn how to lock that door. 

"Oh my god! You seen it, you're fucking famous." She rambles. "Shut up, I have to listen." I say and she says "Rude." I sigh pulling her into my side hugging her as an apology.

Meanwhile my eyes go back to the TV where the news-lady says "17 year old Delaney Glazer makes history becoming the youngest woman to be a lead choreographer in any studio. More to come." 

"What in the fuck is this?" I say to myself. "You're famous dumbass!" Princess says. "Bailey didn't tell me any of this. What? Huh? I'm confused." I say. 

"Alright, let me explain it to you. F-A-M-O-U-S. That's how you spell famous, and that's what you are. We're twins!" Princess yells in my ear. I take my phone out dialing Bailey's number.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now