Chapter 17

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Countdown: 5 weeks until World's Dance Competition

Billie POV

I wake up to the sound of the blow horn. I fall off of my bed and I look around confused. "Happy Birthday bitch!" Dani yells in my face. I groan getting back up and more cameras are in my face as the twins and Jah screaming happy birthday.

Princess jumps on me hugging me tightly. "I can't breathe." I say. She lets go and squeezes my cheeks. "Happy Birthday." She says. "Thanks, now will you get off of me?"

Then the 3 little ones run in jumping on the bed and screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I laugh a little as Jah says "Wait. Where's Delaney?"

"Shut the FUCK up! I want to fucking sleep!" We all hear a familiar voice yell. "There she is." I say laughing a little.


Delaney POV

"Bro, if you were maybe paying attention. You would get it by now." I say to the dancers. "Focus." I say crossing my arms over my chest. The music comes on and they mess up once again. I breathe out in frustration.

Knowing that they messed up, arguments occur and everyone starts blaming each other. "Stop it." I say calmly and they stop and I sigh, "We'll just come tomorrow." I say.

"But tomorrow's our off day." Someone says. "Too bad. Come tomorrow or don't perform." I say walking out of the studio.

I get into my car and I get a phone call "Hello?" I say.

"D, how are we supposed to distract Bil?" Jah says. "Just do anything. The venue's almost ready decorating." I say.

He hangs up and I drive back to the house and I open the door to see Billie sitting on the couch as the twins are recording since it is her birthday. She turns around when she hears the door shut and runs to hug me.

"Happy Birthday angel." I say. "Thank you." She whispers. Dani awws and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask after we pull away. "I want burritos." She whines.

"Go make some then." I laugh. "Help me?" She asks. I nod walking her into the kitchen.


Billie POV

"You say something that you have never done that you think that I've done." Bretman says.

"I don't know!" Princess yells. Bretman pauses for a second before yelling "THAT'S THE POINT!" Me and Princess laugh at a mad Bretman who's glaring at us.

"Alright, it's your turn." I say to Princess. Princess thinks for a while and says "Never have I ever joined cheerleading."

"Bitch, you were in cheer!" Bretman says laughing. I giggle as Princess says "Oh!"

"I thought it was something I did that you haven't." Princess says laughing. "Dumbass!" I say. "I don't know how to play, you can't make me play a game I don't how to play." Princess responds.

"That's why we're telling you!" I yell. Princess sucks her teeth and sits back down "Ok, then Bretman you go." I say.

"Ok, Never have I ever slept with a guy at 16 and got pregnant and now have a daughter named Cleo Amore Rock." He says eyeing Princess and scratching the bottom of his nose smirking.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now