Chapter 3

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Delaney POV

It's been a week since Bailey called me about taking over her spot. I would be lead choreographer meaning, in Bailey words, would make a lot of money and start a famous career. If you don't know, Bailey is famous because of the studio and she has been a judge on a few dance shows.

I mean those are all good things, and I would be one step closer to my dream of owning a Dance Studio. I'm just skeptical over taking her place, I've only been there for a week, would I be intruding into these people's lives. What if there are other people who are working their whole lives to take Bailey's spot?

What right do I have to just come in and take the spot, why did Bailey even choose me? She could've chose Loren or Kalen, but me out of all people. "Mommy..." Acelynn says running into my lap. "Yes baby." I say running my fingers through Acelynn's hair.

"I want to play with Cleo." She says. Right on cue, Princess comes in with Cleo walking behind her. "Acelynn!" Cleo yells. Acelynn runs over hugging Cleo as they run to Acelynn's room. "What's up bitch..." Princess says immediately going to my fridge.

My phone pings with a text message from Billie, speaking of Billie, we've been texting non stop along with Dani and the twins. I also learn that they all have their own careers, Dani is a rapper, the twins have a shared YouTube channel, and Princess has a YouTube channel too, and Billie is out of this world famous.

I laugh quietly at the contact name she put in my phone as I read her text. She named herself Daddy, before I can reply. I feel my phone being ripped out of my hands and Princess says "Who's this?" She shoves some grapes in her mouth. "Somebody. Now give me my phone." I say and Princess starts running around with my phone. I chase after Princess, we both end up landing on the couch. 

"Oh, you're texting Billie." She says sounding bored. "Yea, you know her or something?" I ask finally grabbing my phone. "Yea, she's my cousin." She says. "You took my fucking phone and had me run around just for you to know her?" I say playfully rolling my eyes. 

She shrugs laughing a little. I go to the fridge, "You're crushing on her, aren't you?"  Princess asks laughing a little. "What? N-no." I say.

"You like her!" She yells. "Shut up!" I yell back and she laughs maniacally. I nudge her a little as she continues to pop grapes in her mouth. "Have you ever dated a girl?" She asks. "Plenty." I say. "Are you usually a bottom or top?" She asks.

"A top, I've always dated sensitive girls, always the dominant." I say. "That sucks, Billie is dominant, that sounds like competition." Princess says. I smirk saying "I can make her a bottom, she can scream my name. I wouldn't mind."

"You just admitted you liked her!" Princess shouts, I sigh. Way to hide your feelings Delaney. "Whatever." I say. "I need to get y'all together." Princess says. "No thank you." I say laughing. Our conversation is interrupted when Acelynn and Cleo start running around us.

I try to stop them, but they end up running out of the apartment. "Shit." Princess says dropping her grapes. We attempt to go after them, but Billie surprisingly walks in with both kids in her arms. "It's Auntie Billie!" Cleo yells as Billie winces at the loud noise. I laugh as I walk over to Billie.

I realize that I'm a little taller than her and Princess thanks her grabbing Cleo out of her arms. Acelynn on the other hand is singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Billie's ear. Billie swings Acelynn around laughing a little. I can't help but smile at the affection between the two, Billie brushes some of Acelynn out of her face as Acelynn giggles. 

My phone pings, and I look down to see it's from Bailey

I need an answer today


I sigh running my fingers through my hair. "You good?" Billie asks. "Yeah I'll be right back." I say taking my car keys and getting in the car driving to the Dance Studio. 

Sorry, but I've decided to make Billie a sub in this book so basically she's not her usual dominant self like seen in other books. If you don't like that, the arrow is at the left hand corner.

Delaney POV

I park the car and I walk into the studio to see Bailey packing up things she's going to bring to Canada with her. She notices me and smiles "Hey my star dancer, have you made up your mind?" She asks.

I sigh saying "Yeah, um Bailey I can't do it." Bailey looks at me with confusion "I'm sorry, I'll just feel guilty if I take over your spot after being here for just one week. I can't do that." I say. "Is this was it's about? I dont care how long you've been here. You're fucking amazing, and you deserve a shot." Bailey says.

"Why can't it be Loren, I heard she's been going here since she was a kid." I say and Bailey sighs "It's true, but her personality is shitty. I need someone who can lead, help others but Loren just thinks she's better than everyone." She says.

"What would everyone think when they see me just taking over, they don't even know me!" I say. "Know you? Everyone excepted Loren recommended you." She says. I get quiet, this totally changed my view on this. I'm over here thinking no one would like me when everyone said I should.

"This could be a chance for you. You can support you and your daughter, make it easy for Acelynn." She says. I suck in a breath "Fine." I say. She smiles and says "You won't regret it." She gives me a hug and I walk out getting into my car.

I get back into the apartment to see that Princess and Cleo are gone. Billie is asleep on the couch with Acelynn as they're both cuddled together. I smile at the sight.

I walk over careful not to wake them up and I take Acelynn and take her into her room placing her in the bed and turn off the lights.

I walk back out to pick up Billie. I pick her up easily placing her on my bed. I change into my sports bra and basketball shorts getting into the bed. Billie unconsciously wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my her waist as she nuzzled her face into my neck.

I fell asleep on a peaceful note, but little did I know that by tomorrow: I was going to be the new sensation of the world.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now