Chapter 16

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Its been a week since Adelaide confessed about her dad raping her. Me and Billie took her to the hospital where it was confirmed that she was indeed raped.

Meaning Micheal could be put away for a longer period of time. The court trial was tomorrow and Billie was a nervous wreck. "What if they give him like 4 months and he tries to sue when he gets out. Like yeah, I have money, but then I don't. What if he tries to take Addy away from us and this time he'll kill her." Billie rambles.

"Hey... Everything will be fine. I promise, just try not to think about it." I tell rubbing her shoulders.

"We're probably gonna lose the case. Ugh! This was so stup-." I shut her up by kissing her. She immediately kisses back, after a while, we pull away catching out breaths. "I told you everything will be fine." I say.

She nods, "You're right." She says. I walk her to her bedroom and shut the door. I walk into the the girls' room where I see Acelynn and Cleo sleeping peacefully. But Addy is twisting and turning.

I shake her a little awakening her as tears start to rolls down her cheeks. I hug her tightly as she sobs into my shoulder. It must have been a bad dream. I shush her while rocking her.

"Want to sleep with Billie?" I ask. She nods and I open the door to Billie's room. Billie turns around looking at me confused. "Someone wants you." I say. Addy crawls on the bed with Billie. Billie lifts up her blanket pulling Adelaide to her chest and tucking her in.


"A surprise party." Dani says. We were trying to find the perfect gift to give for Billie's birthday and we agreed on throwing her a surprise party.

"Alright, that sounds good." I say. "It does, great! Because you'll be planning it." Jah says and everyone gets up. "Wait what?" I ask. "I suggest you get started, her birthday is tomorrow." Isaac yells out. 

I sigh in frustration as Venti cuddles into my lap. Today was the court trial of Micheal and I was Billie wasn't.

Finally Billie comes out and she says "We're gonna be late, lets go." Adelaide and Acelynn walk near Billie as I open the door for us to walk out. It's only us four because we don't need that many people and Acelynn has been not wanting to go anywhere without me lately.

We get into the car and throughout the ride, Billie's leg is bouncing rapidly. "You good B?" I ask. "Yeah, sorry I'm just nervous." She says. "Here, hold my hand." I say offering my hand up. She grabs it intertwining our fingers which seems to calm her nerves down a little.

We get there and I help the kids out not letting go of Billie's hands even paparazzi is going crazy of taking photos of us. We go inside of the court room where the trial will be taking place and I sit down with Billie.

Her legs start bouncing again and I stop it by putting my hand on her thigh. "It'll be fine. He should be coming in any minute." I say. We wait for a few minutes before the judge and jury comes in.

She greets us with a smile as Billie breathes out. "Please bring out the defendant." The judge says. The doors open with Micheal om a orange jumpsuit with his hands cuffed behind his back.

He is sat down in his chair next to his lawyer. "You, Micheal Stanford have been accused on charges on molestation, rape, child abuse, and child neglect. How do you plead?" The judge asks.

"Not guilty." Micheal says. Billie sucks her teeth at him lying. I pull her into me calming her down.

"There is evidence of you putting her hands on your daughter. There are photos, and 2 different doctors that have confirmed you've had illegal sexual activity with your daughter. What do you have to say about that Mr. Stanford?"

Micheal doesn't answer and looks down in shame. "Then that settles it. Micheal Stanford of California. You are being charged with 2 counts of Molestation and Rape, 1 count of Child Neglect and 4 counts of Child abuse. You will serve 40 years to life in Prison. Adelaide Stanford will be in the permanent custody of Billie Baird O'Connell and Delaney Glazer once turned 18."

Billie does a little dance with Adelaide as an angry Micheal is dragged back into his prison cell.


Everyone was taking a nap and I woke up due to a loud knocking on the door. I get up and I open it to a guy at the door that I recognize. "Yes?" I ask. "Is Billie here?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Que, Billie's boyfriend." He says, before I can react, the door is slammed shut by Billie as I widen my eyes at her. "You have a boyfriend and you've been making out with me. You're cheating on him?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, he's my ex. But he still goes around telling people we're together. I promise we are a done deal." She says grabbing onto my arm.

"Who's this Que guy anyway?" I say sitting down on the couch. "I told you. My ex." She says sitting near me. "He has to be something more than that. The way you slammed the door is suspicious." I say.

She sighs, "He was my first love and first heartbreak. We dated for 2 years, it was illegal but we kept it on the low. Everything was amazing at first, he would send me flowers, show me off, take care of me. He was perfect." She starts.

"Or at least I thought he was. About 1 year into our relationship, he started drinking and getting violent. I would always find him banging girls when I went to visit him. He told me his typical sorry and my dumbass always forgave him." She continues.

"How'd you break up with him?" I ask. "I just said it and he slapped me and told me to leave his property." She shrugs.

"I'm sorry B." I say hugging her tightly. "Uh could you maybe keep this between us? Only Jah really knows other than you. Que's friends with everyone in here and they have no idea what he did to me and I want to keep it that way so I don't ruin any friendships." She asks with pleading eyes.

I nod and I lay us down on the couch. I scratch her back as she falls asleep. "I'll protect you." I whisper in her ear.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now