Chapter 37

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Billie POV

"Bye Princess." Everyone waves to her and Cleo as she shuts the Uhaul Trunk after putting the last of her belongings in it. "Bye fuckers!" She says.

"I don't even know if she can drive right." Delaney mutters and I slap her chest.

"Wait? Didn't your license get revoked?" Jah asks. "Yeah, but I got someone else to drive me there." Princess says.

"Who?" I ask. She throws her keys at Delaney and Delaney says "Really?"

"You wanna talk shit about my driving, then you're the one driving." Princess says and I push Delaney forward.

"Motherfucker." Delaney mutters before walking to the trunk and getting in. Princess and Cleo get in and all 3 of them drive away.

Meanwhile I see a glimpse of something and I guess I'm not the only one who sees it because Isaac says "Y'all saw that, right?"

Good, I'm not crazy. "Who was that?" Dani asks and we all hear loud footsteps then they quiet down.

"I think someone's here." Jah realizes and we all make our way to see two shadows in the dark and murmuring.

"Turn on the light Billie." Danielle whispers to me.

"What? Why me?" I whisper yell.

"You're closest to it." I turn the backlight on and it reveals Que and Elinor with gloves and preparing to put on masks.

"Um, what's going on?" Eli asks as Que and Elinor look like a deer in headlights. 

Suddenly Jah comes up and gives one clean punch to Que knocking him out as he drops to the floor..

"What the hell Jahseh!?" I exclaim at him. We hear sirens and I say, "Look, I don't know if we did something illegal, but I'm not getting arrested!" I say.

"Shit." Elinor says and she drops her flashlight and tries to run away but she bumps into a police officer.

"You're under arrest ma'am. So is you're little partner, you both have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do may be used against you." Elinor is turned around and cuffed.

"Wait, I'm confused. How'd you guys get in here, what's going on?" I ask.

"Their ankle bracelets went off the minute they arrived here, since one of the restricted locations on their monitors is here, we were notified immediately. They're both being arrested for trespassing, stalking, and also being charged with attempted murder."

"What?" Danielle asks confused. "Is this cop even allowed to tell us all of this information?" She asks.

"I'm a detective. I've been assigned to track these two since they tried to murder someone. Elinor here has been stalking her victim for a week, sending messages and snapping pictures and yesterday, she was seen aiming a gun at the person. That's when we knew it got serious."

"So, this whole time, you knew this was going down?" I ask. "Yes, Elinor is obsessed, dangerously obsessed and unfortunately, she dragged Mr. Adams into her obsession." The detective tells us.

"So what happens now?" Elijah says. "My partners are going to come and take Mr. Adams into custody and we assure you they'll be out of your way for a very long time."

"I guess that's good news." I shrug.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about that crazy asshole anymore." Dani says nudging me.


"Delaney, you would've never guessed what happened." I walk into my girlfriend's bedroom and she was currently typing away at the computer.

"Your ex and Elinor were caught breaking into the house and got arrested," She says quickly. "Yeah Danielle told me."

"Well I wanted to say it first." I pout a little. "Sorry." She says.

I hear a cry and Delaney says "I think it's Acelynn, can you check her for me please?"

I walk to the girls' bedroom to see Addy asleep and Acelynn sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Hello baby." I say and she opens her arms for me to pick her up. I pick her up and she's boiling hot.

I go to the cabinet opening one of the small drawers and I pull out a thermometer. "Okay, Acelynn baby, I'm gonna put this on your forehead and we're gonna see if you're sick." I tell her.

I go to put the thermometer on her head and she flinches a little before whimpering. "It won't hurt you. I promise." I put the thermometer on her head and after a few beeps, the number 101.2 comes up.

"Oh, you have a fever my love." I tell her and she rests her head on my shoulder. I walk to the kitchen sitting her down on the island and she coughs harshly.

"Cough medicine, it is." I mutter to myself and I grab the bottle and a tablespoon. I read the measurement label and I have to give her only one tablespoon of the medicine.

I go to give her the medicine and she grimaces at the smell before letting herself take it. I grab a towel wetting it with cool water, I rinse it out and wipe Acelynn's face with it hoping it would cool her down.

She whines a little and I set her down and she runs into her mother's room. I go to check in on Adelaide to see if she's fine, but she's squirming a lot.

I pick her up and that seems to calm her down because lets out a steady breath. "You're sick?" Delaney asked.

"Mhmm, Billie gave me nasty thing." Acelynn said causing me to let out a chuckle.

"Great, Billie, you're gonna get sick." Delaney looks at me. "No I won't. How do you know that?" I ask.

"Acelynn hates sharing her toys but she has no problem with sharing her germs." Delaney playfully glares at Acelynn.

"Sharing." Acelynn repeats. "Yeah... Sharing is caring, isn't it." I coo. "No sharing." Acelynn said and I look at Delaney.

"I told you. The kid is not a sharer." She says.

"Well, it's getting late and we can all sleep in the bed together." I say still rocking Addy a little. I place Addy softly on the bed and I help Acelynn up. "Mommy? Are you coming?" I hear Acelynn's little voice.

"I'm coming." Delaney says and she soon gets under the covers with us and says "Goodnight."

"Goodnight puppies." I say.

"Stop with the word puppy, it's never gonna stick."

I really dont know where im going with this story anymore, I'm glad it's ending soon.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now