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So... These past couple of weeks, I've been getting private messages from people who read this book and a lot of people are mad at me for making Billie a bottom or submissive in this book and I'm being called all sorts of names for it.

I just feel like pure crap and I'm not in the right headspace. I don't even know if I want to continue this story anymore because of all the hate im receiving. I made Billie a sub in this book because she's already dominant in my other book You Don't Know Me one and two.

. But I'm really questioning if I should delete ALL my books off of wattpad. I need people to realize that me doing this is a choice, it isn't my job and I'm not getting paid. I decide to do this but people just hate on me for doing this.

I've been called names from stupid, cunt, bitch, whore, and even a racist. Like how!? I'm mentally and emotionally drained and a lot has to due with text messages I'm receiving. I love all my readers but sometimes you guys take it too far.

Yeah, even though you text 'hey, im not tryna be rude, but it's stupid to billie a sub in the book.' YOU'RE STILL BEING RUDE!

Stop thinking that I'm gonna change bil just because you want me too. The world doesn't revolve around you. I'm a very nice person until you push my buttons, and my button was pushed. So yeah, it might be your opinion of disliking a sub billie, but at this point I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR OPINION. I dont give a fuck about anything at all anymore and that's a bad thing.

I honestly think im just done. I had chapters ready to be published but I'm now at a point where as maybe being on wattpad isn't for me and maybe my stories should just be for me to read. I might update today, i might not. But there's a huge possibility that you will wake up and not see my stories anymore.

I'm just done.


Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now