Chapter 7

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Delaney POV

"Mommy!" Acelynn yells as I pick her up. "Hey baby." I say as she hugs my neck. I thank Bretman and I walk back to my apartment to see people sitting on my couch.

"What the fuck?" I say loudly as these people turn around and my heart drops when I notice who they are.

I stand still with Acelynn while my Mom, Dad, brother and my sister sitting on my couch. They smile when they see me, I say just two words alarming them "Get out." I say.

"Hello to you too." My mom says. "Get out." I say once again. "Let us talk first." Mom says. 

"Get the hell out of my apartment." I say in a firmer and louder voice. "Please let us explain." My older sister, Madison says. I roll my eyes making eye contact with my older brother Landon. Yep, I was the baby of the family. I tear my eyes away and I walk into Acelynn's room.

I put Acelynn down and I give her my unlocked phone to play with, I walk back into the living room sitting the farthest away from my family as I wait for them to say something.

"So..." Landon says. "I don't know what to say." Madison says. "Of course you don't, same old Madison reigning over us like she's Queen Elizabeth." I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"We basically came here to apologize." Mom says. "Okay." I say not really caring. "We're serious D, I'm sorry, we all are." Mom says. "My name is Delaney and it took you 3 years to cook up some kind of apology?" I ask in disbelief.

"We understand how long we took, but we went through a very hard time." Dad speaks up. "You went through a hard time!?" I practically yell. "I was the one laying in the hospital bed giving birth. It was me! Not you." I continue and Madison clears her throat in embarrassment.

"We understand that, but people in the neighborhood started to look down on us." Landon says. "So you make a 15 year old homeless just because she was raped and had a baby." I say. 

"You should've aborted when you had the chance!" Dad yells. "Are you really sitting here telling me I should have aborted my daughter when she's in the other room?" I ask.

Dad doesn't say anything and Mom says "It's a girl?" I nod in a duh tone. "What's her name?" Madison asks. "It's not important, now all of a sudden you want to be involved in my life." I say.

"Come on, you know that we've always loved you." Dad says. "It didn't sound like love when you were slut shaming me, and just now telling me that I should've aborted." 

"D, I mean Delaney. We want you to forgive us, we are truly sorry, I want to meet my first grand daughter, I want her to call me Grammy, I want to hold her and love her." Mom says. 

"Not a chance." I say suddenly and I get up opening my apartment door signaling them to get out. They all frown as they leave my apartment. I close the door harshly as I hear their footsteps fade away. 

"Mommy, I called someone." Acelynn says looking down at my phone confused. I take the phone away to see she called Jahseh, she already met Jah, she calls him JJ, it's the cutest thing. 

"Oh, you just called JJ. Here, talk to him." I say giving her back the phone and she smiles running back into her room.

I grab my laptop and I see a notification saying I have an email. I press on it to see it's an email from The Royal Family Dance Crew saying 

''Hello, I am Janelle. I am the captain of The Royal Family Dance Crew, we've been a competitive dance group for years and have dominated competition after competition, but these past few years, our choreographer has been slacking, so we wanted to know if you'd be interested in choreographing a dance for us for the next few months before World's Dance Championship, email me back if you'd like. Thank you.''

I widen my eyes at the email, the long email I should say. They haven't won not one competition, they must be really bad then or their choreographer. I shut the laptop remembering I have an interview. 


I wake up something moving around me. My eyes flutter open to see Acelynn is jumping on the bed and laughing. I pull her into my lap and I reach for my phone to see I woke up two hours earlier than I was supposed to. Great, extra time for me. I put Acelynn on the ground before I walk into the bathroom with Acelynn following behind me.

I help her brush her teeth along with brushing mine. I attempt to give Acelynn a bath, but it did not turn out well, meaning she was a screaming mess. I finish patting her down with her towel and I put her in a blue outfit and I attempt to do her hair in braids, but she doesn't stop squirming around.

I give up and I just put her hair in two little buns. I put the TV on and she sets herself on the couch while I go get ready myself. Once I'm done, I go to walk outside of my room but my phone rings with Billie calling. I pick up saying "Hey."

"Hey D, how'd you sleep?" Billie asks. "Well I woke up earlier than I wanted too, but I slept fine." I say.

"That's good, hey? Today is my video premiere of my music video 'xanny'. Would you like to come?" She asks unsure of my answer "I'll try, I have a lot of things to do today, but I'll try." I say. 

I can practically hear her smiling in the phone and she says "Oh! and bring Acelynn, I want her to meet someone." 

"Ok Billie, I gotta go now." I say and she says bye and I hang up.

I check the time to see I only have an hour left to be at the studio for my interview. I throw on my outfit and I shrug when I look at  myself in the mirror. "Not that bad." I say to myself.

I take Acelynn outside and I take a few pictures of her. I post one of them without thinking.

 I post one of them without thinking

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delaneyglazer hi mommy's girl


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ilovedelaney mommy? wait is that her daughter

delaneyfan101 she's a teen mother!?

tmz is there some news you would like to share Delaney?

I watch as the crazy comments roll in, some in shock, some in awe, some in disgust. I may have not just accidentally told the world I'm a teenage mother.

Hey bitches! Whatcha think?

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now