Chapter 31

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Billie POV

I was in the living room with Princess when the front door opens with Delaney. She doesn't say anything and just walks by us. "You think she already knows about the bail?" Princess asks.

"No, I don't think so."

"Billie, tell her." Princess says. "I will, just need the right time, and now is the not the right time Princess." I tell her. "If you won't tell her, than I am." Princess says getting up. "Wait! I'll do it." I stop her. "Thank you, it's easy to tell her. It's just B-A-L-L-E-D." Princess says. I laugh a little and she says "What?"

"That's not how you spell bailed, you spelled balled." I tell her and she rolls her eyes before muttering a shut up. I get up and I walk to Delaney's room knocking on her door lightly.

"Who is it?" I hear and I say "It's me Billie."

"What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you about something." I fiddle with my fingers. She opens the door and I walk in sitting on her bed breathing out. "Before you say anything, I need you to know something." She tells me and I raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I ask. "Um, I'm going to have a tour with the dance crew?" She says. I laugh before getting up and hugging her. "That's amazing!" I tell her. "No. No it's not." She says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "We can't see each other. We're going to be in different cities." She says and my smile fades.

"O-oh." I say. "I'm so sorry, I tried to change things ar-"

"It's okay. It's fine, you should do the tour." I tell her. "But that I don't want to leave you. Not right now." She looks at me. "You're dream is coming true, go and have fun." I say. She shakes her head and I cup her face "Delaney, do the tour, don't let me ruin your dream, okay?"

She looks at me and a tear falls from her eye and I wipe it away. "I love you, and I'll be fine." I say. "We're going to be away from each other for a while."

"It's okay, we still have each other for the rest of the month." I smile but my smile fades when she shakes her head slowly. "I leave in a week." She says. "O-oh, well that's new."

"I'm sorry, my manager sprung it up on me. I don't want to leave you and the kids here, I really don't."

"D, stop feeling so bad, it's okay. We'll be okay, wait? You're not taking Acelynn?" I ask. "I can't, it's gonna be too much for her." She answers. "Bro, she's epileptic and she's only calm around you. She wouldn't survive without her." I tell her and she shrugs "I don't know, I'll think about it."

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say and she nods before kissing my forehead. I walk out of the room shutting the door behind me. I walk into my room going into my bathroom and I feel the tears wetting my face.

I wipe my eyes as my mascara is now ruined. That was really unexpected, we just got reunited after a few days of her being unconscious and she's leaving. I'm not going to see her for months and not only that, there's two lunatics on the loose and she still doesn't know.

"Billie?" I hear a quiet voice. I see that it's Cleo. "Yeah?" I croak out. "Are you crying?" She asks. "No, I'm perfectly fine." I tell her and she walks into the bathroom with me walking in between my legs.

I pick her up and she smiles. "Can we go to the carnival?" She asks. There's this carnival that she's been talking about non stop. "You wanna go really bad huh?" I ask and she nods.

"I want Bretman to come." She says. "We'll call him and go, go get ready okay?" I say. "Okay." She jumps off of me and runs out of the bathroom.

"Baby, are you in there?" I hear another voice. It's Delaney. Fuck, I rub my face trying to make myself look like I wasn't totally just crying.

"Uh yeah, I'm in here." I say. Delaney walks into the bathroom and she sees me. "Are you hiding?" She asks me.

"No, I was just talking with Cleo, she really wants to go to the carnival, you should come with, we'll bring Acelynn and Addy." I say.

"I'll go get them." She says. I nod and she speaks up "Hey, I've been thinking. Maybe I shouldn't go, it's not safe. My lawyer just called me and informed me that Que and Elinor got bailed out."

I freeze while looking at her. "Oh, yeah that's interesting." I choke out. "I'm told I'll have 24/7 security but I still don't feel so sure."

"I agree, maybe you should stay." I tell her and she looks at me weirdly. "It's funny, you were just telling me to do the tour, but now you want me to stay?"

I don't say anything and I just look at her. "You know I don't want to be with someone who keeps secrets." She says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask anxiously. "You knew about the bailing but didn't tell me." She answers.

"I- look I tried to tell you, but then you smacked me up with the tour news." I try to defend myself.

"Billie, my lawyer said you know even before I woke up at the hospital, before I even left to see Kiara, you had every chance to tell me, but instead you kept quiet!" She rants.

"Please, I was gonna tell you, I swear! It just wasn't the right moment." I whisper full of guilt.

"Then when was gonna be the right moment, when I'm laying in the hospital bed again because two people don't want us together?!" She yells.

"Why are you even mad at me!? You found out already either way." I say.

"It's not about me finding out from someone else, it's about the fact that you say you care about about me, but then don't tell me shit like this!" She looks at me her blue eyes piercing mine.

"I was gonna tell you!"

"When Billie, when?" She asks me. I shrug, "I don't know but I promise you I was gonna say something." I plead with her.

"The minute you found out, you should've told me!" She says. "I know and I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

She scoffs before walking away from me. I follow behind her confusingly as she passes by the living room headed for the front door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I ask her. "Away from you, away from this damn house." She mutters. She opens the door and I call out her name.

"Maybe you were right, we aren't good for each other." She grits before walking out of the house and slamming the door.

Oh, I fucked up.


Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now