Chapter 25

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Delaney POV

"Baby, wake up." I hear before I feel lips being placed on my face repeatedly. I groan as I pull the covers over my face.

"Delaney, today are the Grammys, we have to get up." Billie says before pulling the blankets off of me. I ignore her and I suddenly feel a weight on top of me. "Ow!" I whine. "You should've gotten up." Billie says and I turn into a position where she's straddling me.

"Just 5 more minutes." I say. "No, were busy today." Billie says. "So... Goodnight." I say closing my eyes. "Wake up!" She laughs tapping my face.

"Stop." I say. "And if I don't?" She asks. I shoot my eyes open before flipping her over and she gasps in shock. She reaches to kiss me but I move back. "I thought today were the Grammys?" I tease.

"Well, the Grammys can wait. Fuck me." She collides our lips.


Billie POV

We were all sitting at the dining table eating breakfast and Isaac and Princess kept smirking at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." Isaac says.

"Fucking weirdos." Delaney mutters. "Wanna know what's weird? Waking up to Billie moaning your fucking name." Princess says. I stop my movements and ask "Was I that loud?"

"I think the whole world knows my name by how loud you were screaming." Delaney says and I playfully smack her shoulder. "Ever fingered her butthole?" Princess asks Delaney.

Delaney starts coughing violently, I'm assuming choking on her food due to the surprising question. Her eyes are filled with tears and she's hitting her chest. "Is she joking?" Eli asks. "I don't think she is." Jah says.

"Don't die now." Dani says.

Suddenly the coughing stops as Delaney glares at Princess. "Why would you ask that?" Delaney asks. "What? I wanted to know, but have you?" Princess replies.

"No!" Me and Delaney say in unison. "Alright damn!" Princess says throwing her hands up in defense. "I'm going back to sleep." Delaney says getting. "Uh no. You have dress rehearsal and practice with your dance team who's performing tonight and you're performing with them." I say. She groans and I pat her back, "It's okay." I say but she doesn't reply.

"D? Delaney?" I say and she snaps up rubbing her eyes. "Are you literally sleeping right now."

"Wha- no!" She says making a face. "Mommy's lying." Acelynn giggles. "Really?" I ask. Acelynn nods her head before putting one of her grapes in her mouth. "Wow, my own daughter stabbed me in the back." Delaney says.

"Come on, we gotta go." I say. Delaney gets up and walks to her room. After a few minutes of arguing with Isaac, I get up walking into Delaney's room. She's facing her mirror changing into new clothes and I can't help but notice her toned abs and how hot she looks in a ponytail.

"You're staring." She says facing me. I blush a little before I suddenly tic and Delaney raises her eyebrow at me. Right, she doesn't know. "You've been doing this thing for a while now. Like you jerk for a second and everything's fine." She says.

"Yeah, that happens a lot. I have tourettes." I say. "Oh, why didn't you tell me?" She asks being sympathetic. I shrug, "I didn't think it was important." I say. "Everything about you is important to me." She says before wiping her thumb across my face.

I didn't even know I was crying. I sniffle before faking a smile and I say "I'm almost late for my nail appointment."

"What are you getting anyway?" She asks. "You'll see." I respond before walking back out of the room.

Delaney POV

I get out of my car and I walk into dress rehearsal, the dancers are already in their pink outfits and I walk to the bathroom changing immediately.

I walk out to see Elinor eyeing me. I give her a look before walking out to meet the dancers. I perform with the group, then perform as a solo. Kiara designed a jacket where it has a few A's on them and the A obviously stands for Acelynn and Adelaide.

"Alright, this routine is a little harder than the one at competition and we only have a few hours to go ov..."

For the next 3 hours, I go over the dance routine, bicker with them to focus and I deal with many wardrobe malfunctions. "Ok, it's 5, Grammys are at 8. Rest and be on time." I say before walking out of the studio.

I get back in my car and throughout my drive, I notice that this same white car has been behind me for a while. Are they following me? Suddenly the car speeds up to the lane next to me catching me off guard causing my car to swerve.

I rotate the stirring wheel quickly and pressing the brakes. My car stops and I breathe out. I catch a glimpse of the driver, and I can't help but think.

Is that my brother, Landon?


Billie POV

We just arrived at the Grammys red carpet and I've realized Delaney hasn't been talking. "Baby, are you okay?" I ask. She clears her throat before saying "Yea let's go."

We both get out of the car abd security swarms us. I intertwine my fingers with Delaney as we walk towards the carpet. Delaney immediately gets recognized by an interviewer, she faces me saying "I'll be right back." I nod and she pecks me on the lips before letting go of my hand.

I hear someone call my name and I turn around to see Ariana Grande in front of me. We hug instantly with this being our reunion since we met at Coachella. "I'm so happy for you and Delaney. Y'all are cuter than me and Toulouse (ariana's dog) and me and Toulouse are pretty cute." She says.

I laugh a little before thanking her and after a few minutes of conversing, we take a picture and both go our separate ways for the night.

I get called over by an interviewer and we greet each other before she states she's going to ask a few questions. "How do you feel being nominated for all four categories?" The interviewer asks.

"I mean, I don't really know. It didn't really hit me that I'm nominated for Grammys until yesterday. I was like oh.... But I'm ready to lose them all." I say. She laughs before saying "We all know you're here with your girlfriend Delaney Glazer, how'd you two meet?"

"Well, actually. I met her daughter first before meeting her. I was in a mall with some friends and Acelynn ran off and bumped into me. I went to security to find whoever she was with and eventually found Delaney and we just hit it off instantly."

"That's just a ironic way to meet but I have to bring up Delaney's assistant Elinor. Elinor posted something intriguing a few hours ago." The interviewer shows me the post.

elinorbaby good luck to my girlfriend at the Grammys tonight

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elinorbaby good luck to my girlfriend at the Grammys tonight. @delaneyglazer

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