Chapter 19

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Delaney POV

The guy turns around making eye contact with me. I almost drop to the ground when I see who it is.

Eli, who's laughing hysterically with his twin brother, Princess and Jah laughing along running behind him.

"What's this? Some kind of joke?" Billie asks. "Yeah, new content and pranks for the YouTube channel." Eli says.

"LEAVE MY KID OUT OF YOUR PRANKS." I yell before lunging out at him but Jah pulls me back. "Stop, don't fight... Acelynn's right behind you." Jah whispers in my ear.

I sigh realizing I don't want to fight in front of my daughter. I grab Acelynn from Billie and walk towards my car. "Where are you going?" Dani asks. "Back to the party." I say through gritted teeth opening my car door and placing Acelynn in her car seat.

"Without us?" Isaac asks? I ignore him and pull Dani and Billie into the car closing it and driving off.


Billie POV

Its been a few hours and it was time for me to blow the candles off my cake. They were singing happy birthday and Delaney had her arm slung around my shoulder.

Once the song ends. I blow out the 18 candles and everyone cheers. "Aye Billie!" I hear a masculine voice say. I look up to see Que glaring at me, I raise an eyebrow nervously at him.

What's he doing here? "Hey, you good?" Delaney asks me distracting me from my thoughts. "Y-yeah, I just need to use the bathroom." I stutter a little.

I walk into the club's bathroom and realize I'm alone. I stare at myself in the mirror, and scoff at myself and look back down. I'm so stupid. I hear the door open, but I ignore it.

I look back up to see Que right behind me in the mirror. I turn around and I see him smirking at me. "You can't be in here." I say quickly.

"I'm just here for you baby." He says lifting my chin up to face him. "Leave." I say quietly. "Wanna leave with me?" He asks before leaning in to kiss me. "No, she isn't and if I see you that close to my sister again, I'll plan your funeral for you." Finneas says standing in front of the door.

Que freezes and mutters "Sorry." Before leaving past Finn. "Are you okay?" Finn asks. "Yes and I didn't need your help." I say. "Pretty sure you did. He wanted to kiss you." He says.

"I was fine dealing with it myself." I say walking past him. "What would you have done!?" Finn yells. I raise my eyebrows. What would have I done?


Delaney POV

The party is ending and people are leaving and the kids have gone home with Princess since they fell asleep. Billie sleeping on my shoulder. "B, get up we're about to leave." I whisper in her ear. She groans and mumbles something before snuggling back into me.

I get up slowly and I lift her up in my arms. I wrap her legs around my waist and her arms fly around my neck and her head is on my shoulder. "Careful, there's paps outside." Finn says. I nod calling over my security guards I recently got.

My manager Kiara insisted I should get security ever since a fan tried to tackle me in Starbucks. They come over, one in front of us and one behind us. The door is opened and I walk out and immediately there are clicks and flashes everywhere.

They're shouting random shit at me and asking questions but I ignore. Most of the questions are if Billie and I are dating and yelling our ship name which is Dillie. Billie on the other hand is asleep like a baby.

Someone asks me "How's baby Acelynn."

"Fine." I say before I walk into the car. I tell Gabe one of my security guards to drive my car home because Billie's in my arms. Throughout the ride, Billie stirs a little as I scroll through my phone.

I immediately see pictures just taken of me and Billie walking into the car and I see fan pages with me and Billie are following me.

Billie stirs again and her eyes flutter open. She looks around and looks up at me. "What happened?" She asks. "You fell asleep." I say. She nods before resting her head on my chest.

"Thank you." She says. "For what babygirl?" I ask. "The surprise party. It was fun." She says. We make eye contact and stare into each other's eyes for a while before her eyes dart to my lips and back up to me.

We're really close this point and I decide to close our small gap. She switches her positions so she's straddling me.

She deepens the kiss cupping my face and my hands slip down to her ass giving it a squeeze. She moans quietly with her hands falling down to my neck.

My hands travel up to her bra ready to unbuckle completely forgetting there's people in the car. I start to unhook it but I'm interrupted with a voice saying "Really? Again?" We break apart and look to the right where Princess is standing with the door open.

I look around to see we arrived at the house, but we weren't told. We nod and Princess closes the door leaving us in here. "I heard about what happened." I say. "Que?" She asks.

"Yeah, I didn't invite, one of the twins must have. I knew you probably didn't want to see him considering your past." I say.

She looks down nodding a little. "When are you going to tell everyone the truth Billie?" I ask. She shrugs before saying "Never?"

"B-" She cuts me off saying "So many questions Delaney. At least let me ask one."

"Fine. Go ahead."

"When are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow asking "What do you mean?"

"I mean we've known each other for months and we obviously like each other. Everyone already ships us, why not make it official and tell the world?" She says.

I mean, I like her. It's pretty obvious after sucking each other faces off a million times. I see her trying to read my face or predict what I'm going to say next.

I clear my throat, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She smiles before saying "I would love to." She kisses me softly. I help her out of the car and I hear a sound behind me. I turn around to see Danielle and Princess hitting each other.

I eye them weirdly and they notice me and get up awkwardly. "Oh hey..." Dani says. "Sup' eavesdroppers." I say.

"Shut up! Anyway what matters is you guys are finally dating!" Princess says. They both start chanting Dillie.

I roll my eyes grabbing Billie's hand and we walk into the house catching the eyes of the boys. "Are they yelling Dillie?" Eli asks looking up from his pizza.

"Yes. Please ignore them." Billie says. "Wait a minute..." Jah says smirking. "You guys are dating?" Isaac asks. "Yes." I say.

"Finally!" Jah groans. "Shut up. I'm taking a shower." I say. "Night." Billie says before pecking my lips. "Aw..." The boys say in unison.

Sooo.... I finally got them together and y'all see the lil Que stunt that happened. It won't be the first time. He's gonna show up more. But bye!

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now