Chapter 20

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billieeilish she's mine, i'm hers@delaneyglazer

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billieeilish she's mine, i'm hers


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delaneyglazer those lips are mine@billieeilish

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delaneyglazer those lips are mine


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Delaney POV

"Billie!" I hear Jah call out. "What!? I'm on live." She yells back. "Nevermind then." He says.

I walk into Billie's room to see Acelynn, Cleo and Addy jumping on her bed. "DD!" Addy yells jumping on top of me when I lay down on the bed. The two girls jump on me too. I groan as Billie laughs at me.

They get off of me and run out of the room and I walk up to Billie wrapping my arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and just stares at me.

"Don't look at me like that." I say. "Why not?" She asks smiling a little. "Just don't." I warn. "And if I do?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"I'll be the reason you can't walk in the morning." I whisper in her ear. Her face which is now flustered, she looks at her phone before saying bye and turning off her live.

It's been a week since we made it official and there have been headlines everywhere with our names and pictures and people wonder if this is us confirming our relationship.

"You think you can just tell me that and not do anything? Pussy." She says. "I am what I eat." I say. "You haven't eaten yet." She says biting her lip.
Smut Warning

I push her onto her room door before roughly locking my lips with hers. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I lock the door and take her to the bed.

I start to kiss her neck and she moans quietly. "Fuck Delaney." She mutters. I pull her shirt revealing her big breasts and I kiss her again. I unstrap her bra and cup her left breast.

I pinch her nipple causing her to let out a loud moan. I soothe the area by licking softly. I pull down her pants and press my thumb on her panty covered clit. I pull down her underwear and I kiss her thighs.

"Stop teasing." She says. "Don't tell me what to do." I say before inserting 2 fingers into her. Moans fly out of her mouth as if she doesn't know that everyone is wide awake and can for sure hear her.

"Right there!" She yells as I continue pounding her. "D, I'm gonn-" I cut her by saying "Don't do it." She looks up at me horrified, "I can't. I have t-" She suddenly arches her back and releases on my fingers.

Instead of helping her ride out, I attach my tongue to her clit. "Fuck!" I cover her mouth to muffle the sound of her moans. She throws her head back and her eyes flutter rapidly.

I remove my hand from her mouth to see that she's panting really hard. Her legs are shaking slightly and she's grabbing my arm for support. I say. "I'm gonna come and there's nothing you can do about it." She struggles to say.

I hum into her pussy which drives her over the edge, she releases on my tongue and I kiss her so she can taste herself. "I hate you." She says after our make out session.

"Why?" I say laying next to her. "You made me a little bitch." She says.

"You are my bitch." I say, she shoots me a look which causes me to laugh. "I prefer Daddy's bitch." She suddenly says. I widen my eyes looking at her and she smirks.

"Sheesh, you are a mess." I say. "You decide to deal with me." She says.

"Unfortunately." I say.

A/n: Whenever Delaney's font is in italic, it's most likely her remembering the event of her rape. I want to show her struggle with having sex or receiving pleasure cause I think it's stupid how in some stories, the main character's been raped and can easily have sex again, it's unrealistic to me.

She playfully smacks me on the shoulder before putting her hands up my shirt. My brain suddenly goes back to the day I struggle to forget everyday.

He rips my shirt off sliding his hands up to my breast harshly biting and sucking my neck.

"Stop!" I yell. Billie shoots out of my shirt shocked and scared. "I'm sorry." I say quietly still heavily breathing. "Hey, it's okay. You're not ready yet." She says automatically knowing I'm still traumatized by my rape.

"I just need time." I say. "Take all the time you need. I'm gonna go get some water, then take a shower." She says before kissing me again. She puts her clothes back on and leaves the room.

I don't know if I'm ever going to be ready.


Billie POV

I spin around in the chair of the interviewer's office. There were tons of cameras around me. I kept adjusting my hair to cover the hickeys on my necks.

The interviewer named Larina comes in hugging saying "I'm such a huge fan, thanks for coming today."

"No problem, thanks for having me." I respond.

"Alright, we're live in 3, 2, 1." Someone says.

Larina says "Today, we're here with Grammy-nominated, music's new sensation, and 18 Billie Eilish."

I smile and wave at the camera as I hear cheers around me. "So Billie, you're going on tour in about a month, how do you feel about that?"

"To begin, it's fucking stressful, especially the jet lag but it's always fun to see my fans from different places."

After a while of talking about tour, Larina says "Everyone wants to know. What's going on between you and Delaney Glazer? Ever since those pictures you posted, is this you guys confirming a relationship? Are you girlfriend and girlfriend?"

"No. We're married, duh!"

Hey beautiful people, soo i did my shitty smut and I realized that I'm almost at 10 thousand reads! Thank you so much.... But cya on Friday! ❤

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