Chapter 14✅

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Delaney POV

I wake up the next morning shutting off the alarm and I look at my texts.

a message from Kiara

Interview at 12 pm. 23 Locust Ave

I look at the clock, it was only 6:00 in the morning. This could be an opportunity for me to get more sleep, but no. I still have to teach those classes at the Dance Studio I started with and then after the interview, I'll work with the dance crew.

I get ready for the day doing my hygienic duties and I go check on the girls. I see all three of them cuddled up under the blankets. I kiss all three of their heads and I find myself running my fingers along Adelaide's face. I felt so bad but I was glad that I reported this to the police.

I walk outside to see Princess is in the kitchen. "Morning." I say and she sings the words "Good Morning." How can someone be so energetic this god damn early in the morning. "Did you go to the police station?" She asks. Everybody in the house knows about Addy.

Jah thought we were joking, Dani started ranting about how she was gonna cut Micheal's dick off, the twins were actually trying to comfort Addy. Princess and Billie got extremely quiet last night as I decided to go to the police station.

"Yea, they need Micheal's DNA to match it with fingers prints on Addy's body. Once it's confirmed that Micheal has been putting his hands on her, they'll arrest him." I say.

She nods saying "So what will happen to Addy when he's arrested. We can't put her into the foster care system. One, Billie wouldn't allow and two, the system is shitty."

"We can think about Billie becoming her permanent guardian?" I say.

"But she's underage." Princess says back. "She's turning 18 next week. They'll let her." I say.

"I just feel so bad." Princess sighs. "I know, it sucks. But the least we could do is get her out of there." I say.

She hugs me and I grab my car keys and I get into my car. Once I get to the studio, I get out to see there's some dancers here already. They greet me and Loren says "Finally decide to show up huh?"

"Go get changed." I say and she rolls her eyes walking into the ladies' changing room. "Dumbass." I mutter under my breath.


Billie POV

It is close to noon and everyone's awake. "D's interview is live. Let's watch it on the TV." Jah says. We all settle down on the living room couch. Adelaide and Acelynn crawl into my lap. Speaking of Addy, I have a meeting today with Micheal and I have to get some form of DNA from him.

Whether it be his hair or saliva. We watch the headlines that say

"Exclusive Interview with Delaney Glazer."

A few minutes of commercial, the interviewer says "At just 17 years old, she's breaking dance records one by one. Please welcome Delaney Glazer." We hear cheers in the background as the camera shows Delaney.

Interviewer: Italic
Delaney: Bold

She was smiling and waving as the cheers settle down. "As everyone knows, you are the youngest female to become lead choreographer in a dance studio. How does it feel?"

"I mean it's all a shock to me if I'm being honest. I had no idea what I was getting into when I took over."

"What's your weirdest fan encounter yet?"

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