Chapter 10

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Billie POV

Her finger grazes my cheek as I lean forward. This is it. Our lips were close to connecting but Finneas knocks on the door saying "Billie, everyone's here, come down."

We pull away quickly as Delaney clears her throat. Fuck, why did Finn have to come at this moment? "Uh, we should go." She says getting up. I stay down and she grabs my hand pulling me off the bed and we walk out of my bedroom.

The house is crowded at this point and I see Que. Yes, I invited him. Even though we aren't together, we still have mutual friends, everyone knew we dated, but they didn't how toxic it was besides my parents and my brother, I'm surprised my dad even let Que in our driveway.

Delaney sits down on the couch, I would sit next to her, but that would make me be near Que. I can be in the same house with him but directly near him? No.

Delaney notices my mini panic attack and places me on her lap quickly. I know she probably meant it as a friendly gesture, but I couldn't help but have a blush creep on my face. I sit between her legs as she wraps her arms around me.

Dani winks at both of us and a few minutes later, the projector comes on ready to show my 'xanny' music video. I really went all creative with this video. Everyone settles down and Acelynn sits in my lap and for the next 5 minutes we watch the video.

I hear oohs and aahs as I'm having cigarettes being burned into my skin. After the video, I look to see Delaney's reaction. Her face is mixed with shock, confusion, amazement. "Did you like it?" I ask.

"I think so? I've never seen anything like that." She responds. I laugh a little and we find ourselves conversing for a while and we find out a lot about each other, like I found out she's from Saint Louis, she's been dancing since she was 3.

I also learned about the whole pregnancy, how she was kicked out of the house, homeless for a while. I loved hearing her story, watching her eyes light up when she talked about her daughter. I had Acelynn meet Adelaide a.k.a. Addy.

Delaney POV

After a while, Billie and Acelynn both fall asleep in my arms. Claudia sits beside me saying "She likes you, you know?" I shake my head laughing a little knowing she's talking about Billie. "No way, she could never like someone like me." I say.

"She literally talks about you all the time. After all the shit she's been through, I'm surprised she's cuddling up to you right now." She says and I look at the girl underneath me whose hair was sprawled over my chest. I watch as her nose twitches a little, I watch her chest rise and fall back down.

I look to see Acelynn is crawled in Billie's lap sleeping to. I look back at Claudia to see she's recording me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Recording you three. So cute." She squeals. I laugh a little as Billie stirs a little causing her face to nuzzle into my neck.

Meanwhile Acelynn's head pops up as she looks around before making eye contact with me. I forget that Claudia is recording and I ask "Hey baby, how'd you sleep?"

Acelynn can't really comprehend what I said since she just woke up so she gives me her signature sleepy grin. "She's so cute!" Claudia says. Acelynn smiles at Claudia crawling into her lap.

"Are you gonna let her date when she's older?" She asks and I laugh saying "Hell no." Claudia laughs running her fingers through Acelynn's hair.


Billie POV

My eyes flutter as I look at my surroundings. There are still people and I realize I'm in the couch. I hear Delaney's voice and I look up to see Delaney is talking with Isaac. I realize I'm still in her lap with her right arm wrapped around me.

I look at her left arm which has a tattoo. It says Acelynn it isn't that big but it's big enough to notice easily. I unconsciously draw patterns on her arm which catches her attention. "Oh hey, you're awake." She says.

"Yeah, sorry for falling asleep on you." I say getting off of her lap and sitting near her. She smiles and shrugs "It's okay, you didn't bother me." She says. I nod my head and she whispers in my ear, "Might as well get used to you on top of me considering you want to have my children."

My face is now red as I cover my mouth. "Stop." I drag out the word. "You weren't supposed to find that out." I say.

She chuckles a little "It's okay, if I were to have children with you, they would be cute." She says. "Cute like Acelynn?" I tease. "Just like her." She says. There is obviously something going on between us, I don't know how to describe it, but I like this feeling.

A sudden movement on my left catches my attention. I hear Claudia scream as Delaney looks confused. I look over to see Acelynn is shaking uncontrollably as her eyes were rolling back and she was crying out in pain.

Delaney takes her hoodie off quickly revealing her sports bra and toned abs. She speeds over to Acelynn and placing Acelynn's head on the hoodie using it as a pillow. As hot as Delaney looked without a shirt on, I was shocked by what had just happened.

Delaney didn't panic, she didn't flinch. She knew exactly what to do, almost like this wasn't the first time something like this has happened. Acelynn stops convulsing and Delaney turns her to her side before letting out a deep breath.

I was surprised by how calm Delaney was in this situation. I would be on the floor in tears if I were her. "She epileptic." Delaney says.

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