Chapter 8✅

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Delaney POV

I sigh once putting a crying Acelynn in the car. I get in the driver seat and I look back to see she's having a temper tantrum. I just got to let her cry it out. I start to drive and I put on Music on the radio to tune out her loud cries.

Once I get to Jah's house, I call him telling him I'm here. He said he would babysit Acelynn. I look back to see Acelynn is asleep by now and Jah comes out opening the car door. I thank him as he picks up Acelynn.

I watch them walk into the house and I drive off to my next destination. I get there and immediately, people swarm my car realizing it's me. A security guards interjects them and I adjust my cap and I open my car door.

I walk out as the security guard blocks people from coming too close to me. I unknowingly wave and smile to everyone as I'm lead into the building. I meet Sara, my interviewer. "Hi! I'm such a fan, and I'm honored to interview you today." She says.

"Thanks." I say and I follow her into a place where there are cameras and lots of light. I sit down and someone tries to come up to me with a makeup brush. I move back saying "No thank you."

"Oh alright, that's fine." They say walking away. "This is the first interview you're having and so I want you to be yourself." Sara says and I nod before the camera clicks on.

"What's up, it's Sara Wonders and today Ms. Delaney Glazer, who just found fame for being the youngest female to become a lead choreographer. So Ms. Glazer, how does it feel?"

"It doesn't feel like anything, I haven't gotten hit with the feeling like 'omg I'm famous' yet."

"Did you know that you would be famous after this?"

"No. All I knew is that I was replacing someone."

"How'd you find out?"

"Uh, I just woke up and I turned o TV and my face was just there saying I broke a record, I thought I was wanted for a crime at first."

"Have you been getting any more opportunities?"

"Yeah, I've got an email yesterday from the The Royal Family Dance Crew."

"Yeah, have you heard about their losses and how they used to be the best team and it's like now they're horrible."

"Yeah, but I intend to change that if I can."

"Good luck, but anyway let's get to questions' everyone is asking. First, explain this picture!" She playfully yells before showing me a picture of me and Jah hugging in the car. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm confused." I say laughing a little. "Well are you guys a thing?" Sara asks. "What? A cousin thing?" I say still pretty confused. "Oh.. You guys are cousins?"Sara clarifies. I nod "Did you think we were dating?" I ask.

"What... No. Anyway, are you dating anyone perhaps?" I shake my head no. "Maybe a certain Billie Eilish?" She asks.

"Huh? Where'd you get that from?"

"There are some pap photos of you two holding hands before going into a secluded area." She says.

"Oh no, it was just a friendly gesture, we're just friends."

"Ok that's good to clean up the air, this Instagram Post with the caption "Hi mommy's girl." caused chaos and the world wants to know is this your daughter?" I take a deep breath saying "She is my daughter, Acelynn and she's two, it's all a very complicated story but just know she's my daughter."

She gives a genuine smile before saying "She's beautiful, you should be proud."


The interview just finished and I was now on my way to the Dance Studio. Once I get there, I see the same lady at the front desk, Charlie, she says "Hi Delaney, where's Acelynn?"

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now