Chapter 39

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Delaney POV

"We don't need a housewarming party." I tell Claudia for the hundredth time. "Yes you guys do! Me and Finn did it and it was amazing." She says.

"Yea. For you, we don't need one." I say. "Nor do we want one." Billie adds.

"You guys are so boring! Don't you want spend the first day in your new home with friends?" Claudia grins.

"The whole point of me buying this place was to get away from friends and that includes you." I tell her.

She gasps dramatically and puts her hand on her chest, "Rude. But please... I'll plan it, it'll be so fun." Claudia asks.

"I mean it wouldn't be that bad." Billie shrugs. "Are you seriously agreeing with this right now? She's gonna bring strangers into the house."

"Strangers. Never, it'll be us, Billie's family and your friends." Claudia suggests. "That actually sounds fun." Billie says.

I think for a while before breathing out heavily and saying "Fine."

"Yay! You won't regret it!" Claudia says excitedly. "I better not." I mumble.


I was watching Acelynn run around and I couldn't help but smile to myself. Me and that little one have been through so much together.

From exile to poverty to wealth, she's been there the whole time. She's the reason why I keep going, I guess she's also the reason  I didn't allow Que and Elinor to kill me that easily.

I couldn't leave this girl without a mother. I want to give her everything I'm able to give her. If I could give her the ocean, I would.

Now I don't know what she'd do with it, but as long as she's happy, I'm fine. I don't know what's she going to be like when she's older, she might be the next Adolf Hitler or the next Oprah Winfrey.

I want to teach her the reality of the world and not sugar coat anything. I don't want her grown up to think everyone's gonna give anything she wants to her. I want her to learn how to fight for something you want even if it feels impossible.

"Mommy?" She jumps over to me. "Yes, my love." I answer to her.

"Do I have a daddy?" I hear and my smile instantly drops.

"Um.. well, yes." I tell her. "Where is he?" She asks me.

"I don't know baby."

"I've never saw daddy before, why?" She looks at me.

"You see babygirl, even though everyone has a daddy. Not every daddy is ready to have a kid like you. Some daddies don't even know they have little cute babies and sometimes it's a good thing. Some daddies do bad things and they don't deserve to know and it's completely okay." I tell her.

"So is he ever going to come?"

"I don't know my darling, but if he does, we'll see what to do, okay?" She nods and kisses my cheek before setting herself down to run away.

"Hey," I hear Billie's voice. "I heard what she asked, must of been pretty tough."

"Yeah, it was. I didn't think she'd ever asked a question like that." I say.

"You answered the question very quickly." Billie said causing me to shrug.

"I mean there's nothing really to say about the guy. I didn't know him personally." I say.

"Why didn't you tell her he hurt you Delaney?" Billie asked. "I can't put my own past on my kid, she doesn't need to know, and what if her father does show up in her life one day somehow, do I want her to think of him as a rapist."

"But that's what he is." She says. "I know that, but he could be so much more, I don't want to ruin that image for Acelynn. I can't ruin that."

"So is this you forgiving your rapist?" Billie asked.

"This is me moving on." I answer.


I hear the doorbell ring and I go to open it and and I see Maggie and Finneas. "Hey guys." I greet them and Finn waves as Maggie gives me a hug.

"How are you?" She asks. "I'm well, thank you. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm doing amazing, this house is beautiful." She says after I let her in. "Watch, she's going to start taking her videos." Finn nudges me and I let out a laugh.

"Mom, is that you?" I hear Billie's footsteps and she walks into presence and hugs her mom and Finneas says "What's up, old hag!" I let out a snort and Billie says "Shut up, you fuckwad."

"Billie!" Maggie scolded her daughter and Billie said "Fine, fine, I'm sorry."

"Where are the little ones?" Maggie asked.

"They should be in the living room." I tell her and she's off to find them, sometimes I wonder if these kids love Maggie more than us.

The doorbell rings again and Claudia runs out into our presence, she pecks Finn's lip quickly, "Got it!" She opens the door and in walks Princess and Cleo.

"You got food?" Princess asks before she can even say hi.

Classic Princess.

"Hello to you too." I say.

"Whatever, those four weirdos you ran away from are here by the way." Princess says.

"Correction, it was five weirdos, you too Princess." Billie says and soon enough, the four crew walk in already making a bunch of noise, the only good thing they did was being Venti, the dog and I curse to myself.

Damn I really regret this.


"Mmm, Billie, I love this, but we can't do this here." I tell Billie interrupting our make out session

"Come on..." She cups my face and locks our lips. "B-billie." I pull away from her and she frowns. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"We're in public Billie." I tell her. "So? I don't care, now come here." Billie reaches in and I dodge her.

"Billie, just chill out for a second." I tell her and she nods.

"Are you okay?" She asks me after a while.

"Yes? Why are you asking?" I say. "No reason, I just wanted to say I'm proud of us. We did a lot of shit together." I'm told.

"Yeah, a lot. But I'm proud of us too." She says.

After a while of comfortable silence, I say "I love you."

She looks at me and says "I love you too puppy." My smile drops. 


"How many times have I told you, no one says puppy?" I ask.

"Deal with it," She says.

"Cause we're Different."

The End

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now