Chapter 24✅

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Delaney POV

I was walking until Sophie asks "Ready for today?"

"Don't worry about me." I say. "Ok then, I just can't wait to see the look on your face when we take 1st place." She smiles after her little statement.

"You're so confident. Overconfident." I say, she rolls her eyes before saying "I'm unbeatable, I haven't been beaten in anything." She says.

"That might change but like I said, good luck." I say smiling. I walk into the room where my dancers are and they are just going over hand movements of the dance. I hear the announcements basically welcoming guests and the competition is about to start.

I give them my little pep talk before walking outside and sitting near Billie and everyone else. "Mommy!" Acelynn says before I pick her up putting her into my lap.

Billie places her head on my shoulder intertwining out fingers as Sophie's team comes on first in bright yellow clothing and they're getting in their positions and I see Sophie smiling creepily at me as her team's dancing.

I make a face of confusion and I feel a sudden hand on my thigh. I look down expecting it to be Billie. It isn't. It's Elinor's hand. She's sitting on the other side of me and Billie doesn't seem to notice Elinor's hand.

I smack Elinor's hand away quickly fearful Billie's going to see. Elinor clears her throat before I whisper in her ear "Are you stupid?"

She rolls her eyes saying "Admit it. We belong together."

Her sister Lola was so right.

I clench my fist and pay attention to the dance routine that is displayed in front of me. They finish and everyone claps including me. You got to have to have good sportsmanship in the industry of dance.

For the next hour, I watch dance after dance for we were last. Throughout the dances, I couldn't helo but notice that Billie was jerking a lot. Like her shoulders would bounce up all of a sudden or she would make weird faces.

Of course, she's still beautiful through all of this, but it was something that was questionable. I wasn't going to ask her now but later, I would bring it up. "Last but certainly not least, The Royal Family Dance Crew." The host says into his microphone which erupts applause and hoots.

My team walks out in blue and white outerwear as they get into their right positions. They make eye contact with me and I just nod. This is there last chance, they make it or break it.

Billie POV

Watch it.

I've never been more fascinated into a dance more than now. Everything from the music to the clothing was perfect. I look up to see Delaney's reaction and she's not even smiling. She's just looking and examining.

Well, there good, so at least a smile. Not even a grin or a laugh, she's just looking as if she's waiting to see a mistake and snap. I was terrified of this look and I didn't even know what it meant.

"Cool!" Adelaide says sitting near me. "I know right. Do you like it?" I ask. "Yes. Me want to be a dancer." She says. Well, there's her future career. Acelynn and Cleo are dancing along to the music in front of Delaney. The dancers end and leave and claps roar in the air.

I clap also, but Delaney doesn't. "Did you not like it? Did they mess up?" I ask concerned. "No, they were perfect." She says before getting up and walking out of the building. "What's wrong with her?" Princess asks from behind me. I shrug saying "I don't know. I'll go check on her."

I get up following her same path and she's walking away and I quicken my pace to catch up to her. "Are you okay?" I ask once I'm near her. "Yes." She says blankly before sitting on the bench. I sit by saying "Talk to me."

She says nothing and I turn her face to make contact with her blue eyes. "I don't seeing you like this. Let's talk about it." I say.

She runs her fingers through her hair before saying "I'm nervous."

"Nervous? Of what?" I ask.

"Those kids are depending on me and if they lose. Everything they have of dance is gone. Their studio will be shut down, some on them won't have jobs, all because of me." She says.

"I wouldn't put it all on you. You did your best. We just have to see who wins." I say. "And if I don't, what do I tell them?"

"That it's okay to lose, we get back up from them and try again." I say, "And trust me, I don't think you're gonna lose with a dance like that." I nudge her a bit.

She laughs a little and she looks at me. "Thanks for the pep talk O'Connell." She says. "Anytime Glazer."

"Let's g-" She cuts me off by connecting our lips. I instantly cup her neck and I feel her hands grip my waist. We pull away realizing we're in public. "Sorry, I just needed to do that. We should go." She says getting. I grab her extended hand as I intertwine our fingers and we walk back to the venue.

Once we get in, Delaney has to leave for interviews before winners are announced. For the next hour, I try to handle Dani and Princess' arguing and the host says "Everyone please take your seats, it is now time to announce our victors."

Delaney finally shows up and sits besides me and I grab her hand in efforts of trying to ease her nervousness down but I can tell it isn't helping.

Delaney POV

The kind of nervous I was can't even be described. I can't let these dancers down, they're terrified for these results. This could finish their dance career if they lose. They need 1st place in order for their studio to keep on running.

"Finishing at 3rd place is Londra Stace and The Bees Dance Crew." The host says and I mentally swipe the sweat off my forehead. Not us. The Bees Dance Crew captain walks up grabbing the small trophy and check before exiting off the stage.

"Next, finishing at 2nd place is... Sophie Leonard and The Elite Dance Crew." The host says and I look at Sophie to see she's in shock but tries to hide it and be professional. Alright, last one. Wait. What if we didn't place at all and got like 4th place.

Jeez. Am I that bad? Delaney, you can't think like that, just listen. "Lastly, finishing in 1st place and winning our grand prize is..." The host starts but pauses.

My anxiety is officially going through the roof. This is going to define my career, Kiara said so. This pause is lasting forever and Billie's squeezing my hand to calm my nerves but is failing.

Everyone is silent and not even a single phone goes off and the host finally says "Delaney Glazer and The Royal Family Dance Crew." I let out a breath as I hear loud cheers and hear my name being chanted. "You did it baby." Billie says in my ear.

"Delaney Glazer has made a new record now being the first woman to win first place and youngest person to win anything in the Championship. This is the first win for the Royal Family in five years. Congratulations and enjoy your day." The host says exiting his place on stage.

I smile proudly as the whole team runs on stage hugging each other and still in shock. Janelle, the team captain is given a mic where she says

"Thank you to all the judges and people who votes for us. But I would like to mostly thank Ms. Delaney Glazer who worked with us and took a chance on us when no one would. She would leave her loved ones to work with strangers just for us to feel confident and be happy about being dancers again. Dancers aren't really recognized in this industry which is why I'm honored to say that it was just founded out Delaney Glazer is nominated for 3 Grammys and she will also be receiving the new made Mother of the Year Award at the 62nd Annual Grammys."

My smile instantly fades. Me? I look over to Billie who's smiling and she says "Surprise?"

"I'm n- what?" I ask in disbelief. Billie shows me her phone where I see my picture displayed on a screen where it lists all my nominations.

Dancer of the Year
Choreography of the Year
Best Dance Recording
Mother of the Year Award

Hello everyone. Might be some spelling mistakes. I'm too lazy to proofread so here ya go.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now