Chapter 11

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Delaney POV

A few days later

Right now, I'm in the dance studio doing my typical routine of choreographing, dealing with Loren's attitude and yelling at grown adults to shut the fuck up.

Class is over and I go to my car where my phone rings with Kiara, my manager.

Kiara is italic
Delaney is bold

Hey Kiara

Hey D, we need to talk


I got an email from the Royal Family Dance Crew and they want you to choreograph for them for the upcoming World's Dance Competition.

Yea, they emailed me, I just forgot about it

So, I think you should. It would be good for your career, so you won't be only known as the choreographer for that one studio

Alright, I'm up for it. Tell them for someone to get in contact for me.

You can meet up with them right now, I'll send you the address.

I hang up after I get sent to the address. You're still probably wondering about Acelynn's seizure. It's true, she's epileptic, that was her 5th seizure since she was born. It's something I'm used to, so I knew exactly what to do.

I drive to the studio which has a banner saying ROYAL FAMILY DANCE CREW: CHAMPIONS OF 2014. Wow, they really haven't won in a while. Before I go in, I hear my name being yelled. I turn around to see a group of girls running over to me.

"Hi! Omg, I'm such a huge fan of you." One girl says. "Hey, thanks. What's your name?" I ask. "Angel!" She says.

"Beautiful name, how are you?" I start our conversation and after, I take a picture with the girls before going into the building. "Hello, you must be Miss Delaney Glazer." A man greets me when I walk in.

"I am. I'm looking for Janelle, captain of the dance crew." I say. He nods telling me to follow where I see a young girl who I assume is Janelle.

She sees me and says "You came! I'm so excited to be working with you." I thank her saying "So who are we working with?"

She calls out and about 50 other people comes out excited when they see me. "Wow, that's a lot of people." I say. The studio is big meaning I will have enough space. "We have some what of a dance, if we could show you." Janelle says. "Go ahead." I say.

I watch them get in their positions as the music begins. I watch for the next 5 minutes, watching them bump into each other, forgetting choreography. Basically, everything was a mess.

They finish and Janelle says "So.."

"I don't like it." I say plainly, I'm a brutally honest when it comes to dance, it was shitty honestly. "But that's okay, because we're going to make it something I do like." I continue.

They all nod as I say "We're changing everything, including the music." I start for the 5 hours.

5 hours laters

I was still in the studio choreographing with the crew and I've learned a few things about the Championships. This year's category is Hip Hop, which is my specialty and that I have 10 weeks to come up with something. I've also learned that they if the crew doesn't win this year, they're shutting everything down.

This is their last chance and they're depending on me. "Your feet has to be in sync with the beat." I yell out. They secure their feet as I examine each of them. "Remember the 8 count." I say before starting the music.

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