Chapter 38

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Delaney POV

I hear Billie sneeze again and I look at her. "What?" She asks.

"You're sick." I tell her and she shakes her head while continuing to tape the cardboard box up. "No I'm not." She muttered before coughing into her arm.

I told her she was going to get sick dealing with Acelynn also sick, but she insisted.

I raise an eyebrow and I put the rest of Acelynn's shoes in the box and I hear her sneeze again. "Okay. Let me take this." I say taking the tape out of her hands and I tell her to get up.

"What are you doing?" She asks. "You're sick, so you need to rest." I tell her.

"No I don't, we need to pack the rest of the boxes, we're almost finished." She says.

"I'll do the rest, you've been up since dawn, just get some sleep and I'll wake you up."

"No... We both want to be out of here by today, don't we?" She asks looking up at me. "We'll be out, we've packed a lot anyway, all that's left is Acelynn's things and we're out of here."


"Billie, just go sleep." I tell her and she sighs before nodding. I walk her into her room and I tuck her in then turning off the light.

I walk back to Acelynn's room to see her reaching into one of the boxes. "What are you doing, you rascal?" I ask her.

"My shoes." She says. "What shoes?" I ask.

She points to her blue flats and looks at me waiting for me. "What do say?" I ask her. "Please?" She says sloppily moving her dark curls out of her face.

I lean down and I grab the requested flats and I hand them to her. "I can put it on." She tells me.

"You're a big girl now?" I ask her and she nods. She slips the shoes on her feet and she claps her hands together smiling.

"Yay!" I say and she gets up and walks to me and I get up picking her up in the process spinning her around a little causing her to turn into a fit of giggles.

I set her down and she skips out of her bedroom and I kneel down reaching for the tape and I hear Jah's voice "Have you always been this mature?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask without looking at him. "I mean you've grown a lot." He says.

"I was forced to grow up Jahseh, I had a baby at 15, kicked out of my house and left to fend for myself, I had no choice but to be mature." I tell him while folding a blanket.

"I still don't understand why you didn't tell me."

"You know me, I've always been an independent person, never one to ask for help."

"Oh yeah, we all knew that, I see that in Acelynn."

"It's good for her to be independent, but I want her to know that if she needs me, I'll be here. I'll always be here." I say.

"You think her father's ever going to show up?" Jah asks making my head snap up. "Uh, I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see." I answer.

"I'm proud of you." He says and I scoff. "What is this? An emotional goodbye, I'm not moving to a different country, just a different house far away from here." I laugh.

"Am I not allowed to say bye?" He asks. "You are, but don't sound so sappy."

"Whatever, I'm gonna miss hearing you complain about how much you hate this place." He says. "Yeah, I'm ready to be out of here."

I finish up the last box and I look at the now empty room, smiling to myself. "You done?" Jah asks. "Yep, I'm gonna go put it in the trunk, drop them off and be right back.


Billie POV

I eat the blueberry in the bowl while Addy and Acelynn were eating some apple sauce and I realize I haven't seen Delaney since I've woken up and I've been up.

She made me go get some rest since I had just the smallest cold, but honestly it helped.

"Hey, have you guys seen Delaney?" I ask Dani and Isaac. "Nope, she went to the new house last night and hasn't been back since." Isaac tells me.

"Well did someone text her to check in or what?"

"I didn't but her car isn't here, so maybe went out." Dani shrugs. "I'll go to the house." I say grabbing my keys and the house keys.

"Billie?" I hear Addy call my name. "Yea baby?" I ask.

"Can we go?" She asks looking at Acelynn. "Of course." I say. I help them get their feet on the ground and they both waddle behind me as we get to the car.

I strap them in their boosters and I get in the driver's seat. I turn on the radio playing some music while driving over to the house.

I look in the rear mirror watching the two girls looking outside of the window mesmerized by the view they were witnessing.

I smiled to myself running my fingers through my hair. Seeing them happy was just the highlight of my day, but now I had to focus on Delaney.

I arrive at the house a few minutes later, and I park in the garage. I let the girls out after letting myself out and open the door to the house. The girls run in and I look around to see opened boxes and I see that the furniture I ordered was here and placed exactly the way I wanted.

It looks like someone was up doing work. I walk past the boxes and I look to see everything I fought Delaney over to buy came and most of it was unpacked.

"Delaney? You here somewhere?" I ask out loud and the only thing I hear are Acelynn and Addy's conversation.

"Baby?" I call out again. "Delaney, where ar-" I cut myself off when I walk into mine and Delaney's room and I see her on the bed, face smushed against the pillow as she's still in her clothes from last night.

I chuckle to myself as I tap Delaney a little and her eyes flutter. "Hey you." I say.

"Morning." She rasps. God damn, I'm in love with that raspy voice.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I live here, don't I?" She says. "You do. I just didn't think you'd unpack everything right now." I tell her.

"Well all the things you ordered came last night, so I thought why not unpack now."

"So, my guess is you've been up for a while, huh?"

"Yep. I went to bed at five in the morning." She says.

"We didn't even get to say goodbye to our friends." I complain.

"Oh, it's fine, they won't die." She adds.

I lean down and kiss her forehead earning a little grin from her.

"I love you." I say.

"I know." She says.

Different [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now