Chapter 5. Planning

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POV: Grian
Location: Admin HeadQuarters, Libra Skyward's Private Meeting Room

"I came as fast as I could. What do you need?" I ask as I teleport into Skyward's room. She looked at me, an expression of worry on he face.

"A couple things." She started. "Reports and been claiming Watchers were sighted on many servers. There are about 100 reports, growing as we speak." She turned her computer towards me, the number on her inbox is 106 and increasing.

"None mentioned the Head Watcher. He seems to be commanding everything, not making any moves yet." I relaxed, relieved that we didn't have to deal with him now.

"That might change, Xelqua." She said, deflating my hopes. "That's not it. We've got more information because the Watchers have a habit of speaking too much. The Watchers are looking for something. Someone, more specifically." My eyes widened as I realized what she meant.

"Oh no... what have I done?" I whispered, looking out the window that overlooked the rest of the HQ.

"What, Xel?" She asked.

"They're looking for me. The moment I escaped their clutches, they knew that I would be the perfect person to be a Watcher. The Head Watcher knows I'm a Prime Admin. Oh my goodness, I wasn't thinking. I basically told them that I was a Prime." I turned to her. "They're going to destroy every server until they find me. I have to go to them to say everyone else's life."

"No, you don't, Xelqua. We're admins for a reason, we'll find a way out of this.

"You don't understand, Li. I revealed myself to the Head Watcher. I-I can't... Libra, The Head Watcher knows my pseudonym, he knows I go by Grian. He also knows there are only 2 Prime Admins. He'll put the pieces together and he'll know I'm also Xelqua, not just Grian." Libra sighed.

"Yes, that may have thrown a wrench in our plans, but we'll work through it." She tried to convince me it was fine, but I wasn't buying it. I collapsed into one of her chairs, putting a hand to my forehead.

"What else?" I asked in a tired tone.

"That All-Admin Meeting last year?" She replied, sounding hesitant.

"What about it." I say in a dead tone.

"That's the thing. It's been a year. We're required to have it every year. Now's the time." I look at her with a look that could only be described as a 'really?' look. We sat in silence as I think about what to do now, and how to handle it.

"We can talk about the Watcher problem there, right?"


"So that, server issues, repair concerns, training for Tiers Purpura and Argentum, taking in new admins, promoting afterwards if nothing happens... that sort of thing?"

"Mhm." She confirmed.

"Will this take about the entire day?"

"Just like last time, Xelqua. I know how much you hate these meetings because you risk revealing your identity, but since we are the highest ranked admin, we are required to do so." Libra explained. I nodded, understanding that we have to be role-models for the lower tier admins. I paused, remembering what happened before Libra called me here.

"I just wanted to say that I gave Xisuma some hints about being an admin. I don't think he got it though, because I also told him that I knew someone name Xelqua, and that we were close before I lost touch with him. I said that I thought he dies when battling the Head Watcher when I escaped Evo. By the expression on his face, I think he's going to ask about Xelqua soon." I say, facing the other Prime Admin. She put her fingers together, tilting her head in a questioning way.

"I assume you have a good reason for this?"

"I don't want anyone to think I'm an admin, especially. Xisumavoid is smart, and he'll eventually catch on. He's already suspicious about me."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"This may seem stupid, usless, and even a little dangerous..." She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, interested but reluctant to ask.

"Before you tell me, what is the point of telling me this plan of yours that you say is 'a bit stupid, usless, and maybe even dangerous'?

"It'll refrain Xisuma from asking about Xelqua. It'll also make him keep away from me in a little fear, if he knows who Xelqua is in relation to me." Her eyes slightly narrowed. She hated using fear in advantage.

"Your plan is..." She trailed off or me to finish.

"I want you 'accidentally' slip the name Xelqua when you refer to me at the All-Admin Meeting."

(781 words)

(Edited: 01-01-2020)

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