Chapter 9. Just a Distraction

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(Not proof read, like most of my chapters)

POV: Grian
Location: Admin HeadQuarters

My golden aura flashed dangerously as I strode through the doors to the Admin HQ. I quickly transform my clothes into my normal black hoodie and jeans. Many Watchers were gathered out side, endangering all of the players. My eye twitched, tears threatening to fall. I pulled the doors shut, shaking the entire HQ. I called all the admins from Tier Erythros and up to assist me. It was going to be 169 admins vs. over 1000 watchers. I wanted to leave some admins with the players so nothing else can be damaged.

Libra teleported herself next to me, looking at the Watchers with flaming golden eyes. The other admins eventually showed up in a short amount of time.

"Listen up, and listen well, all of you." I say in a low dangerous voice. Most froze.

"Watcher's are here to try and invade us. I don't care what you have to do: freeze, cut, knock unconscious, break bones, kill... do not let them get inside and take over the Admin HQ. Do not let them get to the players. There are more of them than us. Use all of your ability, it doesn't matter. Protect them at all costs. And remember, don't look into the Head Watcher's eyes. " I look and nod towards Libra, who pulled the doors open. She and I instantly knocked out at least 50 of them as the door widened. Magic came and went, shields were conjured and broken, people on their side fell quicker than us. Libra and I both were protecting the other admins, ourselves, the HQ, and not making eye contact with the Head Watcher who tried to control us.

Zap, slice (with sword), stab, shield, cut, block, blast... it was the same pattern over and over again. Watcher after Watcher, we took most of them down quickly, barely breaking a sweat.

Time seems to slow down as a Watcher's blade begins it's path to my face. My sword wasn't close enough to block, I couldn't move from my position, and my energy was just sent to take another Watcher down. I lean back, slightly avoiding it, but it still sliced across my face. I blast that Watcher back a millisecond afterward. I yell in pain as I stumble into a wall. I grasp my face, feeling my blood stain and drip onto my robes. My face became numb as I try and heal it via Prime Energy, but nothing was working. I had used most of it fighting, and it takes time to build itself back up again. I look through my bloody fingers at some of the other admins fighting.

Skeppy was just kicked in the gut and cut across his chin. He took out that Watcher before getting kicked again and pinned down by 4 other Watchers. Xisuma was blasted across the entire courtyard, slamming into a wall a few hundred blocks away from me. He fell to the ground, not moving for a couple of seconds. He tried getting up, but stumbled again. He sat against the wall, holding his head. Blood dripped from his side and his lips. He probably had a concussion. Libra had 7 Watchers attacking her simultaneously. Hypixel was shot out of the sky, falling hard onto the cobblestone floor, knocking Biffa and Iamulatir to the floor with him. BadBoyHalo was punched in the jaw right after he disarmed that same Watcher. He fell backwards to the floor, falling onto another person. AppleG was cornered with his back to the trench. He used bad footing and fell into the water. Noobcrew helped him out of the water, knowing that AppleG couldn't swim. I close my eyes, not being able to look anymore.

Remember when we went on a rant about controlling emotions at the All-Admin Meeting? Yeah, well, screw that.

Lightning came from the cloudless sky, striking various places among the server. Most of the Watchers were thrown off their feet, obviously not trained to stay balanced in situations similar to this. This gave my admins enough time to recover. They all looked at each other, resetting and healing as best as they could. I go to the center of the courtyard, taking any challengers down with a flick of my wrist, holding my sword.

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