Chapter 7. Grief

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POV: Grian
Location: All-Admin Meeting Room

Libra took longer than I expected when she said she'd slip my name I thought she forgot the plan. When she did, I purposely froze. I slowly turn to make it seem authentic.

"Did you just..." I asked in a quiet tone. My voice amplifier was off. She turned hers off also.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Leave it, Li. It's fine. It was going to be known eventually..." I turn to the doors again, hoping everyone, even Xisuma, bought that scene. I turn to walk out the doors again. The lights flicked, then went out. I narrow my eyes, looking over my shoulder and at Skyward. She looked towards the doors. I detected...

I growled. What was Watcher magic doing here?

I put a force field up, protecting the lower Tiers, also preventing them from hearing the conversation. The doors were kicked open with such force they probably left a dent in the stone.

The Head Watcher stood there, dramatic and smiling an evil grin. He wore a dark purple robe and even darker purple clothing underneath it. His boots were black, and belt was brown. This time, his hood was down, showing off his long, black hair. His eyes were glowing purple with a literal flame emitting from it.

"Can I please go on with my life to never see you again?" I ask, frowning at his dramatic posture.

"Well well well, Grian. I see you've recovered nicely." He said. He stepped closer, stopping when he saw Libra's hand glow, getting ready to blast the life out of him. He stepped back, holding his hands up in a surrendering position.

"I just wanted to speak with you." He spoke. I looked at him with an unconvinced expression.

"In front of all my people?" I ask.

"... I guess it's a bonus." He shrugged.

"What do you want, Kyle?" He scowled as I smirked.

"I told you not to call me that pathetic name!" [not meant to offend, he has to stay in character]

"What do you want?" I tried again.

"I'm here to make a deal." He crossed his arms, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side.

"I probably won't accept, but go on." In the corner of my eye, I saw blasts of silver Admin energy collide into the dome.

"I'll spare your precious servers that we're destroying... if you join us."

"No." He smirked, apparently expecting my answer. He lifted his wrist to his mouth and spoke into a communicator type of thing.

"Aim for Hermitcraft. Destroy every single thing in it."

"What?! No, stop!"

"Cancel that, for now." He held his hands behind his back in a formal way.

"Why," I ask. "Why are you after me?"

"Because I want you-"

"I told you, I'm straight-"

"To join us! You're so powerful... we could use you-"

"Leave me alone!" I scream at him.

"Join us, and I'll spare your pitiful server you play on."

"Over my dead body, Watcher."

"One day, Grian, I'll make it happen."

"If you do, it'll be your downfall." I hiss. He sent a blast of his horrid magic as Libra deflected it into another wall. Many pieces of stone fell from the wall. There was now a huge hole we had to fix later. He sent another solid beam coming from his hands, meeting with Libra's Admin energy in the middle.

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