Chapter 19. Through to the Heart

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(Warning: Death implied)

POV: Grian
Location: Watcher's Lair, Main Room

"Don't you dare move!" I yell, snarling. The Head Watcher looked at me, confused and angry. Everyone stopped moving, staring at me. I stood up, ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

"I am sick of you having your people fight your battles for you." I started, glaring at all the purple-clothed people in the room. The Head Watcher squeezed his fist together.

"Prove to me you aren't weak, and fight me by yourself." I challenge, painfully stretching my wings out. The Head Watcher wrinkled his nose, twirling his flaming sword around.

"You dare call me weak-"

"Yes, Head Watcher, I do." I interrupt. He smirked, taking one step forward.

"And what if I don't take your challenge?"

"Wealking." Is all I said.

"Fine, Grian, I'll play your little game." He said, spitting my name. Both stepped towards each other, away from the ranks of other people. I fold my wings into my back so I don't injure them some more.. I readied my obsidian sword, putting a hand behind my back. He looked startled, as if he didn't know I had it- well, he may actually not have known. What a weak noodle.

He immediately sent a flame ball of black magic at me. I swat it away, yawning. He blasted another at me and I swat it back at him. He ducked, letting the flame ball hit the other Watchers. He easily took out 50 of his own men.

I heard snickers from my area. I stop myself from busting out laughing by simply smirking. He rolled his eyes, stepping closer to me. I approached him, sword near my side and the other arm still behind my back.

He threw many strikes my way. I blocked and attacked back with such force he started sweating. Shows that he doesn't have much skill.

He came at me again. I stepped to the side, holding my foot out. He tripped over it, falling to the floor with a thump.

A small snicker escaped my lips. I covered my mouth with my other hand, but my shoulders were shaking.

He stood up and attacked me like nothing had happened. Though I did notice, his face was red from embarrassment. In the middle of the duel, he suddenly kicked my hand. I recoil in pain, thinking my hand was broken. Thank God it wasn't.

My sword flew a few blocks away. He attacked me, forcing me to step back. I dove under the blade that was sliced at me. The iron dagger that Xisuma wielded earlier was slid my way. In the corner of my eyes, I saw him standing up from a sitting position.

As a diamond blade came down on me, I swiped the dagger and quickly brought it up, blocking the sword. It dented, since diamond is stronger than iron. I kick the Head Watcher back, giving me time to run towards my sword.

I picked up the black and bronze sword while tucking the dagger into my inventory, rocking back on my heels. My back was towards the other Watchers, putting me in a vulnerable position. However, if the Head Watcher was gullible, my on-the-spot plan should work.

And work it did. He sent a blast of magic at me once again. I drop to the floor, letting it pass over me.

He groaned as he realized what he just did.

I snickered, hearing many Watchers fall to the ground behind me. I don't know if they were dead, or just unconscious.

I bolt past the Head Watcher, doing a quick slice at him. It cut him in the side, (somehow). He winced in pain, but recovered fairly quickly.

"Attack them." The Head Watcher snarled. "Leave him to me."" He pointed at me, sneering. Dark purple magic, arrows, potions, and tridents flew towards the admins. They retaliated with energy of their own, lighting up the room with many colors.

Head Watcher and I engaged in another fight. This time, he was prepared. He didn't let himself get cut easily. He was more precise with his cuts and strikes. I was impressed with how much he improved when he was ready.

He sent a blast of magic at me. I side-stepped and sent one back at him. The weapon he was using flew out of his hand and towards me. I put it in my inventory. He picked up a spear from another Watcher, and the fight continued.

However, instead of melee fighting, the Head Watcher now mainly used magic. He used the spear he acquired to channel his magic.

I jumped around, avoiding his blasts of magic. I sent a lot of my energy back, but since I was drained I had to be careful with it. I tried getting in close with my sword, but he effectively kept me away.

He sent blasts of magic, one after another. I jumped away from one, but into another. It sent my trusty obsidian sword flying behind me once again. He thrusted at me with the spear. I cartwheel back with one hand, avoiding the tip from impaling me in the chest. I roll to the side, avoiding another strike. I stood up but tripped over my own feet. I stumble forward.

The Head Watcher hit me in the stomach with the butt of the spear, knocking me to the side. I grunted and wince. He tried hitting me over the head with the weapon, but I caught it and sliced through the wood, snapping it in half with the dagger Xisuma slid to me.

I fall backwards into Libra, knocking us both down. We fell to the floor, other admins landing on top of us. I grunted, trying to push Skeppy's limp body off of me. He was just knocked unconscious from another Watcher.

The Head Watcher grasped his side. It was dripping blood, a lot of it. He limped away, bending down near a body. He grabbed another spear from a fallen Watcher, ducking to avoid an arrow that flew his way. The tip of the spear glowed a dark purple before sparking in a black flame. He smirked and turned, holding the middle of the shaft. He looked around, searching for a target.

I gently but swiftly lift Skeppy's body off of mine with admin magic, scrambling to my feet.

By the time I already looked to the Head Watcher, he had already thrown the spear. I tried stopping it by holding a golden wall of energy in its path.

It cut through it like butter.

I tried again.

Same result.

I cursed out loud in Galactic, making some other admins look at me in worry.

People scrambled away from the path quickly.

I watched in dread as the spear sailed through the air, fueled by the Head Watcher's magic. Nothing was stopping that thing from impaling the person it was aimed for.

It was Xisuma.

He looked frozen in place by fear. It was about 20 blocks away when he noticed it through the crowd of people. He didn't have enough time to move at this point.

It was too late.

He threw his hands up and looked away, closing his eyes. It was as if he thought it would stop that magic-rigged spear.

I saw someone jump in front of Xisuma, pushing him away. The spear went straight through the person's heart. My breath hitched, almost gasping at the horrific sight. It was thrown so hard and magic-rigged so much, that the spear stuck through their back a little.

Their eyes were full of pain and suffering as they fell to their knees.

(1291 words)

(Edited: 01-01-2020)

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