Chapter 18. Reunion

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POV: Xisumavoid
Location: Watcher’s Lair, Main Room

Grian stared at everyone coldly. His eyes were narrowed and they observed us. He knew he was outnumbered. He sighed, twirling his sword around absentmindedly.

“I guess I have to deal with all of you by myself.” He turned, slicing at me. He clipped the the front part of my armor, leaving a dent in it. I stumble backwards, raising my sword in defence. He was blasted back by most of the admins’ magic, flying into the wall.

I was breathing hard, tired from the previous fight. I reach for the splash potion of healing, using it. I felt only slightly better, but was in good enough shape to fight.

Some of the admins charged forward, towards Grian. A blast of gold magic pushed most of them back. He’s figured out how to use some of the Prime Admin’s magic. That would be bad for us if he gained total control over that, also. The other admins went into the hall, picking off the rest of the Watchers. I wonder what Pearl and Taurtis would do…

I grunt as a strong pair of arms wrapped around my body, almost knocking me off balance. I step back, regaining my footing again. I look to see my brother embracing me tight. Through his helmet, I saw his eyes watering. I hug back, lightly and painfully.

"You came…” I whisper in disbelief. He nodded in my chest, making me grimace.

“No matter what happened, I still care. I saw on the high ranked admin chat that you were taken, and wanted to come.” He replied quietly, lightly punching me in the chest.

“Ow- you know when you do that it hurts, right? Broken or fractured ribs?” I mutter. The room shook from magic and energy being used against Grian. In the corner of my eyes, I saw that he was pushed to the ground, held down magically by some of the admins. He struggled, but it was useless.

“Yes, X, I do.” He said, humor in his voice. He pulled back, looking me straight in the eyes. He whacked me in the side of the head, making me throw my hands up in reflex.

“By the amount of times I felt a blow to your body, I would've thought you’d be dead. Don’t scare me like that again.” He scolded, pointing a finger at me. I sigh, making it sound exasperated. I knew EX could read me well, so there was no point in hiding my emotions from him.

“Alright, alright. I’m fine. We need to help them.” I say, turning towards Grian and the other admins. Grian screamed in pain, with a dark purple energy surrounding him. The admins dove away, seemingly knowing what was going to happen.

Another large blast threw us off our feet, but we all quickly stood up. Grian laid where he was, still and breathing shakily. His eyes were no longer purple, but their light blue color. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at us in alarm and exhaustion.

“Head Watcher…” He said, voice hoarse and rough. It lacked the malice, steel, and hatred that it previously held. I spin around to where I threw the Head Watcher aside earlier.

He wasn’t there.

I groan in annoyance.

I heard footsteps behind me and whip around to them. The Head Watcher stood there. He looked slightly dazed, but fine anyway.

He was holding his sword, a sharp diamond blade that was covered in a black flame. His eyes glowed and flamed dark purple.

Everyone averted their eyes from the man, knowing exactly what happened earlier.

"You all are fools. You know, we will take Minecraft over eventually." He sneered.

"Well, you'll have to get through all the admins first." Hypixel spoke up, power flowing through his voice.

"You'll die before you get the chance, Watcher." Grian said softly.

"Is that a threat?" Head Watcher growled. I glare at him as he looked at me, directing his attention to me. I subtly look away, at a spot behind the Watcher.

"No. It's a promise." I hiss, smirking. My brother put a cold hand on my bare arm, supportively. The Head Watcher sneered, bringing his sword up. I raise my sword, preparing for yet another battle.

"Bring it on, admins." He spat, before all the doors leading to the main room banged open, letting more Watchers come in.

My brother and I share a look.

We won't go down without a figh-

(758 words)

(Edited: 01-01-2020]

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