Chapter 16. Escape

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POV: Xisumavoid
Location: Watcher's Lair

I looked out the cell, grasping the bars weakly. Grian had just been lugged away by a Watcher, leaving me all alone. Neither of them knew I was awake.

I started scratching the ropes on a sharp iron bar. I don't think I'll be able to fully get it off. I was so tired I was about to fall asleep again, but I didn't. I heard footsteps down the hall, two of them. They sounded hurried and urgent. They quietly opened the door, looking around cautiously.

One stayed near the door. He kept guard and made sure no one else was around. The other one crouched down next to me, unknotting the magic dampening ropes. Her long, white-faded-to-brown hair fell in front of her face. Masks covered both of their faces, concealing their identity from me.

The girl got the ropes undone, throwing them to the side. They looked at each other, nodding in satisfaction.

"W-why?" I ask, feeling my energy slowly building itself up.

"We're Grian's friends. We thought we'd help you. The Watchers' plan was to drain you completely so you couldn't move, like how Grian was earlier, then make you take your helmet off so Kyle could control you. It wouldn't have been a pretty thing, since you and Grian are quite powerful admins." The one near the door said. The Watcher that untied the magic dampening ropes pulled me up, slipping an iron dagger, healing potion, splash potion of blindness- wait, what?

"How did you get this?" I questioned, holding the blindness pod out. The girl smirked, but didn't say anything.

"Good luck, Xisumavoid." They started walking away, down where they came from. I stop just outside of the door.

"Wait!" I call after them. They paused, looking at each other. Turning around, they look at me with a questioning expression.

"What are your names...?"

"Pearlescentmoon." The girl said, turning the other way.

"Taurtis." The other said, waning and walking backwards with Pearl. I slowly nod, frowning and grasping the hilt of the dagger. I take a deep breath and walk down the hall, trying to find my way back to the main room. It was where Grian was most likely taken to.

After a few minutes of walking around, I turned a corner to find many, upon many, upon many, upon many, Watchers filing out of a room. After two minutes of silence, I heard a muffled crash against the wall. The Watcher's were standing guard outside of the room. There was a balcony that led to another hall, and then directly into the room I was trying to get to. I search my inventory for anything useful. One ender pearl sat in the back. I picked it up after finding a chest everyone forgot about.

I only have one chance to get this right. If I miss, I'll land in the mass of Watchers who will surely take me back to the cell. I shuddered at the thought. I have to get this, right now.

I hold the pearl in my right hand, looking for the right place to throw it... There, right above the pillar. It should get me just above the ground so I can land softly on the carpet.

Before I could second guess myself, I chuck the pearl to where I wanted it to go. I grinned as I knew the path it's taking was the correct one.

I got transported to the balcony, purple particles surrounding me. They came together, going into me. I shrugged as I started quietly sneaking towards the door that lead to the hall.

The door I came out of was directly next to the duo inside the room. I quickly hid back in the corridor, getting my dagger ready and potions in a close area for me to reach them. I didn't want to waste them, so they were farther back than normal.

"Whatever I want, Grian. You're basically stuck here." Muffled shuffling sounded, then silence. Why wasn't Grian saying anything? I waited until the Head Watcher said something.

"Purple suits you." Purple? Where did that come from?

I step out from the hall, wrapping my arm around the Head Watcher's neck. I pulled him off of Grian, staring at Grian's frozen form. His eyes were slightly glazed and were a light purple.

"What did you do to him?" I hissed into Head Watcher's ear.

"Nothing. Well, nothing bad, per se."

"I don't believe you. What. Did. You. Do?" I pressed the dagger into his skin more, not breaking through the skin. I knew it had hurt a little since he winced a little.

"Hey, relax. He's just under my full control-"

"He looked you directly in the eyes?!" I screamed. I look at Grian again, seeing that he wasn't doing anything. Not his usual insults, no smart comments, no fighting, nothing.

"Yes, I thought you knew this." I glared at the Head Watcher, hatred burning in my eyes.

"We will kill you. No matter how long it takes, we'll get you eventually." I threaten. I know it was true. With all the admins in the entire world, Watcher's surely could not overpower us.

"Idiot, the Watchers will always prevail-"

I hit the Head Watcher in the head really hard with the butt of the dagger I've been using. I cast his unconscious body to the side.

"You fool, you may have knocked me out, but I can still use Grian. You wouldn't dare hurt the Prime Admin, would you?" He teased me as he was taking out a diamond sword.

He was right. I would never attack or engage in combat with the Prime Admin, knowing he would wipe the floor easily.

I found another diamond sword that was leaning against the wall and held it up in a defensive position. I slipped the dagger near the potions.

"Do... it." He gasped, gaining control for a moment. His eyes flickered from a dull purple to his normal light blue color. "I'll... heal even-eventually." He stepped back, the purple back in his eyes. Grian glared at me with his unnatural eyes, attacking me with his sword. We dueled, sword and sword. Clashes and clangs were echoing throughout the room every time we met. Rolling, dogging, ducking, and blocking were the main movements I used so my life wasn't endangered. Not that it wasn't already.

I got confused when Grian started talking to himself. I then figured that Grian must be able to somehow communicate with the Head Watcher, even though he wasn't in control of his body. It was an interesting sight and conversation, I must admit.

Grian leaned down next to my ear. I threw my elbow at his face, strategy working effectively. He released me, so I scrambled to my feet as he grasped his nose. It wasn't hard enough to break it, but it sure did surprise him.

I pushed Grian's leg down as he tried to kick me. I threw a hook at him, hitting Grian in the side of the face. I side-kicked him in the chest, knocking him back a few blocks. He doubles over in pain, gasping loudly from the pain of his surly fractured ribs.

I noticed that the potions I've been saving have not broken, somehow. Interesting. With the amount of times I've been thrown to the floor, I would've expected them to break.

Grian and I glared at each other, not saying anything.

The doors bang open, revealing almost every high rank admin there is. Heck, even BadBoyHalo was there, though looking a little timid.

I look back at Grian, smirking at him from under my helmet. He gave us all death stares, knowing he was out-numbered. I quickly observe the ranks. My breath hitched and stopped for a second as I recognize one person who I haven't seen in years.

I noticed he had a few scars lined on the skin of his arms, identical to mine. He was slightly out of breath, and looked like he was in a bit of pain.

Evil Xisuma (which isn't his real name), stood there, looking at me with guilt and worry clear as day in his eyes. A look I haven't seen since we were young.

(1389 words)

(Edited: 01-01-2020

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