Chapter 22. Home

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POV: Grian
Location: Evolution

I stepped through the portal, the last one out of the server. By the time I stepped through and into the Server Hub, there were only a few people there.

Libra and Hypixel approached me with exhausted faces and tired eyes. They did, however, have a look of triumph from the win of the battle.

"Xelqua, come to the Prime Admin Quarters. Some other admins, Hermitcraft members, and medics are there. Don't worry, I let them there." Libra said. I tried to say something, but collapsed in exhaustion. Libra and Hypixel caught me from under my arms.

"I told you." Hypixel muttered. Libra sighed.

"I didn't doubt you, Hypixel." She responded.

"'M fine..." I mutter.

"No, you're not." Libra said.

Before I could say any more, my eyes closed, causing me to fall into a sudden sleep.


My eyes open to see a tall, white ceiling. I groan and put my hands on my face. I roll onto my side, bringing my legs into a small ball. I was wearing my normal clothing: red sweatshirt, gray jeans, and black converses. The left side of my vision was still blurry, but there was no more pain.

"Grian, can you come here?" I hear someone ask. I reluctantly get out of the hospital bed, running a hand through my hair. I walk over to the group of Hermits, noticing how everyone was clean of blood and dirt. I look down at myself, seeing how I was also clean. I silently sigh to myself. I just want to go back to bed.

I started walking, passing many admins and medics. I tiredly greeted them, getting exhausted greetings back. I couldn't blame them. That battle was something else, and healing takes a lot of energy to do.

Anyway, Xisuma had asked me to come over. His helmet was off and on a table, and his eyes were red from crying.

"We realized how busy you would be for the next couple of weeks. From getting everyone back into their servers, to repairing said servers, to not causing more panic, ect. you'll be busy, very busy." Xisuma started. He sounded hesitant to speak, but he forced himself to. I also couldn't help but notice that his voice sounded broken.

"We want to help you by decreasing the number of things you have to do... and, though I hate to admit it, you might have to take our offer." He stopped, looking away. Biffa put a hand on his arm, a comforting and encouraging motion. He sighed a loud sigh.

"If you want to leave Hermitcraft because you have your admin duties to take care of, we'll let you-"

"Are you kidding? I'd never leave. That server is my home." I say. "Well, unless you kick me out, but no, I'd never leave like that."

"Really?" He looked elated, as did all the other Hermits.

"Yes, Xisuma, nothing has ever felt like home more than being with you guys. Though I do have to warn you, I may have to take a break for a little so I can get those things done. But don't worry, you'll see me online on the server every once in a while." I smiled at all the other Hermits. They smiled back. Mumbo hugged me from the side, making me fall onto the couch I sat on. I grunted from the amount of force he used.

"Ouch." I comment, though it didn't really hurt.

"I'm glad you aren't leaving. The season's barely started." He said. I smiled, pushing him up so I could sit upright. Small and quiet conversations broke out among the Hermits. I smiled a closed smile, standing up. I approached Xisuma and motioned him to follow me. He stood, and we both walked over to the corner of the room.

"Are you going to be alright, Xisuma?" I ask. He sighed, shaking his head. He looked at me with his broken green eyes.

"It's going to be tough without him." He said, looking out the huge window. I nodded.

"If you need to talk or anything, I'm here, Libra's here, Hypixel's here... you have people you can talk with." He dipped his head once.

"Thank you, Grian." He said, looking back at me.

"I do have a question, though. What did you say to the Head Watcher that made him almost piss his pants?" He smirked, wiping a stray tear away.

"Basically how my brother would find him, and kill him again, even though they were both dead already."

"I don't think that's all you said."

"Tch, and you're right." He didn't elaborate. I nodded. Some things are personal, I get it.

Hypixel approached us. He looked better than earlier, since his hair wasn't stained with blood, dirty with dirt, skin cut from weapons, and clothes ripped from fighting.

"Oh, Hypixel," Xisuma started. "My... brother... wanted me to say thanks to you again. If you didn't let him in, then he wouldn't have been able to... to say goodbye." Hypixel nodded, looking at the ground.

"Was there another reason he came?" Hypixel asked. Xisuma hesitantly nodded in response.

"He had the ability to 'see the future' through dreams. Something I could never do, which often made me question how he got it." Hypixel nodded again, walking away. I turned back to Xisuma, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Thanks for letting me stay in Hermitcraft."

"No problem. I think everyone would be mad if I didn't, and to be honest, you're quite the addition to the server." I smiled.

"It's home to me, Xisuma. Nothing will change that, ever."

(939 words)

(Edited: 01-01-2020)

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