Chapter 6. All-Admin Meeting

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POV: Xisumavoid
Location: Hermitcraft, Shopping District

I sat in the middle of the developing shopping district. It's been a day and Grian hasn't been back yet. I frowned as I saw many Hermits flying around in the sky. Not at them, but just in thought.

He knew another admin. Someone who I've never heard of, and I know most of the more common admins. If he is a high rank, I should have heard his name at least once from all the years I've been around.

It doesn't add up. From what Grian says and to my previous knowledge, there is a lie somewhere in there. It could be Xelqua doesn't actually exist. Grian might be lying. Xelqua might be real, but no one talks about him. I don't know anymore... all those points seem valid.

My communicator beeped loudly as I heard a firework rocket go off behind me. I turn and see Biffa standing there with his communicator out. I looked down at mine. I sighed.

"All-Admin Meeting." I say. Biffa nods.

"We have to close the server for a little." He says, pulling up his commands. "There are 8 players on now.

"Tell them, then I'll close it." I say. He messaged the main chat with a message, waited a few seconds, then kicked everyone off the server.

"Ready?" I ask. He nodded. I transport both of us to the Admin Portal of this server. We both step into it. Both of us walked out the portal as I closed the server. There were so many other admins there, that Tier Argentum admins made 10 different doorways into the main area. Both Biffa and I eventually made it into the room.

We went to our respective spots, Biffa to the Tier Rosea admin section and I to the Tier Purpura section. I look back to the rest of the place, wondering how the Prime Admins keep track of us all. There were so many Tier Candidus, Tier Cyanosis, Tier Viridis, Tier Blakkaz, and Tier Erythros admins that this year they had to add risers to the meeting room. (Risers are like stairs, but the steps are a bit longer so you can sit on them). The rest of us fit sitting at a semi-circular desk whose center was emptied.

The four Tier Argentum admins had their arua shining. Hypixel waved from his seat. I waved back. He looked at me in amusement, and mouthed,

"The newbies are talking about us." He was right. I heard my name and his name coming from the bleachers, along with other high ranked admin's names. I chuckled to myself.

The entire room suddenly quieted. You heard footsteps coming from the main hall. The doors were pushed open, and two people walked into the room, golden auras shining so bright I know some admins squinted.

The first Prime Admin was Libra Skyward. Her hair was black and straight. Her amber eyes surveyed the meeting room, impressed with the amount of people there. She was wearing her normal clothing, a galaxy zipper up hoodie that was left unzippered, a black shirt underneath it, and simple jeans. She wore black combat boots. Her gold and white wings were folded in but still visible behind her. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The second Prime Admin was unknown. He wore a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head, hiding his face and hair. What you could see was his pointed nose and his lips, which was curved into a nervous smile. He wore dark blue jeans that were tucked into black combat boots. He walked with his hands tucked behind his back and his wings stretched out.

Both Admins were the same height from what I could tell. They both looked nervous, and I couldn't blame them. There were about 4000 people in the room, and they have to speak with all of us at one time.

"Well," the Prime Admin started, voice echoing throughout the room via Prime Energy. "This is a lot of people. Definitely more than last year." He nervously chuckled. It was obvious he wasn't using a voice changer this time. People in the audience chuckled too, trying to get rid of the tension in the room. Libra smiled.

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