Chapter 11. Hermits' Defence

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(I loved the reactions for the last chapter's cliffhanger)

POV: Xisumavoid
Location: Admin HeadQuarters

"No... No no no... this can't be happening." I mutter. Hypixel came over, wondering what it was. He had a frown on his face. Blood and black substances stained his matted silver hair. His hoodie was ripped and he had scars on his visible skin. He looked at me with worry. He held a potion of healing that was half full.

"What's the problem?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. He tried untangling it, but ended up smearing the substances more.

I point my finger to the communicator that was on the floor. He bent down and picked it up. He narrowed his eyes at it, before speaking rapid Galactic, commanding most of the admins. Most of us understood it, but didn't know how to speak it. Admins started moving around and players got out of the way.

Hypixel turned to me, holding the communicator out to me. I took it as he started talking. I look at the screen, reading the rest of the message.

Your server, Hermitcraft, has been infiltrated by non whitelisted players. Watchers hacked your code and are beginning to destroy the edges of the world. Your safety commands have caused them to spawn on the outskirts of the server. It has been put on lockdown automatically. No one can go into or out of the server. At the moment, only you (Xisumavoid) can unlock the server.

Click here to unlock the server for whitelisted members.
Click here to unlock the server for whitelisted members and additional admins for assistance.
Click here to unlock the server for any player.
Click here to save the server.
Click here to destroy the server. (Caution: Once you do this, there is no going back.)

"Void, please click the second option. We need as much help as we can get."

Unlocking the server for whitelisted members and additional admins for assistance. Please enter the required four digit password.

__ __ __ __

I enter in 4357.

Hermitcraft server portal is now open for whitelisted members and additional admins for assistance.

I nod at Hypixel, who was waiting for me to finish. He nods back and turns to the rest of the Hermits.

"We'll explain on the way. But now, you all know the Hermitcraft server the best. Please, don't panic. We won't let them take it over like Skeppy's server." Hypixel said. Everyone looked horrified that someone's server got take over.

He lead us through the crowd, flashing an agitated aura when people wouldn't move. He basically pushed us back into the server, hurrying us up. None of my members protested. They knew how serious the situation was.

Grian stumbled in right after us, falling into Hypixel, who followed us and made sure everyone was there. Grian muttered an apology... at least five times. Hypixel tried to reassure him that it was fine, but Grian wasn't agreeing with him. His ears and cheeks were red.

"Grian, relax, Hypixel says it's fine." Mumbo muttered into Grian's ear. Grian frowned but said nothing.

As that was happening, many admins came into the server. AppleG and Noobcrew took them aside and explained what was going to happen. When they spread out, it was clear who was in Skeppy's server and who wasn't. For example, black substance coated some of them, some of their clothes were ripped, they were quite beaten, ect.

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