Chapter 171: Letters and letters

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Three weeks after the Inquisition agreed to join the War Council. Paladin and Lady Athena were sitting down together in her office. The two of them sitting down opposite of each other, while Highclere was standing adjacent to Paladin. While the two of them were sitting down in chairs opposite of each other, they were both flipping through letters. Reading who the letters who sent from.

"Let me guess Lady Athena, another letter from Lord Benevolent?"

Lady Athena nodded her head.

"Your assumption is correct--"


"Lord Benevolent just hasn't figured it out yet Paladin, that no means no. With the way he is acting in these letters, he is in for a rude awakening."

"Indeed. The dude seems very desperate with the amount of letters you've received from him in the past few weeks. How many letters is it now? Three? Four? Five?"

"Six. But, enough about Lord Benevolent. Should I assume Lady Charlotte, Lady Highchess, and Lady Marlein are amongst the letters you received today?"

Paladin shook his head.

"You would be incorrect. Today, I have received letters from ladies such as; Lady Morrolein, Lady Juron, and have even received a letter from Lord Chase."

Lady Athena chuckled when Paladin mentioned he received a letter from Lord Chase.

"Lord Chase? You received a letter from a Lord and he has invited you to the Royal Flower Ball?"

" wasn't for the Royal Flower Ball. Honestly, I'm not sure what it was for. The guy

wanted a private meeting for just the two of us. Which due to the last private meeting, I have no intentions of attending anymore private meetings going forward...especially not with another man."

Lady Athena nodded her head. She then proceeded to lay her letters on the desk in front of her.

"Well then Lord Inquisitor, I believe it is safe to assume that you're very popular amongst the Royal Ladies of the Kingdom."

Paladin proceeded to place the letters he was holding on the table. He then waved her off with his left hand.

"I wouldn't necessarily say Lady Athena, that I'm popular amongst the Royal Ladies of the Kingdom. Since if we're being honest, being popular is given a new standard whenever you are involved in it."

Lady Athena chuckled and proceeded to cross her arms.

"Come on now Lord Inquisitor, I believe you are downplaying yourself. Sure...I might be setting a new standard. But, setting new standards isn't an accurate thing to say when describing you, Lord Inquisitor."

Paladin smirked as he was amused by Lady Athena, and he proceeded to cross his arms.

"Well then...onto a more important subject--"


"Explain to me about this Royal Flower Ball. I didn't get the memo of what it was. What is

it supposed to be exactly?"

"The Royal Flower Ball, is a ball that consists of only Royal Lords, Royal Ladies, and

their guests that they bring along. It is a tradition that dates back many years in the history of the Kingdom of Orion, and it is only held once a year. Typically at these events, the Royal Lords and Ladies dance with the guests they've brought along. It's considered a big honor to be invited to the Royal Flower Ball."

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