Chapter 203: Agreements

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Paladin turned to Jingks and Archer, his smirking stopped as he looked at the two of them. Jingks could tell from Paladin's eyes; he was glad the two of them were safe, but disappointed with the two of them.

"So the two of you managed to save Lady Diane from Shakespeare, yet you still haven't managed to save Lady Diane from the High Elves. You've yet to accomplish the main reason why you came to High Garden. The settlement of Mordred's trial."

"I've been working on it Paladin, but the Legion of Death interrupted the conversations that would've settled the Mordred trial."

"But Jingks, did you manage to get anything out of High Garden's leadership before the Legion of Death attacked."

Jingks nodded.

"I managed to guarantee that Mordred wouldn't be executed, and instead I had them move onto something else for a punishment. Something they've yet to agree on--"

"That's great you two. But where the fuck is Mordred right now?"

Paladin and Jingks both turned to Archer. Before Paladin could say anything in response to Archer, Clerius and Mordred appeared out of nowhere from the grey mist.


Archer quickly turned around, and when he saw Mordred he dropped his bow as Mordred leaped into his arms, the two of them embracing each other. Jingks couldn't help but smirk from the sight. After everything he saw happen to Mordred and Archer in the alternate realities, he was happy to see the two of them safe together - more than ever before. Paladin saw the happiness Jingks displayed, with inquisitive eyes he placed his right hand on his chin.

"Jingks, seeing from the look on your face, things have happened that were not spoken of. If you don't mind, I'd like to hear the story of everything that happened."

Jingks nodded as he turned to Paladin.

"I don't mind telling it, but we should head inside the manor where we won't be interrupted by anyone. So no one else can listen to this conversation besides me and you."

"Sure, but answer this quickly--"


"Why are you referring to Lady Diane as Mordred? I assumed that the only one out of us who would forever refer to Lady Diane as Mordred, would be Archer exclusively."

Jingks shook his head.

"I had a long conversation with Archer and Mordred concerning this topic, and they both made it clear that I should be referring to her as Mordred - not Lady Diane, going forward."

"I see. Should I also be referring to Lady Diane as Mordred?"

"I think the both of them would prefer it if I'm being honest, but I don't think they'll pressure you into it. Since you refer to Lady Athena as Lady Athena, not her private name."


Coming out of the grey mist. King Arthur, Einhart, Minot, and Evius all walked out. All four of them walking over towards Jingks and Paladin, Evius standing next to Clerius while the others continued to approach. Minot and Einhart stopping behind King Arthur. Their presence at first wasn't noticed by Paladin, but they were noticed by Jingks.

"Lord Inquisitor, I thank you for saving High Garden from the Legion of Death's plot against us."

Paladin turned to King Arthur, before responding to King Arthur he closely examined what King Arthur was wearing. From what Jingks thought, it seemed Paladin was not impressed with the armor King Arthur wore.

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