First date and truth

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Tobin's POV

"Did you like the dinner?" I ask Emily

"Tobin you've asked me about ten thousand times in the past 10 minutes and I said I loved it" Emily grabbed my hand rubbing her thumb over my hand "the beach house and the dinner well everything was amazing"

"I just want this to be the best first date" I timidly say

"As long as you're by my side any date will be a good date" she says and I smile

"So you're saying that we can go on a second date?!" I ask excitedly

"We could but no one has asked me on a second date" she said with a smirk

"Well then Emily will you go on a second date with me?" I look up to her beautiful green eyes

"Yes Tobin I will go out on a second date with you" she says and I smile widely

"Now that that's out of the way let's go walk on the beach?" I ask Emily

"To the beach we go!"

We took off our sandals to walk barefoot on the sand and headed outside. We walked together side by side. I enjoyed her company I enjoyed having her right by my side.

"I like this" I tell Emily

"Like what?" She asks

"Us walking on a beach together side by side it's relaxing it's happiness" I say with a smile

Emily's POV

"I like this" Tobin tells me

"Like what?" I ask

"Us walking on a beach together side by side it's relaxing it's happiness" she said with a smile

Time to tell her. What if she leaves me? Us? What if she doesn't like Connor after this or both of us. I have to tell her. I just have to.

I stopped her from walking and I sigh closing my eyes knowing that what I have to tell her is important for her to know.

"I like this too and as much as I like this I need to tell you something important"

"Okay? What is it? Is everything okay?" She asked while grabbing my hands

"Can we sit?" I ask and she nods "look I-I don't really tell anyone because when I tell people they just leave" I say

"I'm not going to leave I'm going to stay here forever" she says "so please just tell me"

"It's about Connor" I say with closed eyes

"What about Connor? Is he okay!" She said with an alarmed voice

Here it goes.

"Connor he-he isn't my son"

"Oh so you adopted him?" She asks and I look at her in the eyes and shook my head

"Something like that it's well I technically did adopt him but-" I hesitated for a little

"Tell me I'm not gonna leave you"

"He's my cousins son" I say

"What? Why isn't he with her? Did she not want him?" She says and I shake my head "then?" She asked confused

"My cousin died when Connor was two and the dad well he was never in the picture he left my cousin when he found out she was pregnant" I stop for a second to breathe "she died due to a stroke and no one from our family wanted to take him in and if no one was going to they were going to send him to an adoption center or something like that so my cousin D and I talked about it and we decided that I would adopt him that I would be his mom" I stopped again and breathed "Tobin I was 24 and I had no idea what I was doing with my life! I didn't even know how to raise a plant much less a kid! He was two! Two when my cousin died! His mother! And his father that piece of shit left her when he found out she was pregnant! I love Connor he's my entire world and yes even if he isn't my biological son I wouldn't trade him for anything! So please don't leave me everyone leaves me when I tell them" I start sobbing and I feel Tobin grabbing my hands

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