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Tobin's POV

Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall as I jolted up from the bed as the same nightmare I've had for the past weeks even months is still happening. I've been reliving the worst week of my life.

"Babe are you o-"

"I love you" I cut her off then kiss her as tears still pour out of my eyes

"Did you having the same nightmare?" She asks me as I silently sob "Babe I'm okay"

"Y-you almost died on me!" I yell

"But I'm fine I'm here right?" She says as she cups my face

"This is my fault" I say as I point to her scar that's under her collarbone

"No it's not Tobin"

"I should've been with you to protect you! What kind of wife am I if I can't even protect my own wife! My son has to come running to me!" I yell through sobs

"Tobin you're the best wife it wasn't you fault" Lee coos


"He's in jail"

"He escaped! For all we know he can escape again"

"Tobin he's being transported to a maximum security prison he won't escape"

"You don't know that!" I yell

"Breathe babe breathe"

"I can't"

"Take your clothes off" she says as I wipe my tears

"What?" I ask

"Take your clothes off Tobin" she says as she looks at me so I take my clothes off. Lee starts taking her clothes off as well then she sat up right next to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Give me your hand" she says


"Tobin please just give me your hand" she says so I nod as I give her my hand "Now take a deep breath and relax close your eyes and focus on my voice"

"Okay" I say as I feel her hand moving mine towards her body

"Don't open your eyes okay you're fine I'm fine we're both okay all three of us are" she says and I take deep breaths

"No stop! Stop!" I yell as I open my eyes "Don't"

"Tobin it's been two months it's April almost May already and you haven't even touched it or gone near it when we have sex or at all" she says and I put my head on my pillow

"I'm scared" I admit

"Tobin just touch the scar it's just visible you can't actually feel anything it's just a scar" she says and I shake my head "Tobin babe you can't keep avoiding this scar of mine"

"I'm a failure as a wife as a mother" I mumble

"You are no failure Tobin! You are the best wife and the best mom to Connor so don't you dare say you're a failure" she sighed as she cupped my face "It's been two months babe and you don't even touch me the same way anymore you don't cup my boob when we sleep you don't even touch anywhere near my chest because this scar is so close to it, hell you don't leave hickeys anymore not even on my neck or shower with me anymore"

"Because I'm sacred I'll hurt you"

"But you won't babe it's healed it's been two months since that crazy biological dad of Connor shot me" Lee says and looks right into my eyes "I love you Tobin"

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