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Emily's POV

"Are you ready to go?" Tobin asks me

"Almost can you grab Connor's bag it's in his room" I tell her

"Okay" she says and comes back with his bag "you ready?

"Yes I just need my phone" I say looking for my phone

"I have it now let's go we can't be late"

"You're the best thank you" I peck her lips and grab our suitcases then we both head down to the living room "Hi baby you ready to go"

"I'm tired mommy" Connor says

"You can sleep in the car and when we get to the plane okay?" I tell Connor and he yawns

"Jill said you guys can stay with us in the same hotel so it's all figured out" Tobin says and I smile

"Let's go we're already behind schedule!" Alex yells out

"We're going!" I yell

"Do you need help with the suitcases?" Serv asks me

"Please and thank you" I say with a smile

"Alright let's go to the car before Alex starts dragging us out" Tobin says and I laugh

Alex and Serv got in their car while I put Connor in the back without waking him up which was a success until Alex honked.

"Alex keeps honking at us and she's not even the one driving" I tell Tobin but she laughs "she almost woke up Connor!"

"He's fine he's still asleep look" I turn around and see that he is sleeping

"My baby" I say and smile

"Okay we really need to go everyone is waiting for us at the airport" Tobin says and I nod

Tobin's POV

"Come on baby let's go I'll carry you" Lee tells Connor once we arrive to the airport

"Can mama carry me?" He asks Lee and I smile

"I'll carry you bub but there's going be a lot of people with cameras and flashing lights just close your eyes okay I won't let anything happen to you" I tell Connor

"Is it going to be loud?" He asks me

"A little bit but here wear my headphones I'll put music"

"You guys are finally here!" Ash yells "need help with anything?" I nod and motion to her to come close

"Take care of Lee make sure no one gets too close to her and make sure the paparazzi doesn't overwhelm her with any questions they throw" I tell Ash and she nods "oh and help her with a suitcase please I'm carrying something very valuable"

"Oh the ring!" she mouths and I shake my head and point to Connor "right of course Connor duh very valuable what am I talking about"

"Alright let's go!" Alex yells

We all start walking towards the entrance and I see fans as well as paparazzi. Ash and Alex along with Lee in between them both go inside as I follow them behind with Connor, his head on my shoulder and finally Serv was behind all of us.

"Tobin! Tobin!" I hear fans yell

"Hi Tobin!"

"Your girlfriend is really pretty!" I turn around and smile to the girl she's definitely not wrong

We kept walking and- oh great the paparazzi they're for sure going to say the most stupid questions I already know it.

"Emily! What's it like to date Tobin!"

"Tobin! Does this relationship affect the way you play?"

"Tobin is this relationship a distraction?!"

"Tobin! Who are you holding?"

"Tobin have a good game! Go USA!"

"Tobin are you actually in love?"

"Emily! Emily! Are you good enough for Tobin Heath?"

"Emily are you dating Tobin just for the money!"

That last two questions made me stop in my tracks

"Keep walking Tobin don't do anything you'll regret" Serv tells me and motions his head for me to keep walking

"Did you hear that!" I whisper yell to Serv

"Yes I did but they just want you to get worked up don't give in"

"Mama the lights are so bright" Connor tells me

"Serv do you have a sweater or something I can put over Connor's head?" He nods and takes his sweater off and places it over Connor "thanks"

"Come on we need to get going"

"We're almost there bub"

We finally reach the gate entrance and I see some girls all sleeping on the chairs

"Those stupid paparazzi! I was about to punch them in the face!" Ash yells

"Calm down hulk" Ali says and hugs Ash "But you're right they're so insensitive like come on there's a kid!"

"Hey babe you okay?" I ask Lee who's laying on Becky's shoulder

"Yeah" She says and lays her head back onto Becky's shoulder

"Here give me Connor" Julie says and I hand her Connor

"Hey come here" I tell Lee "don't listen to what they say"

"I mean are they right?" She says and I look at her "Am I a distraction? Is Connor? Are we distracting you from reaching your full potential? Am I good enough for you?"

"Look at me babe" I tell Lee but she looks down so I cup her face and raise it "hey listen to me Lee, you are not a distraction and neither is Connor don't listen to them! Are you good enough for me? You're perfect! I should be the one asking you if I'm good enough for you not the other way around babe, both of you are the best of me and I love you both!"

"Don't leave me" she says and hugs me tight

"I won't leave you I don't plan on it babe" I hug her and kiss her forehead. She doesn't even know what's going to happen soon. I'm proposing! Yeah I'm proposing!

"I love you Tobin" oh my heart it's going to explode of cuteness she only says Tobin when she's really sensitive.

"I love you Emily" I cup her face and plant a kiss on her lips "now let's go we have to get to Utah"

"Where's Connor" she asks me

"He's with Julie"

"Oh okay" she says

"Alright ladies! Let's start heading to the plane!" Jill yells

We all start walking towards the plane until I don't see Lee by my side. I start looking around until I see her.

"Hey I thought I lost you" I tell Lee and she looks up to me

"I'm sitting with Christen is that fine?" She asks me and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion

"Wh- um yeah that's fine but why?" I ask

"Because you stink" she says

"I do not! I took a shower this morning you're lying"

"I know I'm kidding you smell good but I haven't talked to Christen in a while"

"B-but I want kisses" I pout

"Bye Tobin!" Lee says and walk away

"Mean" I mumble

I guess I'll sit on the plane by myself. This is a sad day for Toby, I have got to stop talking to myself and why do I keep calling myself Toby if I don't like it. I need sleep yeah sleep.

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