Before or After?

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Tobin's POV

"Good morning babe did you sleep good?" I ask as I run my fingers through her hair and see Connor no where near us

"I did" she mumbled and rests her head on my chest

"I'm glad"

I feel something moving up the blankets so I grabbed my phone and started to record knowing what's happening

"Boo!" Connor says and pokes his head out from under the blankets

"Ahh! You scared us!" Lee and I both yell

"I did?!" He asks and we nod and his smile grows widely "Yay! I did it!"

"You did bub but how about we go down to get some breakfast yeah?" I ask

"Yes please I'm starving" Lee says

"Yeah Toby I'm starving" Connor says and I chuckle

"Alright bud lets go get some breakfast"

We all got up from bed and walked downstairs for breakfast

"Good morning to the newly engaged couple" Allie says and Connor runs over to Julie

"I almost forgot I was engaged I was about to go to a club and look for some smoking hot girl and ask her to marry me" I say

"Hey I'm right here" Lee says and pouts

"Well this isn't a club but you're really cute marry me?" I ask her

"You're a dork" she says and pecks my lips

"You're marrying me" I say and she smiles

"Oh I am and I'm glad"

"PDA this early in the morning? I can't have a break around here!" Rose yells as she entered the room and we all start laughing

"Mom! Kelley hit me!" Mal yells and runs over to Lee "Em Kelley hit me with a shoe"

"Kels!" Lee yells and Kelley hides behind Sam

"She deserved it! She woke me up and it's really early"

"Kelley it's nine it's not early you're just lazy" I say and she shakes her head

"I am not!"

"Whatever you say Kels" I say

Emily's POV

"So when do you guys plan on having the wedding and where?" Ali asks me and I shrug

"Not sure yet but I don't know if Tobin wants us to get married soon like in a couple months or maybe after the World Cup? We have limited time if she wants it before the World Cup" I say

"Very true have you guys talked about it?"

"Not yet but we're supposed to" I say

"Supposed to what babe?" Tobin says from behind me as she wraps her arms around me

"We're supposed to talk about the wedding" I say and she sits next to me

"Well we can talk about it now if you want?" She asks me

"Um sure if you want I don't mind" I say

"Well I'll let you guys talk" Ali says

"No stay we need input" Tobin says and Ali nods so she sits back down

"Alright who's going to start?" I ask

"I'll ask the questions" Ali says and Tobin and I nod "okay first do you guys want to get married before the World Cup or after?"

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