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Emily's POV

"Mommy! Mommy! Toby! It's Christmas!" I hear Connor yell from down the hall as I hear him running

"Babe what time is it" I ask Tobin

"It's six fifty" Tobin tells me right as the door opens

"Mommy the Curious George Christmas movie hurry mommy!" Connor yells as he jumps on the bed

"Alright buddy go wake up Diana for me Toby and I will be there in a minute" I tell Connor and kiss his forehead

"First Christmas together" I tell Tobin

"This won't be the only Christmas we'll have there's more to come I promise" Tobin says and kisses me

"As much as I love this kiss we need to go downstairs because I want to see the movie to" I mumble and peck Tobin's lips

"Alright let's go"

We got downstairs and I see Diana with Nayeli and Connor sitting on the couch looking towards Tobin and I

"Toby! Mommy! Come on movie time!" Connor yells and leaps into Tobin's arm

"Okay buddy movie time" Tobin kisses Connor's forehead as we all sit down on the couch

Tobin's POV

"Present time!" Connor yells

Lee and I gave Connor his presents and watched him open them

"Toby what's this?" Connor asks me as he got to a black box

I grabbed the box and opened it

"It's a bracelet buddy it has your name engraved and your moms name in the back" I say as I put it on his hand

"Where's your name Toby?" He asks me and I freeze

"Mine?" I ask confused

"You're my mommy's girlfriend why is it not on the back next to mommy's" he says tilting his head "I want it next to mommy's"

"You do?" I ask him and he nods "o-okay buddy we can get that done when we go home how does that sound?"

"Awesome!" He says and a big smile appeared on his face "look mommy! Toby got me this! It has my name and yours on the back! When we get home Toby's name is going to be on the back by yours!"

"That's so awesome baby go show your aunts and uncles" Lee says and Connor runs off "that was sweet of you babe he loved it!"

"It was nothing" I say

"He even wants your name Tobin!" Lee says and a smile formed on my face "I love you"

"I love you and Connor so much" I say as I grab her face and kiss her passionately

"Tobin we should get back I have a present for you" Lee tells me and I smile

"What are we waiting for let's go!" I yell

We went back to the living room and Lee sat me down on the couch

"So I have your present well it's not necessarily a materialistic thing more like something I have to tell you" she says and I nod for her to continue "so you know how I said I wanted to wait until you could let the world know we're together?"

"Yeah?" I say

"Well today on this day I want to tell you that I've decided that you can let the world know" she says

"Wait really? Are you sure? Are you actually okay with it?" I ask her

"Yes Tobin I'm sure" she says and pecks my lips

"Well then let's take a picture so I can do this now!" I yell "Where's Connor"

"Connor buddy come here we're taking a picture with Toby" Lee says and Connor runs over to us

Alex's POV

"Okay so I'm not the only one who saw it right?" Ali says

Oh right the team is all on FaceTime since we saw the post.

"They're public about their relationship now!" Sonnett yells

"Babies soon? Am I right guys?" I say

"Alex you have to calm down with the whole kids thing" Lindsey tells me and I frown

"I mean I wouldn't mind if they have kids I mean come on! Cute babies!" Kelley yells and I nod

"Babe you have to wait until they at least get married" Serv says joining the conversation

"Be quiet you!" I say

"But can we just talk about how cute the picture is! It's one cute little happy family!" Pinoe says

"When is Tobin popping the question Al" Julie asks me and all the girls wait for me to answer

"I well I-"

"Come Alex tell us we want to know" Abby says

"She hasn't told me!" I yell

"What do you mean she hasn't told you!" They all yell

"She hasn't brought it up YET but I'm pretty sure it'll be soon" I say

"Well I can say for certainty that I speak for all of us when I say that Tobin and Emily and of course little Connor are to be protected all costs and they're the cutest family even if they aren't married yet" Becky says and I see all the girls smile

"But are we really going to deny that just like Alex we want them to have babies soon" Morgan says and I chuckle

"You're not wrong Morgan but we just have to have some patience" Carli says and we all nod

"Alright guys I'll see you guys in camp! Merry Christmas and happy New Years!" I say

"Bye guys happy holidays" Christen says and we all say our goodbyes

"So she really hasn't told you anything?" Serv asks me raising his eyebrow

"We've talked about it a couple times but she hasn't told me if she's gotten the ring yet or when she's doing it" I say

"You're a liar babe"

"Hey technically I didn't lie I don't know when she's asking her" I say raising my hands up

"Come on let's go to bed" he says and I nod

"Goodnight babe"

"Goodnight Al"

Tobin's POV

"The girls have all messaged me and the post had gotten a lot of attention" I say

"What did the girls say?" Lee asks me

"They're happy for us for finally being public" I say chuckling

"Well I'm glad they're happy" she says smiling

"I finally get to kiss you in public!" I say happily

"Yes you can" Lee said

"The fans are all going crazy" I say

"What are they saying?" She asks me

"All good things babe don't worry"

"Like what I want to know"

"Well someone said and I quote 'Tobin has had a girlfriend since July so five months now and we had no clue then again we should've known somehow' I laughed at the one babe"

"I want to see more!" She says and I hand her my phone "someone said 'when are they having babies when are they getting married' this sounds like Alex"

"They really do" I say laughing

"Can we go sleep? Connor is in bed already and we leave in the morning" she says so I nod

"Goodnight Lee"

"Goodnight Toby"

Yup definitely marrying her. Alright Tobin lets get some sleep

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