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Tobin's POV

"Baby wake up we have to get ready to go to the custody hearing" I push her hair away from her face and kiss her all over her face

"You missed a spot" Lee mumbled

"Oh really where?"

"Right here" Lee points to her lips and I chuckle

"You're right" I say and I peck her lips

"Mm no I want more" Lee mumbles


"Come on babe more" Lee opens one eye and gives me a sleepish smile

"Just because you're cute"

"I have you wrapped around my finger" Lee says and I scoff

"You do not!"

"Oh really?" Lee looked at me with a sly smirk


"Whatever makes you happy Tobin" Lee says getting up from the bed walking to the bathroom

"What's that supposed to mean!" I yell but she doesn't answer how rude

Emily's POV

"Alright let's get this started" the judge says and we sit down. I look across from where we're sitting and see Jose with his lawyer. I look behind me and see Connor with Tobin along with the rest of the team. They came right after the game yesterday even though they have a game in two days. The guys came with them as well.

"Don't worry he's not leaving us" Tobin whispers into my ear and she pecks my lips

"We're here to discuss about the custody of Connor Angel Rosario is that correct?"

"Yes your honor" Laura our lawyer says

"You may begin"

"Your honor this man was never with his girlfriend throughout the pregnancy he left her the moment he found out she was pregnant and she was having HIS baby" Laura emphasized "your honor this man didn't even show himself for the funeral or when Connor's mother was in the hospital dying or even when they contacted him about how they were going to send Connor to an adoption center if he didn't answer and he never did answer so my client adopted him when in reality she's his aunt"

"Alright mister Lanson what do you have to say for your client"

"Your honor my client didn't even know he was having a kid"

"Objection! We have evidence that he did know" Laura says

"Bring me the evidence" he says and Laura walks up to him

"These are text messages between the mother and him" the judge looks over it and he nods

"You can go back to your seats" the judge says and they return back

"Your honor this man doesn't even have a job!"

"Shut up yes I do!" Jose yells

"Mister Lanson control your client"

"Your honor we have evidence of something but we would like if Connor be taken out of the room" Laura says

"That's fine" He says

"Ali's going to take him" Tobin tells me and I nod

We wait until they walk out the door

"You may proceed"

"We have evidence that Jose was abusive towards the mother of Connor" Laura says and I cringe as I remember the memories of seeing my cousin beat up in front my porch knocking and waiting for me to open the door

"Come forward" he says and Laura goes up to him and shows him the pictures

"My client tried to intervene many times but was caught in between Mr. Cervantes fists she has a scar on her left arm due to pieces of glass thrown at her by Jose" I cringe at the memory

"You may go back to your seats"

Tobin's POV

"Alright I have my decision" the judge says and I grab Connor's hand and Em's hand "from all I've heard today and what I heard from the boy yesterday full custody will be given to"

"Come on man say something" I whisper closing my eyes

"Full custody will be given to the dad"

"What!" I yell

"What the hell!" I hear Ash yell

"Mama I don't want to go with him please no please help me" Connor says as he cries and grabs onto my legs for his dear life

"I'm sorry buddy I really am" I hug him as he sobs

"Tobin!" I hear someone yell "Tobin!" Someone nudges me

"What?" I ask

"You sort of fell asleep when the judge left to make a decision but he's coming back in a little bit and will give his decision" Alex tells me. Thank god that was a dream I almost had a heart attack.

"Everything's going to be fine baby I know it will" I kiss Lee and she sighs

"I'm scared" She says and rests her forehead on mine

"I'm right here don't worry he won't be taken away"

"All rise" we all stand up

"I have gotten to a conclusion with everything that I received today and from what I heard yesterday from little Connor" the judge says and I squeeze Em's hand as I hold Connor's as well and Alex is holding Kelley arm "full custody will go to Ms. Rosario and there will be no visitations allowed for Mr. Cervantes to see Connor"

"Yes! I told you baby" I say while grabbing her face and kissing her

"You're staying with us baby!" Lee yells and hugs Connor

"I don't want my son with those lesbians! He shouldn't be raised like that! It has to be a man and a woman! No woman and woman!" Jose yells

"Mr. Cervantes this hearing is over" the judge says

"Come on guys lets go get ice cream yeah?" I say

"Can we watch movies? And have pizza?" Connor asks me and I smile

"Anything you want" I say and ruffle his hair

"Yes party!" Allie yells and I laugh

"You guys do know you guys have a game in two days against Brazil right? We leave this evening I'm already buying tickets" Lee says making everyone groan

"But do I have to go?" I ask Lee

"Yes what are you talking about Tobin Powell Heath you're going" Lee says

"Woah babe don't have to use my full name" I pout

"Come on let's go" Lee says and grabs my hand

"I told you he wasn't going be taken away from us" I say and kiss the side of her head

"I love you"

"And I love you Lee"

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