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Emily's POV

"Mama down! Mama down! Down she goes!" I hear Connor yell from the living room

"Christ not again" I mumble as I put the groceries down and walk to the living room "What are you guys doing?"

"I'm telling my baby brothers how mama fell on the floor last week" He says and I laugh

"That sure was funny" I say

"Not funny for me, it hurt bad" Tobin says as she turns to face me. I walk towards her as I kiss her cheek. I was walking around the couch to sit when the doorbell run, I furrowed my eyebrows as it caught my attention.

"We weren't expecting anyone right?" I ask Tobin

"Not that I know of" she says and I nod as I walk to open the door

"Alex? Is everything okay?"

"Help me" she whispers as tears pool in her eyes

"Come in, come in" I say as I open the door "Connor baby go play in your room"

"Okay mommy, hi auntie Al! Bye auntie Al!" He yells as he walks up to his room

"Oh hi baby Mateo hi baby Isaac" Alex says as she walks over to them as they're on their swings

"So Alex you're a long way from Orlando, what brings you here? Not that I'm mad you're here but uhh yeah" Tobin asks

"Well I haven't told anyone because it was a secret but I-"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Tobin yells

"Uh yeah that's a hard no, Servando and I got a divorce last month"

"Last month?" I ask and she nods "W-Well why didn't you tell us about this? Like way before Christmas?"

"The papers finally went through and we technically got divorced by the beginning of December" she says

"But I we- why? I mean if you want to say, no pressure. Or what can we do for you? You said you needed help" I say and she looks up, her eyes glossy as her lip trembles

"Our marriage got rocky a year or two ago and we tried to get help and try to well fix it but you can't fix something that can't be fixed" she says and I nod for her to go on "I fell in love with someone else, which is also a big reason as to why our marriage got rocky, I told Serv and I told him everything he wasn't mad but he was disappointed that our marriage well was coming to an end, we still talk but I just fell in love with someone else"

"Who?" Tobin asks

"I don't want to say" She mumbles

Alex's POV

"Who?" Tobin asks me and I gulp

"I don't want to say" I mumble

"Do we know this person?" Em asks and I look up to meet her eyes "Oh crap we do, who is it?"


"Come on Alex we're here for you" she says as she sits next to me and rubs my back

"I shouldn't have fallen in love with them"

"Why not?"

"Because I know they don't love me back!" I yell

"You never know Alex, now please tell us or at least me not Tobin she tends to be dumb" Em says and I laugh lightly

"It's a girl" I whisper

"A LADY? Who?!"

"Tobin shut up" Em says as she slaps Tobin's shoulder

"No I don't want to say"

"Alex we love you either way" Em says as she continues to rub my back. "Alex we love you" I completely lose it as she finishes her sentence that I leap into her and sob.

"It's Christen" I sob out

"Oh Alex" Em whispers as she rubs my back and moves my hair out of my face "Al you love Christen?"

"I do and I shouldn't!" I sob out

"Why shouldn't you?" she asks me and I bury my head into her chest

"She doesn't love me back! How could she love me? She's Christen Press she's just amazing, kind hearted, loving, beautiful"

"And you're Alex Morgan! I mean imagine it! Alex Morgan and Christen Press dating" I hear Tobin say

"But it won't happen" I mumble

"I'm calling Christen now!"

"No!" Em and I yell

"Tobin Powell Heath you will do no such thing!" Em scolds Tobin

"What do I do?" I ask

"Should we tell her?" Tobin asks Em

"Tell me what?" I ask

"Alex we've seen the way you guys are together, we're sure the feeling is reciprocated" Em tells me as she wipes the tears off my face

"No it's not"

"Damn it Al! It is true! Christen practically looks at you like you're the only person in the room!" Tobin yells

"I don't know" I sigh. As Em continues to wipe my face the babies start to cry.

"Sorry Al they need to eat" she says and I nod

"It's fine go ahead" I say

"Would you like to spend the night?" Em asks me

"If it's not a bother"

"Of course not! You should get some rest, you know where the room is and towels oh and clothes if you need any" Em says and I get up from the couch

"Thank you both of you"

Tobin's POV

"What do we do?! Do we call Christen?" Lee asks me as we strip out of our clothes to get into the shower

"Is that even a good idea?" I say as I turn on the water

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do?" She says as the water hits us

"Baby I don't know" I whisper as I peck her lips

"Well we have to come up with something" She sighs as she rests her head on my chest. I sigh as I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her head

"We'll figure something out, let's just sleep on it okay?"

"Yeah sure" she mumbles

"Now help me" I pout

"With what?" She asks and I turn her around

"With this" I say as I press myself against her

"OH OH! Tobin!" She squeals

"Please?" I pout as I tilt my head

"Alex is here and Connor is in his room"

"But Alex is downstairs and Connor is asleep" I whine

"Soon babe I promise" she says and I groan

"So what the hell am I supposed to do with this!" I say as I point down

"Take a cold shower after I get out"

"Oh that's cold"

"Well yeah you're supposed to take a shower with cold water" she says

"Baby please"

"Tobin we can't right now and I need to hurry because our babies need to be fed in half an hour" she says

"Oh fine"

When will I ever get myself some action.

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