One Last Time

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Tobin's POV

"Baby wake up" I whisper as I kiss Lee's head

"Tobin I'm tired" Lee mumbles into my chest and I chuckle

"Lee we have to get up we both have to do things you have to go with the girls to check the dress one more time and I have to go with the guys plus Ash for my suit"

"I'm tired Toby really tired" Lee mumbles into my chest again

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Connor yells jumping on the bed

"There's your alarm Lee" I say laughing

"Connor mommy has a headache" Lee says and Connor freezes

"Oh sorry mommy" Connor says

"She doesn't have a headache bub she's lying" I say

"Lying isn't good mommy"

"But mommy does have a headache because mama makes her head hurt"

"Uh oh Toby you have to go to timeout" Connor says and my eyes widen

"Yeah Toby timeout go away now let me sleep" Lee says and I frown

"Baby you know I love you but you have to get up" I say as I run my fingers through her hair

"I hate this!"

"Hate is a strong word mommy"

"How are you so smart baby" Lee asks Connor

"I learned from you"

"That's my boy" Lee says and pulls Connor into her

"Aunt Ali made breakfast" Connor whispers

"Alright forget mama let's go downstairs!"

"Hey! That's mean" I yell out but they had already run out the room "My happiness"

I got up from bed and headed downstairs

"Cassius" I say and pick up the little boy

"I can already see it! Em pregnant and then Tobin holding the baby for the first time how cute" Alex says

"So babies?" Syd asks and I chuckle

"Soon hopefully maybe I don't know" I say

"We said after the World Cup babe" Lee says

"That's so far from now" I groan

"Just eight months" Lee says and I frown

"That's a very long time and I want kids" I say

"Well you're just going to have to wait aren't you Toby" Lee smiles at me and I glare at her "Is Toby mad?"

"Yes very" I say with my arms crossed over my chest

"Alright people enough talking about kids and let's all come eat breakfast!" Ali yells and we all go to the kitchen

Emily's POV

"Zoe!" I yell as we enter the shop

"Hey Em! Excited are we? The wedding is in a week" Zoe says

"I know I'm excited! Do you have your outfit for the wedding?" I ask

"You bet I do! Now come let's go try on your dress one last time before the actual wedding next week" She says and I nod following her to the back

"So does James have his suit ready?"

"Yes he does he's really excited I mean I am too but I think he's just remembering when we got married so he's really excited" Zoe says making me chuckle "Alright how does it feel? Look?"

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