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Tobin's POV

"So how are they?" Ash asks again as I finally stop crying

"Is everything okay?" Alex asks

"They're adorable!" I yell as I smile widely


"Ah ah Connor is here" I say shaking my finger

"YOU SCARED US!" Kelley yells as they all slap me

"Ow! Hey!" I yell as I rub my arms

"I hope Emily decides to chop off your dick" Kelley says as she smacks me with a magazine from the table

"Hey that's mean" I say as I cover myself

"So can we see them? Or are they in incubators?"

"Surprisingly they are not which the doctors said it was like some statistic thing or whatever but they will stay here for a couple days before we can leave" I say and they all smile

"How's Em?" Alex asks me

"She's good she's tired so right now she's resting but she's good they're all healthy"

"Well come on let's go see them!" Kelley yells

"BROTHERS!" Connor yells

Emily's POV

"Can we come in?" Tobin asks as she peaks her head into the room

"Yeah of course" I say and she smiles as she opens the door and I see everyone coming in

"Oh my god they're so cute!" Abby whisper yells and I chuckle


"Hi baby do you want to see your brothers?" I ask him and he nods frantically "Come sit down on the bed and Tobin can you hold one?"

"Yeah of course why wouldn't I!" She says as she comes to hold one of the boys

"Woah they're tiny" Connor says and the girls all laugh "So now they can really hear me?"

"They always heard you" I say as I hold one of the boys in my arms "You can touch them but be gentle baby"

"I'm scared" he says and I smile

"It's okay you don't have to you can just look at them if you want" I say and he nods

"Can we hold them!" Mal yells and I look over to Tobin

"Fine" Tobin groans "Who first?"

"Me!" They all yell

"You decide Tobin" I say shrugging as I see Tobin struggling on deciding who to give one of the baby boys to

"Ali you can hold him" Tobin says as she hands her one of our baby boys

"And Julie you can hold the one I have" I say and she walks over to me

"They're beautiful" Alex says and I smile


"Our genes are impeccable! Look at me and look my wife! We made that!" Tobin says and I roll my eyes

"Don't listen to Tobin, and thank you Alex" I say and she smile

"So names? Godparents?" Sonnett asks and I smile

"Should we tell them now?" Tobin asks and I nod "Okay"

"So the one Ali is holding is the younger one by a couple minutes and his name is Mateo" I say

"Aww" The girls all say in unison

"The one Julie is holding is obviously the first one that popped out of Lee and his name is Isaac" Tobin says

"Those are beautiful names" Cheney says and I smile

"So come on godparents!" Kelley yells

"Well Tobin and I discussed this and we would like Ash, Ali, Zach and Julie to be Mateo's godparents" I say and I look over to the two couples "Would you guys like to be h-"

"Yes! We would love to be his godparents" Ash yells causing everyone to laugh

"Julie? Zach?" I ask

"We would love too" Zach says making me smile

"What about Isaac?" Mal asks

"I don't even know why we agreed to this but Mal, Rose, Kelley, Lindsey, Sonny and Pinoe would you guys like to be Isaac's godparents?" Tobin asks

"Yes!" They all say

"IM A GODPARENT!" Kelley yells

"Keep it down!" Tobin whisper yells as she slaps Kelley on the head

"Wait why six?" Moe asks

"They all combine to barely one person" Tobin says and I laugh

"Wait so does Connor not have godparents?" Sonnett asks

"He does isn't that right baby" I say and he nods

"Uncle Serv and aunt Alex! Also uncle Bati and aunt Allie" He says and I nod

"How come we didn't know?" Sam asks

"We thought it was obvious?" I shrug

"Well it wasn't" Sonnett says and I shake my head

"Help he's crying!" Rose says as she holds Isaac

"Hand him to me he's probably hungry" I say and she does as told "Hi baby boy"

Tobin's POV

"Precious" Alex whispers in my ear and I turn to face her

"I love them and I wouldn't trade this for anything" I say as I look to Lee who's holding Mateo and Connor sleeping on Ash, finally Julie holding Isaac.

"I'm going to say it. Tobin is right" Mal says and we all look at her

"About what?" Lee asks

"You guys make cute babies"

"I told you" I tell Lee with a smirk on my face

"Oh shut it you" She mumbles and I smirk as I know I was definitely right

"So guys I hate to break this happy moment but I'm thinking about retiring"

"What?! Why!" The girls all yells

"Because why not" I say

"She's lying guys she's not retiring stop messing with their feelings Tobin Powell Heath" Lee says sternly as she glares at me

"You're no fun Lee! I wanted to mess with them"

"This is the second time!" Pinoe says as she grabs a magazine then gives it to Kelley who starts hitting me

"Don't hurt her either Ke- wait what do you mean second time?" Lee asks and my eyes widen

"When Tobin went out to tell us she made a whole scene making us think something bad happened" Sam says and I glare at them

"Tobin Powell Heath!"

"Sorry" I whisper

"You're so whipped" Ash says laughing

"You are too so I wouldn't be talking" I say and she stops laughing "Thought so"

"Harry can I hold one now" Allie says and I nod

"You can hold Mateo" Lee says then yawns

"Take a nap I-"


"Sorry sorry WE'LL all be here when you wake up and I can take care of them" I say and she gives me a sleepish smile "I love you now please get some sleep"

"Thank you" she whispers as she closes her eyes

"Anything for you" I whisper as I peck her lips

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