A Mess

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Tobin's POV

"You're going to be a mess Toby" Connor says and I look at him in disbelief but damn is he right.

"Go sit with grandma bub" I tell him and he nods

I probably look so nervous and excited so a mess. The music just started, meaning she's almost coming. Okay focus.

"Can't say how the days will unfold
Can't change what the future may hold
But I want you in it
Every hour
Every minute"

Lee's niece and my nephew started to walk down the aisle with their basket full of white rose petals. Lee wanted someone from my family to help with the rose petals and well my nephew wanted to so I let him. This is really happening I'm getting married.

Also it's really sunny for December in Portland. I'm not complaining.

"This world can race by far too fast
Hard to see while it's all flying past
But it's clear now
When you're standing here now
I am meant to be
Wherever you are next to me"

"If you can all rise" Christen says and everyone stands up. I close my eyes one more time taking a deep breathe. I finally open them and I see Lee at the end of the aisle with her dad.

"All I wanna do
Is come runnin' home to you
Come runnin' home to you
And all my life I promise to
Keep runnin' home to you
Keep runnin' home to you"

"Here" I hear Zach say and I turn around as he gives me a tissue

"Thanks" I say as I wipe my tears away and look at Lee walking down. Oh how beautiful does she look. A beauty. A queen the woman I'll get to call my wife. I need to get myself together.

"And I could see it right from the start
Right from the start
That you would be, be my light in the dark
Light in the dark
Oh, you gave me no other choice but to love you"

"Is she real?" I ask Zach and he chuckles patting my shoulder

"She's real very real Tobin" I grab the tissue as I wipe the tears again. I smile as I see Lee looking at me and she has the biggest smile.

"All I wanna do
Is come runnin' home to you
Come runnin' home to you
And all my life I promise to
Keep runnin' home to you
Keep runnin' home, home to you"

"Take care of my daughter Tobin I'm trusting you" Carlos says

"Of course sir" I say and he nods then hands me Lee

"Can't say how the days will unfold
Can't change what the future may hold
But I want you in it
Every hour, every minute"

"You may be seated" Christen says

"You look beautiful" I tell Lee and she smiles

"You look handsome" Lee says and I smile

Christen's POV

"Welcome everyone, family and friends we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Tobin Powell Heath and Emily Heaven Rosario Huerta in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as wives" I say as I look to the audience then to Tobin and Em

"YEAH THEY DID!" Kelley yells and everyone laughs. Damn it Kelley one job ONE at least she's not crying yet.

"Tobin and Emily the time has come to forget all the stress of planning this day and simply enjoy your friends and family who have gathered to spend this day with you. This group of loved ones will in all likelihood never be all together in the same place again. Through quiet reflection and nostalgia think about how each person has touched your life and why they are here with you today. While you create a life together here today, each of those present will certainly be a part of your new life, continuing the celebration of your life together, and providing comfort in your hour of need"

"YEAH EMIN! CHEERIO!" Damn it Kelley I'm beating you up after this

"Your vows" I say and I look to Tobin

"Emily, I have been in love with you since the day that I met you, you have had me captivated then and you still do. Our friends have said I'm wrapped around your finger and I think it could be true so yes I'm admitting it" Tobin says making the crowd laugh "I vow to encourage you, support you, respect you and to love you until my dying breath. I promise to listen to you and learn from you as we continue to grow together. Who knows what the future holds for us or what challenges we'll come across but as long as I have you by my side I know we'll get through it all. I promise to support you and root for you for the dreams you have and desire to accomplish. Emily I choose you and I always will because it's been you it always has been. Today as I stand in front of our friends and family I tell you that te doy mi corazón, mi alma, y todo mi amor. Hoy y para siempre. Te amo" I give you my heart, my soul, and all my love. Today and forever. I love you

I turned to see the crowd most of them with wide eyes and jaws dropped. Hell so am I. Tobin just spoke in Spanish and it was very clear. I mean hell I understood it.

"Emily" I say and she smiles as she wipes the tears from her face.

Emily's POV

"Emily" Chris says and I smile as I wipe the tears from my face

"I don't think I can top that" I say and I hear the crowd sniffling and laughing. "Tobin, you have brought out the best of me every single day that we're together. Every day I wake up next to you I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I never thought I'd get married but look where we are I'm getting married to the most amazing person on the earth.. you. Tobin I promise to support you in all the dreams you want to chase and accomplish to push you so you can achieve them. As we continue to grow, change, and learn I hope and trust we do it together. Who would've thought the nutmeg queen as you're known by your fans the person who was born in New Jersey would get married to some girl who works at a coffee shop and was born and raised in Portland. My love for you is everlasting never ending. Tobin you survived a week in Mexico with my crazy family and not once did you complain about the trip except the fact that you couldn't dance. Every time I'm in your arms I feel safe, when I'm with you I feel like time stops and I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. Tobin my Toby today in front of our friends and family I vow to be the best wife I can be for you. At the end of the day I choose you and only you. I love you"

"The rings" Chris says and D comes up with Diana. Chris grabs the rings and looks to Tobin. "Tobin repeat after me.. I Tobin give you Emily this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you"

"I Tobin give you Emily this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" Tobin says as she places the ring on my finger

"Now Emily repeat after me I Emily give you Tobin this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" Chris says

"I Emily give you Tobin this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" I say as I place the ring on Tobin's finger

"And now by the power vested in me I hereby pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss your bride" Christen says

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Tobin says as she grabs my face and we lean in for a kiss

"Friends and family I present to you for the first time Mrs. and Mrs. Heath" Christen says as Tobin and I face forward

"I love you" Tobin whispers and kisses my hand

"I love you too"

We walked down the aisle together hand in hand. Receiving congratulations.

"Kelley calm down!" I hear Becky say and I turn to look for them. Sure enough Kelley was crying oh no most of them are crying.

"I can't! Look! They're married!"

"Kelley get your act together!"

Oh Kelley you're a mess along with the rest of the girls.

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