scared of losing you - 1

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This os starts from when avneil rescued misti from vidhyut and brought her to khanna mansion.

It's been a month since avneil brought misti to khanna mansion but that was not enough vidhyut kept on threatening neil or other family members.

Neil ignored him as always and appointed a tight security for the family and of course for avni because he knew that vidhyut is more dangerous than his mother and his anger is only for avni.

It's been more hectic for neil, he was quite a busy due to the new case plus new responsibility of misti. Sometimes mishti also demanded a little time from neil. And avneil had no conversation because both were busy in their work. Avni was trying to be with mishti as much as possible so that no danger could harm her. But every wife craves for her husband to be with her right? She was also missing Neil and sometimes thought to go to the police station to spend a tiny little much time but Neil had strictly prohibited her to step outside because vidhyut could harm her he was just waiting for a perfect chance so that he could take his revenge.

One fine day avneil were sleeping peacefully in each other arms. Yesterday night when Neil came late she was already in a deep slumber and he was also tired so he just changed himself in comfortable clothes and took her in his arms forgetting every tension and stress. She is both his weakness and strength. The thought of losing her is enough to break his heart. He just pulled her closer and buried his nose in her hair and drifted into deep slumber promising himself to always protect her.

At present Sun rays peeped into their room through the window. Neil moved his face away to dodge this hot sun rays but it didn't help him at all so finally he woke up and blinked his eyes to clear the vision. His eyes landed on avni who was sleeping resting her head on his chest. Her lips formed in a perfect pout and he felt the sudden urge to peck her pout. He smiled and shakes his head thinking about his imagination. he planted a soft kiss on her forehead and went to washroom placing her head on the pillow carefully. Later he was ready for the day and looked himself in the mirror one last time. Avni was stirring in sleep continuously neil goes close to her and sat beside her caressing her hair and she dozed off immediately. He smiled and went from there kissing her forehead. It's their new normal though they haven't got a chance to spend the time but this small yet precious moments gave them the strength.

After sometime Avni woke up and didn't find neil beside her. she understood he already left for the station and smiled sadly. Nevertheless she got up and freshen up. Getting herself downstairs she got busy in mishti and other works but her mind was somewhere else obviously in her husband's thoughts. And yet again another day passed without each other's glimpse.

Next day, Neil as usual was at police station and khanna family had gone to some relative's marriage. Juhi and misti were at park and avni was alone at home.

She was sitting on the bed and  remembered hers and Neil's moments and a tear escaped from her eyes but she quickly wiped it. Then she heard some voice from downstairs and got alerted. She picked up the vase from table and goes downstairs. With Every step her heart was pounding so loud that any one could hear in that silent house. There were pin drop silence in the house.

She reached in the leaving room and saw darkness all around in whole house then she felt some movement behind the curtains near window. Her heart was beating so loud now and fear engulfed her with the thought that what if its vidhyut.

Avni : ka..kaun he waha?

The person behind the curtains smirked sensing her fear filled voice.

Avni slowly moved towards the curtains taking slow steps. She held the vase more tightly and thought "Neil kaha ho tum please aajao am very scared"

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