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Neil's pov,

Love I don't believe in love. I know after knowing avni's pov you all had started cursing me but it was needed. I know I had hurted a pure soul. I had hide a big thing from everyone, even from avni.

I am an orphan, when I was 10 year  old God snatched my parents my only source of living from me. My dad had feelings for my mom from college days but my grandmother didn't accept my mother as her daughter in low so my parents got married against them. We were in Delhi at that time.

I was happy with my small family. When My grandmother urf bebe came to know about me she forgave my parents and started to live with us. But one day mom, dad & bebe had to go Delhi to meet some relatives who had cancer. I was at My school at that time so they informed our neighbours to look after me.

That day when I reached home, my neighbours told me that my family met with an accident. My whole world turned upside down. I didn't believe them. I was crying & only crying.

After sometimes an ambulance parked outside my house and wardboys took out my parents & bebe's body.

That day was the worst day of my life. I was alone, all alone in this cruel world.
What did I do to God that he gave me this worst punishment.

Time doesn't stop for anyone I somehow passed my 10th & 12th boards. One of our neighbours did a lot to me & ofcource my parents left enough money so that I could survive.

After completing my 12th with 90% I began to search for the job & luckily I got the one. I got the admission in one of the best college. In day time I would go to college & in night time I would do my night shift.

Soon I graduated with distinction. My dream was to become a police officer. So I applied for police training & got selection in the police force.

I got busy in my life solving cases & all, but I was missing my family so much. One day comisnor sir told me that in one college some students were selling drugs to other students & I had to go there for checking if this is true or not.

I made a plan I will go there but as a student so that no one would doubt me.
I gathered information about that college & some students.

Comisner sir informed this to principle & he agreed to us. When I entered in that college I felt something different like my heartbeat raced, I didn't know what was happening to me I guessed I was just nervous. I composed my self & saw some students were doing ragging of a girl I went to them and saw a beautiful girl biting her lips in nervousness. Again my heartbeat started raced to a jet speed. I composed myself and thought to help that girl.

I spoke something in one of the students's ear & they left her. That girl smiled at me and went from there with her friend. She looked so beautiful while smiling. Neil what are you doing? Focus on the mission.

I gained their trust whom were selling drugs & they involved me in their gang. Idiots. They asked me about my family I told them that I am an orphan. Soon everyone came to know about it. I didn't care & that beautiful girl was also in my class. I was happy I don't know why. I got to know her name "Avni" so beautiful just like hers. Again I got lost in her. Soon I realised what I was doing I was attracted towards her that was not good for my mission. I composed my self I don't wanted to fall in this trap of love or whatever.

I began to saw my play boy nature to others so that no one in my gang would doubt on me. They thought they were smart huh in their dreams.

Time flies and one day avni proposed me. I was shocked very very shocked. I didn't want to break her heart so I accepted her proposal. Besides who said no to such a beautiful girl. Again I got distracted from my mission.

We talked on the phone sometimes at night her calm voice gave me peace. My heart wanted to gave a chance to this feeling Love but my mind chided & again I was back to my mission.

I didn't like doing this flirting & all, especially in front of avni. But I had to do that.

I know avni had strong feelings for me, I didn't want that she ruin her life because of me, I am an orphan & will always be.

I had to broke her heart so I started to ignore her but every time i saw her broken face I hated myself more for doing this to her. When ever I would flirt with other girls or with juhi her eyes turned teary. Me apni duties se piche nahi hat sakta I am sorry avni I thought and concentrated on my mission.

I got to know that juhi was also involved in some illegal activities so I started to get close to her so that I could find something about her. But avni's hurt face would never leave out of my mind. She told me that my friends were only using me but I shouted at her with heavy heart because from far the gang were eying on us. I also knew that behind my back they bullied her. I didn't react to this but I promised my self I will give punishment to them. How dare they doing this to my avni. This words shocked me and I realized I love her. From beginning I was attracted towards her but now I know what's this feeling is.

But next second the thought came to my mind that avni would never love me I don't have anyone in this world. Ughh I was so confused about what to do & what not to.

The last day of college came. I didn't talk with avni since 1 month. I decided that after ending this mission I would tell her everything. I made a plan with our team. today evening a farewell party held at club by the gang. We decided to arrest them today. We gathered enough proof to prove them guilty. We had taken a lot time to this mission.

At evening I reached club & saw avni. She was looking beautiful as always. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I diverted my mind and went to my so called gang. As soon as I reached there they hugged me making me feel disgusting. They again made plan to trouble avni. I don't know what was their problem with avni. I composed my self to keep calm. I didn't want to fail our mission. They asked me to broke her heart by kissing juhi. I was shocked they were such a disgusting people. I had no choice other than doing it. My team was on the way but it would take time to reach them here. I couldn't take risk. So with heavy heart I agreed.

From corner of my eyes I saw avni looking at me I grabbed juhi's hand took her outside & did all that drama. No I didn't kiss juhi I can't think about this even in my dreams I only love avni but for the sake of my work I had to do it. She went from there crying after I said to her I didn't love her. I didn't have any courage to stop her I hated myself for this. I closed my eyes tightly letting tears to flow out.

After 1 hour our team reached to the place and told me someone had trapped them on the way that's why they got late. I was right this gang members had doubt on me that's why they done that to avni by me.

Later we pushed them behind the bars including juhi. She was also with them.
That day I tried to call Avni but her phone had been unreachable. As I promised I punished them in a worst way possible for hurting my avni.

I was so tired that day almost whole night I was in police station for the case. I decided to go to avni's house next day and would apologise to her. But I was wrong I got late. When I went to her house next day she was not there. Her friend told me she went somewhere even she didn't know. I tried to calling her but again her phone had been unreachable.
I tried to trake her number but couldn't find her location. May be she had changed  her number.

It's been 4 years I am still finding her. God gave me a punishment for hurting a pure soul. Bas ek baar dikh jao avni please ek baar. I prayed for her safety everyday. My chain of thoughts broke because of my phone rings it was from comisner sir. He told me I have to go Mumbai tomorrow for the security of an actress. I don't know whom. I am not much into this films & all. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

To be continued....

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.

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