Taehyung's ending (2/2)

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Kim Taehyung

"I used to watch you play basketball from here" I said and she turned to face me. " I used to stay to watch you practice."I  said and sucked my Popsicle.  I remember  how cute she was when she used to practice and how much I adored her. 

" I'm sorry for being selfish that day and ask you to run away with me. I know you still love him yet I am pestering you. I am sorry" I said and she stared at me.

" This is my last chance to confess my love for you and I don't want to waste it. I know you still love him but I love you. " I confessed. Even though I know I don't stand a chance, I don't want to regret it.

"If you have feelings for me too; I know that you don't but if you do even if it's 0.0001 percent; I'll be waiting for you in the same place same time on the day of your wedding. If you don't show up I'll move on" I said and walked away.

I know She'll choose him over me and it's already late but 0.0001 hope inside me is still burning. Even it's 0.0001 percent chance I want to bet on it. I want to be with her.

Two days later
Wedding day

Solhee came walking to me. "Let's go its time" She said and led the way to aisle.  Chanyeol oppa took my hand and led me to Sehun.

"You look so beautiful" Sehun complimented me. I couldn't but feel guilty about the thing I was about to do right now.  I am really sorry Sehun-ah, I am just following my heart.

"Let's start the ceremony" Priest said and the our wedding began. 

" Do you Oh Sehun take Park Miso to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" He asked and sehun looked at me before saying "I Do"

"Do you Park Miso take Oh Sehun to be your wedded Husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" Priest repeated the same thing.  I am really sorry Sehun!!! I really am.

"Sehun I am sorry. I can't marry you. I love Taehyung" I said and everyone gasped.

"Miso-" Sehun looked at me.

"I'm sorry Sehun, you are a good guy and I loved you but my feelings for Taehyung are way more stronger and I really really love him. I'm really sorry"  I said and ran towards the gate.

"Miso take this" Solhee said and passed me a car key. I caught it and ran to parking lot. I got inside the car and started driving towards our High school. Wait for me Kim Taehyung, I am coming!!!

Kim Taehyung

Today is 20 October. The day Park Miso is getting married to Oh Sehun. As soon as I woke up, I did my basic routine and drove to our high school. It's Sunday so nobody is at school.

I walked to basketball ground with the probability of 0.0001. The kids from that day were there, playing basketball. I quietly walked and sat next to  HaJun.  

"Oh! Hyung, Anneyong" HaJun greeted and I greeted back.

"Why aren't you playing?" I asked him and he pointed at his sprained ankle.

"OH! Taehyung oppa" Aeri came running to me and others followed.

"Hi kids" I said as they sat.

"Hyung why are you alone? where is Miso noona?" Woobin asked me.

"Getting married" I said and it shocked five of them.

"Really? I thought she was your girlfriend" Haewon said and I gave her a sad smile.

"Come play with us" Yujun said and pulled me with him. I can see this kid trying to cheer me up. Not wanting to disappoint, I played along.

It was 12: 45 and yet Miso didn't show up. I wanted to treat these kids food but if I left and Miso shows up?. So in the end I ordered Tangsuyuk and Jajjangmyeon . After having lunch and hanging out with me, they left for the academy at 5. Miso still didn't show up.

It was already sunset yet Miso didn't show up. I guess this is my cue to move on. Happy married life Park Miso. I hope he'll always keep you happy.

I stood and and walked towards my car. As I was about to get in, a loud voice stopped me.

"Kim Taehyung stop" Miso yelled and came running to me. Tears of joy started falling down my cheeks. I couldn't explain how happy I was.

"I'm so sorry Tae. I was supposed to show up 6 hours ago but some idiot decided to crash into my car. I had to spend four  hours in  police station. After that I was stuck in traffic" She started blabbering but I couldn't hear anything.

The fact that she was here and my hope for probability of 0.0001 won kept me contended. I was so so so happy that I couldn't describe with words.

"I am so happy you're here" I said but my voice cracked and tears of joy started falling down again.

"Don't cry" She said and wiped my tears before tiptoeing to kiss my cheek.

"I am sorry that I am late and I hurt you so many times" She started. " I am sorry you had struggle because I was confused about my feelings" She added and a tear slipped down her eye.

" I am sorry for hurting your feelings, I am sorry for avoiding you just because I wasn't sure about mine. I am really sorry" She wiped her tears and cupped my cheeks.

" I am sorry if I took so much time to say this but I love you Tae. I love you so so so much" She finished and placed her lips on mine, kissing me slowly yet passionately. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her with my everything.

I love you too Park Miso, my everything.

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