Chapter 6

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Timeline : April 2015

Park Miso

Today is last day of 11th grade. Summer vacation is stating from tomorrow.

"So where are you guys going this summer?" Sungjae asked all of us as we were eating lunch.

"I have no plans this summer" Bona said and sighed.

"Why?"Solhee asked her.

"My parents are busy" she said in a bored tone.

"Do you want to join me and Miso in jeju? We are spending whole summer in jeju" Solhee asked bona. Not that I mind spending time with bona in jeju but I thought it was only me and Solhee.

"She can right?" Solhee turned to me confirm and I just forcibly nodded.

"Wait! Babe you never told me you were going jeju" Jackson made me face him. He looked so serious.

"I didn't?" I thought I did.

He shook his head. "must've slipped my mind" I told him rubbing my neck sheepishly.

"I can't live without seeing you for a day, how am I supposed to spend the whole summer?" As soon as Jackson said that sungjae, Jeonghan, Jaebum and jinyoung started gagging.

"You can come with us if you want to" I suggested. "Actually all of you can come if you guys don't have plans" If Solhee already invited bona then why not everyone?

"I can't come. I have to visit Mark Hyung in states"Jaebum said and I just nodded.

"I can't come along as well. I am tagging along with JB" jinyoung gave an apologetic smile.

"I am visiting my Family in Canada so I can't come aswell" Minhee added.

"Anyone else?" I asked the rest but they shook their head.

"Solhee if Jaebum is visiting Mark then shouldn't you visit him too?" I asked Solhee who was busy sipping her coffee milk.

"Nope." She simply shook her head.

"Okay it's final then. Six of us are going jeju tomorrow" Sungjae suddenly shouted out of nowhere and as usual Jeonghan and Jackson joined them.

"Fine I'll book six tickets for tomorrow then" I said but Jeonghan shook his head.

"No! Little Miso. We are going to drive to jeju" Jeonghan said and I hit his head.

"Stop calling me that name" I glared at him.

"Okay I won't call you little Miso" he purposely said that again.

"I hate you so much " I glared at him.

"I love you too" he tried to pull me into hug but Jackson pulled me away.

"Hands off my girls dude" Jackson growled at Jeonghan to which he rolled his eyes.

Next day as per plan we left for jeju. Jeonghan was driving while sungjae was sitting beside him. Since it was 8 seater, I and Jackson were sitting in the middle while Bona and Solhee sat in the back.

After 8 hours of ride we were finally in jeju. Whole road trip was fun except for the fact that bona and Solhee always left me out. Is Solhee now bona's bestfriend more than mine?

Shrugging all those I walked out of the car. Maybe I am overreacting.

It is currently 7 pm and we all are too tired to explore jeju.

After having ramyeon for dinner we all went to our rooms. My grandmother has sufficient rooms for 15 people so we didn't have to share rooms.

Next day I was the last one to wake up. All of them were already having breakfast.

I sat in between Jackson and Solhee. As I was eating breakfast my eyes landed on Bona's cup.

She was using my cup which is couple of Solhee's cup. My grandmother had hobby of pottery so she used to make cups. When we were in 10th grade grandma made it for me and Solhee. It really means a lot to me.

"Bona-ah who gave you that cup?"I asked her as she was muching her fries.

"Solhee did. Why?" As soon as she said that I turned to face Solhee.

"You gave her that cup?" I asked her confirming and she just nodded.

"Yah Im Solhee why did you give her 'that' cup?" I know I sound childish and immature but that cup really means a lot to me. It is last symbol grandma made for me and Solhee.

"Why are you making this a big deal Miso-ah?"She was annoyed. I could tell it from her tone that she was annoyed and it made me more angry.

Not wanting to burst out on her I stood up from the table and walked away to where my feet took me to. I really need to clear my mind.

I was infront of ocean, staring inside the water infront of me .

I don't know why Solhee is behaving like this? Why is she drifting apart? Did I do something wrong to her?

All those questions were revolving around my mind like a tornado. I had no peace inside me.

I am anxious and scared , scared to lose my bestfriend.

I don't know how I should confort her about this? What am I supposed to say? Im Solhee I feel we're drifting apart. Did I do something wrong or is this all in my head?

My mind is a mess and what hurts the most is that Solhee didn't even come looking for me. Are we really drifting apart? Is this really end of our friendship?

I spent the whole day by the sea but still I couldn't clear my head.

When I went back home it was silent. Everyone were sitting in the living room playing with their phones.

Jackson was first one to notice my existence.

"Babe! Where were you? You me worried. And why didn't you pick your phone?" He pulled me into hug, bombarding me with questions.

"I went to clear my head"I said as I  pulled back from the hug.

"And about phone, I forgot it at home" I sheepishly rubbed my neck.

"Yah! Park Miso you could just tell us and go right? Do you know how worried we all were?" Solhee walked towards me and Jackson.

"Since when did you start caring? Last time I checked, you replaced me and found a new bestfriend"I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Stop making up things! I never replaced you" she tried to defend herself.

"Oh! Really then why did you give my cup to Bona? You clearly know that 'our' friendship cup but you still decide to give it to her. Do you even know how much it means to me?" I started crying. My heart. my mind ,my soul, everything is a mess now.

"I think we should give them space" I heard sungjae say and all of them left.

"Why are you making this a big deal Park Miso?" She was clearly annoyed.

"Big deal?" I scoffed at her. " It might be nothing for you but it really means a lot to me Solhee. Those cups symbolizes out friendship and if you give my cup to others what am I suppose to feel? You tell me?"

"Do you even know why I started hanging out with Bona more than you? Because you had no time for me. From last few months you always cancel our plans because you have date with Jackson. Do you even know I feel? Whenever I need you, you are busy with Jackson. Not that I have problem with you dating Jackson but that doesn't mean you can leave me out!" Her voice broke and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

How can I not notice that? How could I second prioritize my best friend? How insensitive of me.

"I am so sorry Solhee-ah, how could I be so selfish? How could I not see you were lonely? I am so sorry" I cried and pulled her into a hug.

"I am sorry for being insensitive too" she apologized Hugging me back.

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